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This was an incredible journey of self discovery. Thank you Melissa for the support and loving guidance you have provided from when I started right until the completion of this course. I gained the confidence and the knowledge I needed to become the person I have always wanted to be. I highly recommend this course to aspiring as well as professional healers who wish to learn Reike to compliment their current mode of healing.
Hello! My name is Cheryl Jiala Driskell.  I am an author, intuitive counselor and energy therapist, R.I.N., and the Master Reiki Teacher who has written the CSNSD's Reiki Programming.  I have taken my role very seriously in my development of the Reiki courses I, II & III (teacher level).  I have also been in large part the creator of the Registered Integrative Naturotherapist level whereby the Reiki teacher can extend their training to include this additional designation. With this they will have more skills that are invaluable when working with clients/patients in holistic care centres, nursing homes, hospices, spas, hospitals, senior residences etc. We are taking our Reiki Teachers to a new level of excellence!  It is our belief that one day Reiki will be used in all of those venues and that our training should begin now to prepare our excellent and well-trained Teachers for this inevitability.  We are training Reiki Pioneers!  
When you are healing somebody, you are just removing the sick energy and replacing it with Universal energy (this is good energy that makes you feel good and happy). By using Reiki you will never do this transfer directly, but indirectly. This indirection will protect you from getting any sickness from any patients. Other healing methods work by making this energy exchange directly, therefore exposing themselves to the risk of getting these diseases, sometimes even permanently. My recommendation is to stay away from those energy healing methods and stick to Reiki.
I have had the opportunity to look into some free Reiki courses, please check this style of Reiki out as she offers a free course in Reiki and then if your into it you can join her in the full learning of this energy modality THE GREAT thing about this style is that she has not separated it into levels and it is taught as it was intended before it was changed for the western world.
This online training course offers students the opportunity to study course information whenever and wherever it is convenient. You can access course material 24 hours a day and study at a pace that is comfortable for you. Many people who take this course are still able to work a full-time job while they study, which allows them to easily achieve their goals of learning about reiki.
Think of yourself as a hollow pipe left in the river. As long as the water fills up the insides of the pipe, you are healthy and happy. Negativities, like dirt and grime, settle layer upon layer inside the pipe, slowly reducing the flow of water and eventually clogging it up completely. When this happens to your channel of energy, you find it difficult to be what you were always meant to be - healthy.

Honestly, I didn’t know what to expect. I had been teaching telepathic interspecies communication online and distance for years, and I knew that one of the wonderful benefits of Reiki is that it can be practiced at a distance. I was confident that I could create a distance learning environment that would give people the training and the tools that they needed to become competent Reiki practitioners.
If you want to learn crystal reiki healing, check out this course. If you're completely new and want a solid introduction course, check out this one. If you're looking to become a Reiki teacher, check out this one. If you want to learn self-healing, check out this course. If you're looking to practice Reiki on family members and friends, check out this option. 

We include a range of original and non-original symbols on the course, though we don’t want overemphasise the use of symbols, because we believe that they have assumed an unnecessary importance within the world of western Reiki. The symbols that you learn on the Master course allow you to send Reiki to heal at the soul level, produce balance in an instant, deal with aspects of karma, and focus energy intensely on the mind or the emotions. During the Master course you will be ‘attuned’ to these symbols:

The basic effect of the Reiki Master attunements is to fully open up your energy system to Reiki, causing a significant increase in the flow of healing energy. This increases the effectiveness of your treatments beyond that achieved at Second Degree level. On top of this, you are attuned to further symbols, and learn additional techniques, enabling you to treat others more effectively, pass on the Reiki ability to others, and fully experience the flow of Reiki through your being.
When there are financial limitations, the advantages of a one-time investment in learning to practice Reiki self-care over paying for repeated sessions are obvious. When there is illness in a family and it is no longer feasible for the patient to self-treat, one or more family members can learn First degree (hands-on) Reiki and treat the patient (and other family members) as well as themselves.
Next we looked at the Crystal Reiki Master/Teacher Certification course which is designed to show you the differences between Crystal Reiki and Traditional Reiki. This type of therapy involves crystals and is designed to help you become a certified master of this technique. Students say this course is a wonderful addition to traditional Reiki and that the information is thorough and well put together (Source).
Reiki Solas is an advanced spiritual practice that involves awakening of the 10 major chakras and includes full and proper activation of the kundalini energy, otherwise known as Shaktipat, and is available over 10 levels. The Reiki Courses for levels 1 to 4 are currently available and Level 5 is now in production. Reiki Courses levels 6 to 10 will be launched in due course. From Reiki Solas Level 5 onward the training focuses more on kundalini energy channelling, guided meditation, prayer/intention, and activation and use of the higher Divine chakras above the crown chakra. Get The Full Course Now for a taste of what's on offer and to view the full course curriculum. If you would like more information on Reiki, check out my article on The Reiki Facts. I very much look forward to training and guiding you with your new Reiki courses! Love & Blessings, Ricky.
This course is registered with the CMA (Complementary Medical Association), which is internationally recognised as the elite force in professional, ethical complementary medicine by professional practitioners, doctors and, increasingly, by the general public. Upon completion of the course you can gain membership to the CMA, which in addition to supplying a professional accreditation, offers a number of benefits, all of which can be found here.