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Reiki is a sacred practice that requires reverence and our greatest respect if we are to experience its most wonderful value. The benefits of Reiki can be all encompassing, not only giving us the ability to heal ourselves and others, which by itself is deeply meaningful, but also bringing guidance for our lives. Its unlimited nature can create opportunities for continual growth, unfoldment and the awakening of our own boundless potential. The ever increasing joy, peace and abundance that await those who sincerely pursue the path of Reiki are not only a blessing to be enjoyed, but also contain the healing that the planet so dearly needs. Those who have been initiated into Reiki often feel this greater potential and aspire to continue on to the Advanced and Master levels.
The duration of a Reiki treatment depends on the magnitude of the problem. For small problems like common colds, fever, sinusitis, etc, between 4 to 7 days is recommended. For long standing or chronic problems like skin diseases, allergies, arthritis, diabetes, cancer, etc, a minimum of 21 days healing is suggested, and if needed, another 21 days of healing after 3 months.

The Second level enables a healer to send Reiki across time and space. By time, we mean that Reiki can be sent to past or future events, for eg. a hurtful event in the past, or an interview in the future. By space, we mean that the patient could be half-way across the world from the healer, and still receive Reiki healing. Time and space do not limit Reiki.

Stage 8 This stage is all about Reiju empowerments. You will learn how to give Reiju, and you will practise carrying it out. Then you will learn how give Reiju at different levels, and practise doing this. Finally you will learn how to carry out self-empowerments, and practise these for yourself. It will take about 7 hours to carry out these various tasks, over 7 days.
When there are financial limitations, the advantages of a one-time investment in learning to practice Reiki self-care over paying for repeated sessions are obvious. When there is illness in a family and it is no longer feasible for the patient to self-treat, one or more family members can learn First degree (hands-on) Reiki and treat the patient (and other family members) as well as themselves.
I am in tears realizing this beautiful course is over. I have been through so much and if it wasn’t for Melissa, her kind words, and teaching me how to connect with the Divine, I truly dont know where I’d be right now. Thank you so much, Melissa. I am beyond grateful. You’re the best teacher I have ever had. I highly recommend you and this course. Best thing I have ever decided to do. Love and Light to you, beautiful.
Now, individuals throughout the world can learn about Reiki, take all three levels of courses and become skilled and knowledgeable at treating themselves and others. For those students who wish to, they can complete the Reiki Master Course which allows them to teach and learn to connect others to the Reiki Source. Marion is proud to state that she enjoys keeping in contact with her Reiki students even after their courses have been completed.

The goal of this Reiki course is to show you how to activate Reiki and give treatments to yourself and others, as well as how to upgrade your energy, release blocks and master the power of manifestation. Designed by Shannon Nicole, Master energy practitioner, the course is said to be of much assistance in learning how to perform attunements on others. This online drawing course seems like a good choice for those who have a general understanding of energy healing and metaphysical practices.
We include a range of original and non-original symbols on the course, though we don’t want overemphasise the use of symbols, because we believe that they have assumed an unnecessary importance within the world of western Reiki. The symbols that you learn on the Master course allow you to send Reiki to heal at the soul level, produce balance in an instant, deal with aspects of karma, and focus energy intensely on the mind or the emotions. During the Master course you will be ‘attuned’ to these symbols:
One of the most important, yet least explained, benefits of Reiki is its ability to guide your life in a way that is exactly right for you. When you focus Reiki on difficult situations in your life, guidance about what to do comes more easily. Or it may inspire a change in attitude or belief about your situation. Suddenly, you see your condition from a fresh perspective, one which reveals a previously unseen course of action leading to a more positive result. - William Lee Rand
12. By receiving an attunement you will become part of a group of people who are using Reiki to heal themselves, and each other, and who are working together to heal the Earth. You will also be receiving help from Reiki guides and other spiritual beings who are also working towards these goals. While Reiki is not a religion, you may prepare your mind with intention work and pray in a religious mode comfortable to you to prepare to open to higher spiritual energies and experiences.
Stage 7 This stage is all about Western attunements. You will be learning how to carry out a Second Degree attunement, and you will practise carrying it out. Then you will learn how to carry out a Western Master attunement. Finally you will learn how to carry out the First Degree attunements. It will take about 8 hours to carry out these various tasks, over 7 days.
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“The Manual was simply excellent. Your thoughtful approach, the easy informal style made the reading and re-reading a pleasure rather than a chore. I have searched and read so many books on Reiki to find the truth – it is all here and waiting for everyone. The various photo sequences were excellent. I continue to refer to the manual and continue to learn from it.”

Before I took Reiki I was spiritually healing at times and did some training in 2000 at my local spirituals church as a trainee healer. However Reiki really appealed to me much more so, and I love it! I found Reiki attunements really helped in the reconnection to the life force energy and it has much more in depth teachings, to aid the student progression through the different levels of Reiki, for a much deeper understanding of how it works and how best to use and apply it.
Reiki is a pure form of healing not dependent on individual talent or acquired ability. One can practice Reiki anytime, anywhere and any place.The Reiki attunement is a powerful spiritual experience. The attunement energies are channeled into the learner through the Reiki Master. The process is guided by the Rei or Spirit-consciousness and makes adjustments in the process depending on the needs of each learner. The attunement is also attended by Reiki guides and other spiritual beings who help implement the process.
This was such a blessing. I came across this course when looking for a teacher so I feel it was meant to be. I highly recommend this course as Melissa makes things so easy to comprehend and is always available to answer any questions you have. I’m still developing the skills I’ve learnt but I am so grateful knowing that Melissa is there to guide and mentor along the journey. Thank you so much.
Reiki Solas is an advanced spiritual practice that involves awakening of the 10 major chakras and includes full and proper activation of the kundalini energy, otherwise known as Shaktipat, and is available over 10 levels. The Reiki Courses for levels 1 to 4 are currently available and Level 5 is now in production. Reiki Courses levels 6 to 10 will be launched in due course. From Reiki Solas Level 5 onward the training focuses more on kundalini energy channelling, guided meditation, prayer/intention, and activation and use of the higher Divine chakras above the crown chakra. Get The Full Course Now for a taste of what's on offer and to view the full course curriculum. If you would like more information on Reiki, check out my article on The Reiki Facts. I very much look forward to training and guiding you with your new Reiki courses! Love & Blessings, Ricky.
I am passionate about health and wellness and helping others find natural ways to support their body, mind and spirit. I have been teaching Reiki and alternative wellness for the past 17 years and have been able to share these gifts with thousands of students. It is important to me that my work makes a positive difference in the world and I strive to provide positive and meaningful experiences for my students as they embrace their full potential and power.

Learning Reiki is a good starting point for experiencing and working with healing energy and a wonderful method for deepening awareness of universal energy. In general, Reiki complements other healing methods and spiritual practices. There are no hard and fast rules about how to approach starting Reiki and starting healing. Again, listen to your heart and you will be guided in choosing the right experiences and teacher(s) for you.

Within easy reach of Amersham, Aylesbury, Ascot, Beaconsfield, Bourne End, Bracknell, Bray, Chesham, Cookham, Chalfont St Peter, Flackwell Heath, Gerrards Cross, Great Missenden, Hazlemere, Henley-On-Thames, Holmer Green, Maidenhead, Marlow, Princes Risborough, Prestwood, Reading, Stokenchurch, Taplow, Twyford, Thame, Tring, Wendover, Watlington, Windsor & Wooburn Green.
The Reiki attunement can start a cleansing process that affects the physical body as well as the mind and emotions. Toxins that have been stored in the body may be released along with feelings and thought patterns that are no longer useful. Therefore, a process of purification prior to the attunement is recommended to improve the benefit one receives. The instructions on preparing for an attunement is as:-
Within easy reach of Amersham, Aylesbury, Ascot, Beaconsfield, Bourne End, Bracknell, Berkshire, Buckinghamshire, Chesham, Cookham, Gerrards Cross, Great Missenden, Hazlemere, Henley, Hemel Hempstead, Holmer Green, Hertfordshire, Maidenhead, Marlow, Princes Risborough, Prestwood, Oxfordshire, Reading, Thame, Taplow, Surrey, Wendover, Watford, Watlington & Windsor.
I was able to meditate for a half hour before receiving my attunement, and I felt ready to receive the Reiki Melissa sent, but I had no idea it would be so powerful. It was late at night and everyone was sleeping but me, and right away my hands became hotter than they ever have. My entire body began buzzing. I closed my eyes to tune into the energy and attunement, and I could see the different symbols swirling around my head. Each had its own color, and as they entered my crown, I felt another jolt of peace and energy. Once all five were in my crown, my hands started to vibrate. Each symbol came yet again, this time entering each palm. My hands became hotter and hotter, and my entire body started to sing. Of all the attunements I’ve received, this was by far the most powerful and clear. As she cleared my chakras, I felt my body unravel and the stress lift. Everything was at peace.
This was a beautiful course. I took Reiki I in an in person class setting and decided to try Melissa’s course. I am a very visual learner and I was delighted when Melissa let me embrace my clairvoyance. This course is filled with information, her warm soft voice and her beautiful hand movements she uses during her Reiki sessions were soft, elegant, filled with love, and super inspiring. Thank you Melissa I cannot wait until my Attunement on the 11th 🙂
Find the true image of the life you were meant to live thanks to the Original Reiki Master Mikao Usui! Your energy may flow freely...and your consciousness may change as you become one with your new healing power... and my friend I will tell you...this experience is going to help you unfold an incredible part of the beautiful concept of "you" that you never knew existed!
The courses were wonderful; I learned so much. I have so much gratitude to Lisa and the lineage (that I'm now a part of) for transmitting these teachings. AND, as a Reiki Master/Teacher I feel like my study has just begun (which I am pretty excited about)! There are so many resources, and resources to resources that it won't be difficult. Lisa has given us a wonderful gift. If you decide to go on this journey, may the love and light of Reiki bring you joy, peace and healing.