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Learn Reiki self care online with me in an interactive live training that is as close as possible to being here in the room together. The sessions will be recorded and available to everyone who registers and attends the live event to use for review. You’ll be able to ask questions during our live gatherings and also on the private page where you can review the recordings.
Upon first meeting our tutor she made me feel completely relaxed and she had a calm and peaceful air about her which rubbed off on you straight away….she has a wonderful teaching manner that was most captivating and she held your undivided attention throughout. She made me feel completely safe during my attunement and her care and nurture was a perfect balance. I was lucky that there was only me and one other student, so we had more time with the tutor on a personal level.
Once you have completed this course you can join the Reiki and Seichem Association. You can also add this therapy to you existing insurance policy. Alternatively if you do not have insurance your tutor will be able to give you details on how to obtain the appropriate cover. You will then be able to use your newly acquired technique, be able to charge and practice on the general public.
In addition, be sure to ask about the Reiki master's teaching experience and classes (scheduling, fee, etc). And finally, ask what opportunities the Reiki master offers for continued mentoring and group practice. Choose your Reiki master carefully, looking not only for a teacher who has the qualifications you want, but also for one with whom you feel a rapport.
We have developed a course of more than 1200 hours of training such that our Reiki graduates can be considered for positions in the professional health and spa communities and eventually gain access to insurance receipts for this work. This is an ongoing challenge that we will be a part of trying to achieve on behalf of Reiki Practitioners and Teachers in the future.
The British Academy of Reiki offers courses in First Degree, Second Degree and Master/Teacher Level Reiki, along with a very popular Crystal Healing course, based at our venue in Ashby De La Zouch, Leicestershire, UK. If you are unable to attend this venue we also offer the opportunity for distant learning Reiki courses. Contact me today and take the next step in your Reiki journey.

The Reiki attunement can start a cleansing process that affects the physical body as well as the mind and emotions. Toxins that have been stored in the body may be released along with feelings and thought patterns that are no longer useful. Therefore, a process of purification prior to the attunement is recommended to improve the benefit one receives. The instructions on preparing for an attunement is as:-

“Many thanks for guiding me through such a rich and full course. I was very impressed by the quality of the materials in particular the attunements section. You managed to break down a complex procedure into understandable and memorable steps and repeating across different media and formats really helped the learning process.” Clare Ewins, West Sussex
When I first became a Reiki Master Teacher, I agreed to use my Reiki in whatever way would best help this planet and all life on it. I started this Reiki website and began to teach in-person Reiki classes throughout Southern California and Big Sur. I loved it, but found myself wanting to reach all the people around the world who emailed me and wanted to learn Reiki but couldn’t physically come to my classes.
Heaps of people offer Reiki courses at hundreds if not thousands of dollars and the ability to heal another soul is a gift every soul on the planet should have and use for the benefit of our planet. This course is the real deal run by a fellow light worker, as a profession I work as Career Fire Fighter and I am a Station Officer and also a volunteer Fire Fighter, My Mum worked in the hospital for 25+ Years and my and her whole life interests have been in helping others.
Melissa your Reiki Master is amazing. Her course is for anyone from the beginner to people who work with energy on a regular basis. The course is set to work at your own pace and Melissa is always there if you need her. She is very understanding, honest, and no question is too trivial. I have been studying the Reiki Healer course now for a month and am ready to hand in my work. I loved it so much I practised every day. I have healed myself and that was my main aim of doing this course. Thank you Melissa.

Secondly, we are a school of universality and are open to anyone anywhere who is truly seeking self-healing or support for those around them, as such our online training can reach individuals who are: homebound with illness or agoraphobia, socially anxious, in beds or wheel chairs with no access to a Reiki teaching class, living far from the larger towns without holistic services, wanting to study in private, or so busy as parents or employees that they can’t find time to study until late at night or early morning.
Each Reiki Evolution RMT home study course is accompanied by this 370 page book, written by Taggart. You’ll find a wealth of advice about how to set up and run your Reiki courses: read articles about planning and structuring your courses; find out how to explain things to students in a way that honours their learning preferences and personality types; discover how to create top quality course materials and how to support your students long-term.

This online Reiki course is suitable for those who want to learn how to harness energy healing for themselves, family, friends, pets, and animals. The founder of the course, Melissa Crowhurst, states that the lessons give powerful insights into how to take care of your mind, body, and soul, as well as into methods of attracting loving energy and abundance into your life. This course could be a good choice if you want to learn how to send attunements via distance healing to loved ones and clients.

The joys of becoming a Reiki Master are many and you don't necessarily have to teach in order for the Master training to be useful. The additional healing energy, symbols, techniques and knowledge will add value to your healing abilities. Treating yourself, giving yourself and others healing attunements and treating others in person and at a distance will all be noticeably improved. The fact that you can pass Reiki on to friends and family is also a definite plus. Many take the Master training with just this in mind. However, if you ever decide to formally teach, you will be able to do so. As each person takes the Reiki Master training, and increases their personal vibration, this adds to the vibration of the whole planet!
You can! Well, you need to have taken First and Second Degree already, and we recommend that you leave at least six months between your Second Degree and Master Teacher courses. This gives you a chance to get grips with, and practise, what you learned. It’s not a race! And if you’re coming from a different lineage, that’s no problem: we’ll send you downloads of our First and Second Degree course materials for free!
I am in tears realizing this beautiful course is over. I have been through so much and if it wasn’t for Melissa, her kind words, and teaching me how to connect with the Divine, I truly dont know where I’d be right now. Thank you so much, Melissa. I am beyond grateful. You’re the best teacher I have ever had. I highly recommend you and this course. Best thing I have ever decided to do. Love and Light to you, beautiful.

Melissa’s Reiki course is outstanding! She designed very detailed lessons that are user-friendly, thorough, and practical to learn. Everything flowed with ease throughout the course! Melissa offers her philosophy of the Reiki path, and I deeply resonate with her teachings. She has an extremely caring presence that radiates to you even though this is a distance course. I highly recommend her courses! This is essential for anyone who is on a healing path! It was truly a pleasure:).
Becoming a Reiki Master involves the introduction to another, very strong Symbol. With this Master Symbol you will feel completely integrated with your inner-self. You will also learn to perform the Heart Attunement on yourself and on others. From this stable platform you will be able to introduce others to the practice of Reiki and advance to Reiki Teachership.
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When you are healing somebody, you are just removing the sick energy and replacing it with Universal energy (this is good energy that makes you feel good and happy). By using Reiki you will never do this transfer directly, but indirectly. This indirection will protect you from getting any sickness from any patients. Other healing methods work by making this energy exchange directly, therefore exposing themselves to the risk of getting these diseases, sometimes even permanently. My recommendation is to stay away from those energy healing methods and stick to Reiki.