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“Lisa is a wonderful instructor. The Reiki course she has created is nothing short of life-changing. Her energy is soothing and friendly, and the way she teaches each lesson is very easy to digest, and unintimidating. My life is greatly improved since taking this course, and I can't recommend enough, that you give it a try too. I am so excited about my new life with Reiki. Thanks Lisa!”

“This course was amazing – in depth, explicit and diverse. Extremely well supported by the written word, audio, visuals and e-mail.” Carol Gunn, Hampshire  “To start with I was unsure whether a home study course would be as beneficial as attending a course in person. But this course has more than exceeded my expectations. The manual is so comprehensive and easy to read, it’s more of a pleasure to read rather than a course manual. Along with the CDs it is very easy to work through and follow the detailed instructions for each section. I liked being able to report back after each section and awaiting Taggart’s quick e-mail response. I am sure that by working through the energy practices at your own speed has actually strengthened the use of the energy in everyday practice. By being able to do this at your own speed takes the pressure off, whereas if you attended a course with a set timetable you have to work at the speed of everyone else.” Melanie Perry, West Sussex  “All questions I asked were responded to quickly and with accurate information and it is easy to tell that Taggart is very well informed and passionate about Reiki. I thought the whole of the home study course was amazing, it is very well presented and easy to read and follow. I liked the fact that it gave me the flexibility to study around my accountancy exams and full time work.” Niki Leach, Tyne and Wear  “Excellent. Very personal, very inspiring, and always encouraging. You are a natural! Okay I had to wait a few times for the feedback, but if I hadn’t set out to do a ‘war and peace’ job on my feedback I would have got a quicker response. The feedback was always welcome, and always useful.” Jon O’Neill, Nottinghamshire  “Your support was as if you were by my side, encouraging and reminding.” Susan Robinson, County Durham  “The support was excellent. it was great to be able to email thoughts and questions and know that I would get an honest reply, some positive feedback and some pointers to improve my practice. I don’t know how you manage this, considering the number of students you have and all the other things that you develop! I think that the structured approach to the distant learning course, with feedback at each stage is so beneficial, compared to learning everything in a weekend and then only approaching the Reiki Master if you are struggling with something.” Lucy Wilkinson, West Yorkshire

By having on CDs the main things that are said to you on the day course, you are focused on the important themes of the course before you arrive for your two days of live training, and you can ‘take your course home with you’ to review once you have returned home, and during the following weeks and months after the course. You won’t forget what you were told on the course because it is all there for you in black and white in the manual, you can hear it on the audio CDs and watch it on the DVD at home!
Finally, we reviewed the Reiki Level I, II and Master Teacher Program, which gives the students the tools they need to be a certified Traditional Usui Reiki practitioner/instructor. The Usui system is a healing practice focused on self healing. This course will enable students to heal themselves and experience personal growth. As with many other Udemy Reiki courses, this one is highly rated among participants and praised the instructor for offering clear, concise and easy to follow instructions (Source).
The process of ‘attunement’ or initiation is what sets Reiki apart from other modalities of healing. Other forms of healing can be done intuitively or by someone who is ‘gifted’. This is not the case with Reiki; it can be learned by anyone. The attunement process enables all students who go through learning and initiation into Reiki to practice and give healing if they wish to. However, some students simply wish to take the learning and attunements for themselves and their own spiritual growth. This powerful course is split into parts Reiki 1 & Reiki 2 levels, it will give you all the tools you need to learn how to transfer this healing energy to help others, should you wish to do so and to use it in your own life too.
"Open honest Reiki training. Excellent in focusing on Usui traditional Reiki and explaining the differences between Reiki. Attunement into Reiki Masters was a wonderful experience. The trip up Mount Kurama unforgettable. What made it great was the connection between the people and the course. Diverse backgrounds yet so kind, considerate and welcoming."
Receiving attunements/reiju: Students are more or less sensitive to energy, especially as a beginner Reiki student, and will often feel and notice physical, mental, and emotional sensations during the attunement more easily with their Reiki teacher right in front of them performing the attunement. (It also helps their linear mind to trust that something is happening!)

The duration of a Reiki treatment depends on the magnitude of the problem. For small problems like common colds, fever, sinusitis, etc, between 4 to 7 days is recommended. For long standing or chronic problems like skin diseases, allergies, arthritis, diabetes, cancer, etc, a minimum of 21 days healing is suggested, and if needed, another 21 days of healing after 3 months.
The Reiki Master Level is the Teacher's Level - you, a Reiki Practitioner, receive the energetic and practical knowledge which allows you to attune others to Reiki. Many Reiki Master students may decide not to teach, however, by undertaking a Reiki Master Course you are also furthering your commitment to Reiki as a spiritual practice to assist you in your healing, growth and development. For this reason an ample amount of time should pass between Reiki 2 and this course. 

Reiki training can be quite emotional and intense, that is why all my Reiki training is conducted in small groups or 'one-on-one'. Also, as my student I guarantee your comfort and well-being. I will always be there for you if you need me. I carry out debriefings and follow-up meetings and/or online conferences with all my students as part of the training package.

When teaching Reiki to others, it is important to set a good example by being an authentic representative of Reiki energy. People cannot be so easily fooled by surface spirituality now. They want and need a real teacher who comes from experience and is working on her/his own deep healing. This requires one to meditate on the nature of Reiki energy and surrender to it. It is a continual process of working with all aspects of ones being that are out of step with Reiki energy and allowing those aspects to be healed by Reiki energy. We must seek to develop and express the qualities of love, compassion, wisdom, justice, cooperation, humility, persistence, kindness, courage, strength, and abundance as Reiki energy is all of these and more. It may seem paradoxical, but it is true that a true Reiki Master is one who is always becoming a Reiki Master. Like life itself, it is a process of continual growth.
The Reiki attunement can start a cleansing process that affects the physical body as well as the mind and emotions. Toxins that have been stored in the body may be released along with feelings and thought patterns that are no longer useful. Therefore, a process of purification prior to the attunement is recommended to improve the benefit one receives. See below for specific instructions on preparing for an attunement.

Stage 3 This stage is all about becoming familiar with the new symbols that we cover on the Master course. Firstly you will receive a distant Master attunement. Then you will learn to become familiar with the characteristic energies of the two ‘Master’ symbols, and some other symbols, and you will learn how to use the symbols in practice. Finally you will learn how you can, with time, move beyond the symbols to access their energies direct. It will take about 10 hours to carry out these various tasks, over 10 days.
Stage 3	This stage is all about becoming familiar with the new symbols that we cover on the Master course. Firstly you will receive a distant Master attunement. Then you will learn to become familiar with the characteristic energies of the two ‘Master’ symbols, and some other symbols, and you will learn how to use the symbols in practice. Finally you will learn how you can, with time, move beyond the symbols to access their energies direct. It will take about 10 hours to carry out these various tasks, over 10 days.

I just completed Melissa's Reiki Level I, II and Master Certification. An amazing learning experience with Melissa's guidance. The materials were extremely easy to follow and the flow was well organized/structured. Melissa is calm, encouraging and sincere .. a beautiful soul with a big heart to give and share. This is life changing and I am committed to practice the 5 Reiki principles. Thanks so much Melissa xo
Reiki is a sacred practice that requires reverence and our greatest respect if we are to experience its most wonderful value. The benefits of Reiki can be all encompassing, not only giving us the ability to heal ourselves and others, which by itself is deeply meaningful, but also bringing guidance for our lives. Its unlimited nature can create opportunities for continual growth, unfoldment and the awakening of our own boundless potential. The ever increasing joy, peace and abundance that await those who sincerely pursue the path of Reiki are not only a blessing to be enjoyed, but also contain the healing that the planet so dearly needs. Those who have been initiated into Reiki often feel this greater potential and aspire to continue on to the Advanced and Master levels.
I am so blessed to have done this course it has been an amazing journey. Melissa is such a wonderful teacher it is like she is with you the whole step of the way and I love that Melissa is so passionate and respectful. Melissa’s videos are fantastic and I feel that have grown so much the first time that I felt reiki energy was phenomenal and I was astounded then I had friends and family come over and each attunement was beautiful and I felt the reiki energy stronger every time to the point my friends could feel it strongly. I would highly recommend this course thank you so much Melissa you have changed my life I am so happy and content.
The Western-style attunement process is not the only way to convey the Reiki ability to students. The Reiki Evolution Master Teacher course also includes training in the ‘Reiju’ empowerment process that has been passed to us by Usui Sensei’s surviving students. Reiju empowerments represent a wonderful, simple, elegant, powerful and inspiring method that can be used as alternatives to the Western-style attunements at all levels. We also consider the use of distant attunements and empowerments, explore different methods that can be used to empower the self, and students will practise these variations as part of their training with us.

The heights of experience you gain by moving on to the next level which is Reiki level 2 includes a more in-depth experience with the ki which furthers your spiritual development and your self-healing practice, as the Reiki symbols will be taught to you. In this level, the knowledge that will help you to give others(whether in person or distant) the Reiki treatment will be explained to you. It is generally advised that you wait a couple of months from your first level attunement before you move into the second.
I teach from two main Reiki lineages - the Western and Japanese teachings which both originate from Mikao Usui. Learning from two lineages - Usui Shiki Ryoho & Usui Reiki Ryoho will give you a broad, balanced and authentic view of the system of Reiki. The key to understanding Reiki is to experience and practically apply the energy. For this reason our Reiki 1 & Reiki 2 courses are taught over 2 days each (14 contact hours). Unlike shorter, 1 day Reiki courses or Reiki 1 & 2 weekends - this allows ample time for practice, questions and understanding Reiki theory, history & philosophy. This enables you to feel confident and empowered in using Reiki at every level.

Stage 6 This stage is all about seeing what is possible: pushing the barriers, moving beyond self-imposed limitations. You will start by receiving another Western Master attunement. Then we will carry out a number of exercises to see what is possible. We will also consider a range of non-Reiki techniques that have been added into Reiki over the years. It will take about 7 hours to carry out these various tasks, over 7 days.
I am in LOVE with this course. Not only is it packed with lots of information to guide you toward understanding and appreciating Reiki, but it’s also highly inspiring and transformative! All of the lectures are really special. I love how focused they are. Every piece of information being delivered is very powerful and eye-opening! I feel more energized and clear-minded since taking the course. I’m very in tune with my body in a way that I’ve never been before. And I feel more connected to the people and the world around me. I’m excited to go deeper in using all that I’ve learned! This course has been a major blessing in my life!