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Practicing in person with your fellow students also provides immediate feedback. In my Reiki workshops, I always have students practice with each other more than once and with different students, so you get a sense of working with different people’s energy. Our individual energy is an imprint unique and distinct to each of us (and it’s one of the things I love about my work, noticing the beautiful differences from client to client, student to student.)
Let me start by saying technology can be a wonderful thing. I am a big fan of the ways it allows us to connect across continents, time zones, and cultures, and it definitely has its place for learning—more on this below. However, I think there are huge benefits to learning Reiki at an in-person training, and I discuss the powerful ways this differs from Reiki training online so you can decide for yourself where to learn Reiki.
Our approach is to view Reiki as primarily a self-development, spiritual development and self-healing method and this is particularly so at Master Teacher level. While we do deal with the treatment of others comprehensively on this course, we do not lose sight of the fact that Reiki is about self-development first, and the treatment of others second. So we echo the original system that Reiki’s founder taught by rooting your practice in personal energy work. You will learn to enhance and deepen your self-healing by getting to grips with and fully assimilating the energies of the kotodama, by working to develop your Tanden and by learning to empower yourself regularly. By the end of your course you will know how to – in effect – give yourself a Master attunement every day. This is a powerful activity that will really move you on spiritually and in terms of self-healing.

“I am really pleased that I did the course. The course has exceeded my expectations, I feel that I have learnt some really fundamental things about energy work that give me confidence to apply the learning myself. I think some of the elements of the original methods – particularly Reiju empowerments, kotodama, and the concept of Earth energy and Heavenly energy are so beautiful and simple that they take my understanding of Reiki to a higher, more spiritual level – and I am quite an “earthly” person, so I didn’t expect that! Thank you.” Lucy Wilkinson, West Yorkshire
This course is advertised on reed.co.uk by the Course Provider, whose terms and conditions apply. Purchases are made directly from the Course Provider, and as such, content and materials are supplied by the Course Provider directly. Reed is acting as agent and not reseller in relation to this course. Reed's only responsibility is to facilitate your payment for the course. It is your responsibility to review and agree to the Course Provider's terms and conditions and satisfy yourself as to the suitability of the course you intend to purchase. Reed will not have any responsibility for the content of the course and/or associated materials.
I teach from two main Reiki lineages - the Western and Japanese teachings which both originate from Mikao Usui. Learning from two lineages - Usui Shiki Ryoho & Usui Reiki Ryoho will give you a broad, balanced and authentic view of the system of Reiki. The key to understanding Reiki is to experience and practically apply the energy. For this reason our Reiki 1 & Reiki 2 courses are taught over 2 days each (14 contact hours). Unlike shorter, 1 day Reiki courses or Reiki 1 & 2 weekends - this allows ample time for practice, questions and understanding Reiki theory, history & philosophy. This enables you to feel confident and empowered in using Reiki at every level.
Stage 4 This week is all about becoming familiar with Shinto mantras that predate the use of symbols within Reiki, mantras used by the majority of Usui Sensei’s students to experience the energies taught at Second Degree and Master levels. Firstly you will receive distant empowerments for each of the four energies. Then you will be chanting and meditating on the four kotodama energies. You will move on to compare their energies with the energies of the four corresponding Reiki symbols. Finally you will use them in practice when treating and when carrying out distant healing. It will take about 10 hours to carry out these various tasks, over 10 days.
the practice of Reiki, the third level is often broken down into two or sometimes three distinct parts. I choose to teach Master level in two stages, Reiki 3a (Master Reiki Practitioner) and Reiki 3b (Master Reiki Teacher). The beauty of this is not everyone feels their life purpose is to teach Reiki, but they would like to have an even greater understanding of the Reiki system and learn the skills available in Reiki 3a.

We begin the course by considering the different ways that we can experience different aspects of the energy: using symbols, using sacred Shinto mantras called Kotodama, and using pure intent. We put this in the context of the original system that Mikao Usui taught and show how energies can be used when working on the self and when working on other people.

Have you experienced -you picked your phone to call someone and his/her phone rings even before you can dial the number ? How does it happen, It is "thought energy", distance does not matter, similarly Reiki is a Healing energy which can do miracle in your life..Request Distant Healing Now..See THIS VIDEO  TESTIMONIAL from a girl whose life changed....CLICK HERE

All energy healing methods work by getting energy from the Universe and channeling for a specific task like healing for example. The difference between the Reiki healing method and an Energy Worker, Physic Healer or Basic Channeller is like comparing a car (Reiki) to a horse (others). Reiki works with much higher precision and efficiency, therefore, delivering positive results faster than the other healing methods.
Reiki allows us to remember and return home to Universal love, light and pure joy! I use Reiki everyday in all areas of my life - I have experienced the magic which this healing system can manifest - it is my privilege to be able to share this with you! I like to teach with an approachable and clear style with plenty of lightness and laughter too. From the very beginning I have wished to build a nurturing Reiki community in London and would love to have you join one of our courses :) 
I was able to meditate for a half hour before receiving my attunement, and I felt ready to receive the Reiki Melissa sent, but I had no idea it would be so powerful. It was late at night and everyone was sleeping but me, and right away my hands became hotter than they ever have. My entire body began buzzing. I closed my eyes to tune into the energy and attunement, and I could see the different symbols swirling around my head. Each had its own color, and as they entered my crown, I felt another jolt of peace and energy. Once all five were in my crown, my hands started to vibrate. Each symbol came yet again, this time entering each palm. My hands became hotter and hotter, and my entire body started to sing. Of all the attunements I’ve received, this was by far the most powerful and clear. As she cleared my chakras, I felt my body unravel and the stress lift. Everything was at peace.

Find out how long the class is; ask for an outline of what you will be taught and the cost. In a first degree Reiki class you should be taught a sequence of hand positions for treating yourself and other people, and given time to practise these in the class.  You may also be taught about treating animals and plants. You will be usually told the history and principles of Reiki and there will be opportunities for you to ask questions.
I have taught many people in person since then, but I am aware of how hard it can be for many people to access what they truly want to study or participate in.  For many it may seem impossible to study Reiki with their children keeping them so busy or their work hours not allowing them to find time for classes. Maybe you have a chronic illness that keeps you from enjoying a class. Hence, our ONLINE training! We are very proud of our high-quality online training and we hope you will be too!  Join us and you will see how amazing the Reiki can be... especially when you are the one who can instantly turn it on to be used during those necessary moments of healing or relaxation.  
Reiki/Seichem is performed by the ‘laying-on of hands’ whilst the client remains fully clothed on a massage couch or seated in a chair. The practitioner channels this life energy through their hands to the recipient for the purposes of healing the body, mind & spirit. It is said to accelerate the body’s ability to heal physical ailments, opens the mind & spirit to the causes of disease and pain, reinforcing the recipient’s ability to take responsibility for their life.
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Learning Reiki is a good starting point for experiencing and working with healing energy and a wonderful method for depending awareness of universal energy. In general, Reiki complements other healing methods and spiritual practices. There are no hard and fast rules about how to approach starting Reiki and starting healing. You will only know it once you experience the universal power within yourself.
It was nice when you explained that Reiki is a therapy wherein the energy is moved and the energetic systems are affected in order to promote the healing of a person. That seems like a harmless way to improve a person. I might ask my mom to give this a try since she has been suffering from the side effects of her surgery, and she doesn’t want to take meds. This is the best alternative to get her to feel better.
You can! Well, you need to have taken First and Second Degree already, and we recommend that you leave at least six months between your Second Degree and Master Teacher courses. This gives you a chance to get grips with, and practise, what you learned. It’s not a race! And if you’re coming from a different lineage, that’s no problem: we’ll send you downloads of our First and Second Degree course materials for free!
“Lisa is a wonderful instructor. The Reiki course she has created is nothing short of life-changing. Her energy is soothing and friendly, and the way she teaches each lesson is very easy to digest, and unintimidating. My life is greatly improved since taking this course, and I can't recommend enough, that you give it a try too. I am so excited about my new life with Reiki. Thanks Lisa!”
The process of ‘attunement’ or initiation is what sets Reiki apart from other modalities of healing. Other forms of healing can be done intuitively or by someone who is ‘gifted’. This is not the case with Reiki; it can be learned by anyone. The attunement process enables all students who go through learning and initiation into Reiki to practice and give healing if they wish to. However, some students simply wish to take the learning and attunements for themselves and their own spiritual growth. This powerful course is split into parts Reiki 1 & Reiki 2 levels, it will give you all the tools you need to learn how to transfer this healing energy to help others, should you wish to do so and to use it in your own life too.