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A. Many teachers started with Usui Reiki which is excellent then are introduced to this system which does not take anything away from the Usui method. This system just adds to what you already have to make the system of healing you offer more effective. It is equally good for those who have trained in Usui Reiki or for those new to healing therapies.
Learning Reiki is a good starting point for experiencing and working with healing energy and a wonderful method for deepening awareness of universal energy. In general, Reiki complements other healing methods and spiritual practices. There are no hard and fast rules about how to approach starting Reiki and starting healing. Again, listen to your heart and you will be guided in choosing the right experiences and teacher(s) for you.
The goal of this course is to teach you how to choose the most suitable crystals for your Crystal Reiki sessions. As the instructor Lisa Powers says, you will also learn about sacred geometry and how to utilize fundamental patterns in your Crystal Reiki sessions. This course might be a good choice for individuals wanting to take their Reiki practice to the next level with the use of crystals.
Receiving attunements/reiju: Students are more or less sensitive to energy, especially as a beginner Reiki student, and will often feel and notice physical, mental, and emotional sensations during the attunement more easily with their Reiki teacher right in front of them performing the attunement. (It also helps their linear mind to trust that something is happening!)
Before taking your Teacher training you and I will discuss what you expect / will learn in the class and what your intentions are as a future Teacher. It is a serious step that requires adequate preparation, and you need to feel motivated and ready for it. Extended experience with practice in Reiki Degrees 1, 2, and Master is required and the experienced use of all the Symbols is a must. This usually can be done 1-2 years or later after the Reiki Master Degree is obtained.
‘Solas’ is the Scottish Gaelic word for 'Light', which is in reference to the spiritual illumination offered to you with these Reiki Training courses. Reserve your spot on one of my Reiki courses, take advantage of over 13 hours of guided video lectures and reveal the secrets to achieving peace and happiness. It’s time to awaken to your True Self. Begin your online Reiki Training Today!
When I first became a Reiki Master Teacher, I agreed to use my Reiki in whatever way would best help this planet and all life on it. I started this Reiki website and began to teach in-person Reiki classes throughout Southern California and Big Sur. I loved it, but found myself wanting to reach all the people around the world who emailed me and wanted to learn Reiki but couldn’t physically come to my classes.
When I first became a Reiki Master Teacher, I agreed to use my Reiki in whatever way would best help this planet and all life on it. I started this Reiki website and began to teach in-person Reiki classes throughout Southern California and Big Sur. I loved it, but found myself wanting to reach all the people around the world who emailed me and wanted to learn Reiki but couldn’t physically come to my classes.

In the end, we must consider that a Reiki Master is not one who has mastered Reiki, but one who has been mastered by Reiki. This requires that we surrender completely to the spirit of Reiki, allowing it to guide every area of our lives and become our only focus and source of nurturing and sustenance. As we proceed toward the end of the millinium, the Way of Reiki offers itself as a solution to our problems and a path of unlimited potiential. May all who would benefit from this path be guided to it.
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“The course exceeded my expectations. I had a wonderful teacher who put us all at ease and taught it as though we had not already learned it so the bits I was not too sure about were fine and I know I will continue to study the materials and practice all those important exercises and meditations way into the future. I was also relieved there were only 2 other students there as it was very easy to discuss stuff and share experiences. When I first did my 1 & 2 there were a dozen so it was hard to do that and I was so much more nervous and shy then. By keeping classes small I felt there was more to gain.
Reiki is one of the most powerful and an effective form of natural healing.It enables one to heal oneself and others. The ability to learn Reiki is not dependent on intellectual capacity, nor does one have to be able to meditate. It does not take years of practice. It is simply passed on from the teacher to the student. As soon as this happens, one has and can do Reiki. Because of this, it is easily learned by anyone.
When seeking a Reiki Master to take the Master training from, it is important to ask her/him exactly what you will be able to do after you take the Master training from them. Will you receive the complete training and be able to initiate others into all the degrees including full Reiki Master or will something be left out, requiring you to take additional sub-levels or degrees and pay additional fees? Because of the changes some have made to the system of Reiki, this is a very important question.
Melissa has a lot of passion for her work and students. Recently completed Reiki course online which was well set out and easy to follow. The amount of help and information is above and beyond any study I have completed. Melissa is a natural born spiritual lady who choose to use her gift to help and educate people and I would like to say a “Big thank you” for this wonderful journey that Reiki has taught me. Further more thanks Melissa for mentioning my beloved spiritual cat Mojo!
Our views have opened some doors for us and closed others.  We accept the ways of tradition for those who would seek that path, and we welcome those who we can service when their need is indicative of our own process.  We offer the highest quality of audio/visual and illustrative education, with ongoing access to well-educated tutors. We are in fact taking Reiki training to a new level of excellence and scientific awareness, to ensure greater community acceptance of this evolving Naturotherapy.
Our views have opened some doors for us and closed others.  We accept the ways of tradition for those who would seek that path, and we welcome those who we can service when their need is indicative of our own process.  We offer the highest quality of audio/visual and illustrative education, with ongoing access to well-educated tutors. We are in fact taking Reiki training to a new level of excellence and scientific awareness, to ensure greater community acceptance of this evolving Naturotherapy.
The first three levels of Reiki can be taken for certificates and the status of Reiki Master/Teacher.  Should the student wish to receive their Registered Integrative Therapist designation, they must then complete the more extensive trainings. Should they already be a Reiki practitioner or teacher and wish to receive their R.I.N. designation, some exemptions can be provided to gain advanced standing in our program. 
If after the training urgent matters or questions arise, I can always be contacted or you can ask your questions on the Live-Reiki Forum. This limited access internet forum gives my students a very safe environment to share experiences and discuss Reiki and general spiritual questions. I also suggest a Reiki buddy for personal sharing and exchange of energy. The Forum can be helpful in that too.
You may have heard that Reiki must be taught in person and I am here to let you know that is simply not true. Keep in mind that the founder, Dr. Mikao Usui passed on attunements simply by sitting in meditation with his students. There was no physical contact, only an energetic transmission. Today, we understand that energy transcends time and space. I have been teaching Reiki for almost twenty years and have had the honor of teaching it online for the past five years and I can confidently say that you can be an amazing Reiki practitioner with this online certification.
Your hands are most likely to experience temperature changes when practising. This is the effect of the Reiki energy flowing through your hands. The person receiving Reiki (that can be you giving yourself or the person you give Reiki) will feel relaxed as the energy reduces physical, emotional and mental stress. The person receiving feels often warmth coming out of the hands of the giver.
Reiki/Seichem Healing is a gentle 'hands on' technique working with energy to release any blockages in the body. RASA (Reiki and Seichem Association) is a Sanskrit word for "essence" and is a powerful system using all four healing elements. Promotes & accelerates the healing process, helping with stress. Reiki/Seichem Healing is very powerful working on many levels; physical, mental, emotional & spiritual. It also promotes deep relaxation.

This was an incredible journey of self discovery. Thank you Melissa for the support and loving guidance you have provided from when I started right until the completion of this course. I gained the confidence and the knowledge I needed to become the person I have always wanted to be. I highly recommend this course to aspiring as well as professional healers who wish to learn Reike to compliment their current mode of healing.
Reiki/Seichem Healing is a gentle 'hands on' technique working with energy to release any blockages in the body. RASA (Reiki and Seichem Association) is a Sanskrit word for "essence" and is a powerful system using all four healing elements. Promotes & accelerates the healing process, helping with stress. Reiki/Seichem Healing is very powerful working on many levels; physical, mental, emotional & spiritual. It also promotes deep relaxation.
A Facebook  Support/Discussion group for all our students who have an e-mail address. You can contact approx. 1,200 (February 2019 figures) other Reiki people who have done the same training as you, Reiki1s, Reiki2s and Masters. If you have any queries, if you have any ideas that you want to share, if you want to simply enthuse about something, then go ahead.
“I have jsut completed my journey with Cath, my Reiki Master & Teacher, having finsihed the course which started in March 2014. There is much to learn and take in and study once you got home. I found Cath to be a wonderful Teacher who knows her subject extensively and shows her emowerment from her most excellent lessons. I was lucky enough to complete the course in four hourly sessions taylor made for an old brain like mine (67 years). My journey with Reiki has been rewarding and exciting, to be given the gift of healing which has made such a difference to my life and that of my family.  Cath shows a great understanding of human nature with all its failings and amde me feel that it was a worthwhile journey to take. The lessons were made easy to understand whilst undergoing several meditations and it was great to leave feeling as if you were taking something very special away with you.”       C. H.

If after the training urgent matters or questions arise, I can always be contacted or you can ask your questions on the Live-Reiki Forum. This limited access internet forum gives my students a very safe environment to share experiences and discuss Reiki and general spiritual questions. I also suggest a Reiki buddy for personal sharing and exchange of energy. The Forum can be helpful in that too.

Before I took Reiki I was spiritually healing at times and did some training in 2000 at my local spirituals church as a trainee healer. However Reiki really appealed to me much more so, and I love it! I found Reiki attunements really helped in the reconnection to the life force energy and it has much more in depth teachings, to aid the student progression through the different levels of Reiki, for a much deeper understanding of how it works and how best to use and apply it.
Learning Reiki is a good starting point for experiencing and working with healing energy and a wonderful method for deepening awareness of universal energy. In general, Reiki complements other healing methods and spiritual practices. There are no hard and fast rules about how to approach starting Reiki and starting healing. Again, listen to your heart and you will be guided in choosing the right experiences and teacher(s) for you.
Secondly, we are a school of universality and are open to anyone anywhere who is truly seeking self-healing or support for those around them, as such our online training can reach individuals who are: homebound with illness or agoraphobia, socially anxious, in beds or wheel chairs with no access to a Reiki teaching class, living far from the larger towns without holistic services, wanting to study in private, or so busy as parents or employees that they can’t find time to study until late at night or early morning.

What do we look for in someone when considering them as Reiki Teachers? An enthusiasm for the subject, humility, experience, a desire to help and serve, an open heart? Ironically most people who I have taught to be Reiki Teachers were usually the last to believe they could be. If you feel a pull to do this, that is sufficient for me and together we will develop your skills and practice to another level giving you the knowledge and confidence to take someone through Reiki training yourself.
Where do I begin? Right from the start my tutor made me feel so welcome and at ease. She is such a warm lovely person and so encouraging and enthusiastic. There were only 4 of us in the group and we all commented on how lovely she was and how her teaching manner really enthused us and gave us confidence. This was a brilliant course taught by a brilliant teacher and I would love to do further training with her in the future. Thank you!
There is a perfect plan for your life that has always been present and has been waiting for you. This plan is exactly what is good and right and healthy for you. This plan is not based on what your parents want for you, or what the culture says you need to be accepted, but on what will really make you happy. This plan is inside you and comes from your core essence. Reiki can guide you to this plan and help you follow it. This plan is your true spiritual path.
One of the most important, yet least explained, benefits of Reiki is its ability to guide your life in a way that is exactly right for you. When you focus Reiki on difficult situations in your life, guidance about what to do comes more easily. Or it may inspire a change in attitude or belief about your situation. Suddenly, you see your condition from a fresh perspective, one which reveals a previously unseen course of action leading to a more positive result. - William Lee Rand

There are a lot of videos on youtube and on other platforms as well which are totally genuine and highly informative. Although just watching a video or simply surfing through the net might not be enough to learn Reiki but there are a lot of healers that give reiki training through Online Reiki Classes and teach Reiki through skype or other video calling modes.
This online Reiki course is suitable for those who want to learn how to harness energy healing for themselves, family, friends, pets, and animals. The founder of the course, Melissa Crowhurst, states that the lessons give powerful insights into how to take care of your mind, body, and soul, as well as into methods of attracting loving energy and abundance into your life. This course could be a good choice if you want to learn how to send attunements via distance healing to loved ones and clients.
If, after the training, urgent matters or questions arise, I can always be contacted or you can ask your questions on the Live-Reiki Forum. This limited access internet forum gives my students a very safe environment to share experiences and discuss Reiki and general spiritual questions. I also suggest a Reiki buddy for personal sharing and exchange of energy. The Forum can be helpful in that too.
Becoming a Reiki Master involves the introduction to another, very strong Symbol. With this Master Symbol you will feel completely integrated with your inner-self. You will also learn to perform the Heart Attunement on yourself and on others. From this stable platform you will be able to introduce others to the practice of Reiki and advance to Reiki Teachership.
Second degree is distant healing: students learn to replace the hand-to-body contact with a mental connection when needed so that healing can be offered even when touch is impossible or inappropriate. (For example, psychotherapists may choose to learn Second degree to bring another dimension of healing into therapy sessions.) Second degree techniques can also be used to enhance hands-on treatment.
Mastership allows you to pass the Reiki ability to others, and you will be using the course manual (with step-by-step instructions, digital images, drawings and summaries), the Audio CDs and the DVD to make the process of learning attunements as straightforward as possible. You will practice the attunement process extensively during your home training with Reiki Evolution. We use the example of a Second Degree attunement as a focus for teaching, then going on to talk about the differences between that attunement and those at First Degree and Master levels.