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We spend some time working with Intent, and go through various exercises that help to ‘open our eyes’ to the simplicity and power of Reiki, and the importance and versatility of intent in terms of directing the energy and experiencing different energies. To gain the most out of this course, the student will need to have to hand a group of friends and relatives that they can use a ‘guinea pigs’ to practise things on as they work through the various stages of their course. The course is mainly practical, you see: Reiki is a practical, hands-on activity, not just about book learning.

“In three years of being a Reiki practitioner I had developed the use of “intent and intuition” to a degree but realized that my abilities were a long way off the standards that I later achieved during the course. My confidence increased daily as did the energy, and my loyal friends and clients who participated in my trials (“freestyle practice”) were extremely impressed as well as surprised. Although we were ‘in awe’ and a little apprehensive at the power of the energy we also had fun as we explored its possibilities.” Carol Gunn, Hampshire

All of our energy systems are linked, the mind, body and soul; each of these systems are connected and can have an effect on each other. It follows then that if a cleansing, healing energy flows through the body, the spiritual body and the mind will also benefit. This is how Reiki works; flowing through the body, cleansing, healing and detoxifying the system on many levels and therefore healing the mind, body and emotions.

By treating yourself and others and meditating on the essence of Reiki, you will be guided more and more by Reiki in making important decisions. Sometimes you will find yourself doing things that don't make sense or conform to what you think you should be doing and sometimes you will be guided to do things that you have vowed you would never do. However, by trusting more and more in the guidance of Reiki, by letting go of what your ego thinks it needs to be happy and by humbly surrendering to Reiki's loving power, you will find your life changing in ways that bring greater harmony and feelings of real happiness.

We have developed a course of more than 1200 hours of training such that our Reiki graduates can be considered for positions in the professional health and spa communities and eventually gain access to insurance receipts for this work. This is an ongoing challenge that we will be a part of trying to achieve on behalf of Reiki Practitioners and Teachers in the future.
The Reiki Teachers I have trained have the option to come to our regular meetings. These meetings alternate between at my place or via the internet in live online sessions. These meetings are important for all of us to share experiences and to give support as a peer group. You will be never alone, even if you are on the Teacher level. It is great to work together and to learn from each other. There are always new things to share.
Our views have opened some doors for us and closed others.  We accept the ways of tradition for those who would seek that path, and we welcome those who we can service when their need is indicative of our own process.  We offer the highest quality of audio/visual and illustrative education, with ongoing access to well-educated tutors. We are in fact taking Reiki training to a new level of excellence and scientific awareness, to ensure greater community acceptance of this evolving Naturotherapy.
The Reiki attunement can start a cleansing process that affects the physical body as well as the mind and emotions. Toxins that have been stored in the body may be released along with feelings and thought patterns that are no longer useful. Therefore, a process of purification prior to the attunement is recommended to improve the benefit one receives. The instructions on preparing for an attunement is as:-
Absolute 5 star purchase! This course is so inspiring and motivation. It is set out in such a beautiful and interesting layout… full of gorgeous images, helpful videos, and audio. Melissa is so easy to listen to, and her nature is so warm and inviting. I’ve done my share of correspondence courses, and this has been one of, if not, the best. Highly recommended!

It would not really be good enough to just give a student some training materials and tell them to get on with it. We think that it is very important to make sure that our home study students have carried out all the practical exercises that they need to carry out in order to feel confident in what they are doing, and it is important that we are on hand to answer and questions or queries that our students have, and to advise them and support them as they progress through their course. What we do is to break the course down into a series of stages, or ‘projects’, where for each stage the student does some reading, listens to the audio commentary, carries out practical energy exercises and then sends us feedback by e-mail to let us know what they have done and what they have experienced. We can then gear our support to what the student has done and what they need. Training is one-to-one.
Elizabeth's Reiki and Metamorphic Technique courses have been accredited by IPTI (Independent Professional Therapists International) which means that on completion of the training you can be insured through IPTI as a practitioner, Master Practitioner or Master teacher. She is also a teacher member of The UK Reiki Federation and registered with the International Centre for Reiki Training (ICRT) and  Master Teacher for the Diana Cooper Foundation.
The duration of a Reiki treatment depends on the magnitude of the problem. For small problems like common colds, fever, sinusitis, etc, between 4 to 7 days is recommended. For long standing or chronic problems like skin diseases, allergies, arthritis, diabetes, cancer, etc, a minimum of 21 days healing is suggested, and if needed, another 21 days of healing after 3 months.

The attunement process used by the Center in all Reiki classes is a combination of the Usui system and a special Tibetan technique. It is thought that Reiki originated in Tibet, therefore, the use of the Tibetan technique and symbols creates a stronger connection with the origins of Reiki. The addition of the Tibetan attunement technique to the Usui system of attunements has greatly improved their quality. This unique attunement process was developed over time to be more powerful and to bring in a wider range of attunement energies than the original Usui system. In Reiki III the Usui/Tibetan method of giving attunements is taught along with the original Usui system of attunements.

The second Symbol (Mental, Emotional and Addiction) gives you access to hidden regions of consciousness, be it your own or of a person you treat. Mental healing can help you to transform misdirected energies so that the receiver can experience optimism, love, and happiness. It is here that healing for addiction and unwanted habits can be applied (e.g. smoking/alcohol/gambling cessation and obsessive thoughts/preoccupation).
By treating yourself and others and meditating on the essence of Reiki, you will be guided more and more by Reiki in making important decisions. Sometimes you will find yourself doing things that don't make sense or conform to what you think you should be doing and sometimes you will be guided to do things that you have vowed you would never do. However, by trusting more and more in the guidance of Reiki, by letting go of what your ego thinks it needs to be happy and by humbly surrendering to Reiki's loving power, you will find your life changing in ways that bring greater harmony and feelings of real happiness.
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As time went by, Mrs. Takata contemplated the need to train other Reiki Masters. She realized that the Japanese concept of respect might be difficult to instill in the Western mind. Because Reiki Mastership is so easily learned, being simply passed on during the Reiki Master attunement, she felt that Westerners might not value it. So she devised a plan of charging a large sum of money for those wanting to become Reiki Masters. She felt that money was something that Western people understood and respected and this would help create the appreciation and gratitude for Reiki that was needed. She decided that $10,000 would be a large enough sum to instill the respect needed for the Reiki Master attunement. She also set the fees for Reiki I at $175 and Reiki II at $500. These high fees have continued to be charged by some Reiki Masters, but many are now considering a lower fee structure that makes it possible for anyone who feels guided to do so to become a Reiki Master.
For the benefit of those who might like to receive a face-to-face empowerment as part of their home study Reiki training, we may be able to arrange for you to receive a ‘live’ Master empowerment at one of the Reiki shares hosted by members of our team of teachers. This would be the same Master empowerment that you would receive on a live Reiki Master Teacher course with us.
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Becoming a Reiki Master is the next step after having reached the Second Degree. With receiving the Reiki Master attunement you will be fully opened up to the Reiki Energy. The training takes online 2 times 4/5 hours of intensive training and is available to those who are practising Reiki at the Second Degree level for four months or longer. Experienced use of all the Reiki symbols learned with the second Degree is a must.
“I have jsut completed my journey with Cath, my Reiki Master & Teacher, having finsihed the course which started in March 2014. There is much to learn and take in and study once you got home. I found Cath to be a wonderful Teacher who knows her subject extensively and shows her emowerment from her most excellent lessons. I was lucky enough to complete the course in four hourly sessions taylor made for an old brain like mine (67 years). My journey with Reiki has been rewarding and exciting, to be given the gift of healing which has made such a difference to my life and that of my family.  Cath shows a great understanding of human nature with all its failings and amde me feel that it was a worthwhile journey to take. The lessons were made easy to understand whilst undergoing several meditations and it was great to leave feeling as if you were taking something very special away with you.”       C. H.
Master Reiki as it was intended, in its original form, by using a training course derived from the direct translation of Mikao Usui and his "old Japanese" text. These master teachings could give you the power to help people with their most troubling physical, emotional or psychological problems regardless of their severity or length of time the problem has existed.
“The initial material sent out for pre-study (audio CDs, DVD, course work etc.) for me was a God send. It gave me the opportunity to get to grips and prepare for the live tuition. I was prepared for the day having learnt all attunements, empowerments, kotodama etc. Also gave me plenty of time to meditate on the necessary symbols and be able to differentiate the frequencies of energy.”

Fully accredited by the CMA (Complimentary Medical Association) our courses enable you to gain insurance to practice and to set up a new business in this field if you so wish. Your course assessments are also marked by experienced Reiki tutors answering your questions and offering help and support. Let us support you every step of the way – join our online student group, meet study buddies in your local area, and let our experienced tutors cheer you on as they mark your assessments throughout your new exciting journey!
Important Disclaimer: The information contained on Top5Reviewed.com is intended for informational and educational purposes only. Any statements made on this website have not been evaluated by the FDA and any information or products discussed are not intended to diagnose, cure, treat or prevent any disease or illness. Please consult a healthcare practitioner before making changes to your diet or taking supplements that may interfere with medications.
The joys of becoming a Reiki Master are many and you don't necessarily have to teach in order for the Master training to be useful. The additional healing energy, symbols, techniques and knowledge will add value to your healing abilities. Treating yourself, giving yourself and others healing attunements and treating others in person and at a distance will all be noticeably improved. The fact that you can pass Reiki on to friends and family is also a definite plus. Many take the Master training with just this in mind. However, if you ever decide to formally teach, you will be able to do so. As each person takes the Reiki Master training, and increases their personal vibration, this adds to the vibration of the whole planet!
When seeking a Reiki Master to take the Master training from, it is important to ask her/him exactly what you will be able to do after you take the Master training from them. Will you receive the complete training and be able to initiate others into all the degrees including full Reiki Master or will something be left out, requiring you to take additional sub-levels or degrees and pay additional fees? Because of the changes some have made to the system of Reiki, this is a very important question.
I absolutely love Reiki, I've studied with Masters in the UK, the US, India and from Japan and Hawaii and have been teaching for almost 25 years since leaving nursing. I teach in a practical, grounded and inspirational way but my workshops usually contain a lot of laughter as well as learning.  I love sharing these extraordinary techniques and seeing lives change and people blossom. 
The course is flexible, easy to follow, heaps of resources at hand and support is always at hand and it is self passed. You would spend more on a material item any day of the week such as tablets for pain or medicines and vitamins, yet this is a gift that keeps on giving and allows you to help people in physical and emotional pain and suffering and you can even help your animals and pets!
Stage 5 This stage is all about learning to develop the Hara, an important part of the original system that Usui Sensei taught. We will use a specific meditation, or energy exercise, to achieve this, and the exercise will continue throughout the rest of the course and beyond. It will take about 10 hours to carry out these various tasks, over 14 days.
“The home study approach is an excellent idea. It allows you to study at your own pace and in your own way. It’s easier to take on board new ideas and absorb them over time. I have so appreciated doing the Reiki Master course over a period of time. I feel as though I have learned so much more than I would over two days – especially as I have a very demanding job.”