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“Just a note to thank you for your e-mail and to say how much I appreciate all the back-up support you give and how well you keep your students up-to-date. You are so incredibly good about answering questions (even my fussy ones!) and responding to e-mails immediately. You have certainly helped in building my confidence & freeing me from ‘structured’ Reiki & for that I thank you.

Upon first meeting our tutor she made me feel completely relaxed and she had a calm and peaceful air about her which rubbed off on you straight away….she has a wonderful teaching manner that was most captivating and she held your undivided attention throughout. She made me feel completely safe during my attunement and her care and nurture was a perfect balance. I was lucky that there was only me and one other student, so we had more time with the tutor on a personal level.
All courses are accompanied by an attractive certificate written in Japanese kanji and Western text, displaying the seal of the Reiki Evolution school and signed by your teacher. In this case your certificate confirms that you have received instruction and Reiju empowerments, have satisfied the requirements of the “Shinpiden” level of Reiki, and are certified as a Master and a Teacher of Reiki.
Being in a state of oneness with someone is something explored through the Distance Reiki technique (otherwise known as the Absentee Healing technique) in Reiki II. Once a student has had the direct experience of working with energy on themselves, their classmates, and friends and family, as well as learning and practicing this technique, they will be better able to understand and experience online attunements.
We spend some time working with Intent, and go through various exercises that help to ‘open our eyes’ to the simplicity and power of Reiki, and the importance and versatility of intent in terms of directing the energy and experiencing different energies. To gain the most out of this course, the student will need to have to hand a group of friends and relatives that they can use a ‘guinea pigs’ to practise things on as they work through the various stages of their course. The course is mainly practical, you see: Reiki is a practical, hands-on activity, not just about book learning.
The Kotodama, or ‘jumon’, are sacred Shinto mantras used by Usui before the introduction of symbols into Reiki. We show how these mantras can be used when carrying out treatments, we become familiar with their  characteristic energies, we discover how they can be used for self-healing and spiritual development, and we learn how they can be used in conjunction with Reiju empowerments.
“The Manual was simply excellent. Your thoughtful approach, the easy informal style made the reading and re-reading a pleasure rather than a chore. I have searched and read so many books on Reiki to find the truth – it is all here and waiting for everyone. The various photo sequences were excellent. I continue to refer to the manual and continue to learn from it.”
All courses are accompanied by an attractive certificate written in Japanese kanji and Western text, displaying the seal of the Reiki Evolution school and signed by your teacher. In this case your certificate confirms that you have received instruction and Reiju empowerments, have satisfied the requirements of the “Shinpiden” level of Reiki, and are certified as a Master and a Teacher of Reiki.
Our comprehensive range of Reiki Courses with step-by-step video tutorials have been written and created by industry experts and practising Reiki Masters giving you the most up to date knowledge in this fascinating field. Our wide range of Reiki courses, including Crystal Reiki, Animal Reiki and Angel Reiki offers the full spectrum of Reiki Healing will help you to build upon your skills and to grow your complimentary health toolbox.
Therapy Training School is an approved training provider, and our training courses throughout the UK are recognised and accredited for insurance purposes by UK governing bodies such as: The Guild of Beauty Therapists (GBT), the Guild of Holistic Therapists (GHT) and The International Institute for Complementary Therapists (IICT). Insurance can also be obtained for the UK via Towergate Insurance and Westminster Indemnity. You will be able to practice as a self-employed therapist or mobile therapist. Always check with your potential employer (or local council) to ensure that this Diploma will be accepted by them.
If you have come from other lineages and have not been trained in the important techniques that have come from Japan, I would expect you to learn Japanese Reiki techniques before going on to do Mastership with ReikiEvolution. The new teachings are so important to the future development of Reiki in the West. One way to achieve this would be for you to redo your First and Second Degree training with us, so you are ‘in tune’ with the way we do things, but that can start to get expensive, so we achieve this by way of a self-study ‘conversion course’ based on sending you downloads of our Reiki 1 and Reiki 2 course manuals and Audio CDs – as PDFs and MP3s – together with ‘homework’ instructions for you to carry out. You can order printed versions of these manuals and CDs if you wish.

Your Reiki home study course is based on carrying out a great deal of practical energy work under the guidance of your teacher who provides you with one-to-one support, and supported by some good quality training materials. I am happy that this course gives you as much as you would have had, had you attended one of our ‘live’ Reiki Master Teacher courses. The course materials consist of:
There is one point I cannot stress enough: you will be a healer for yourself, however you will be a 'tool giver' or a 'facilitator' for others. What I mean by that is that people heal themselves with the energy they receive and you are the person that makes that achievable for them. You show them the way to heal, and by giving the Reiki energy and supplying them with the Life Force Energy they then use it to heal themselves.
I am so blessed to have done this course it has been an amazing journey. Melissa is such a wonderful teacher it is like she is with you the whole step of the way and I love that Melissa is so passionate and respectful. Melissa’s videos are fantastic and I feel that have grown so much the first time that I felt reiki energy was phenomenal and I was astounded then I had friends and family come over and each attunement was beautiful and I felt the reiki energy stronger every time to the point my friends could feel it strongly. I would highly recommend this course thank you so much Melissa you have changed my life I am so happy and content.
Absolute 5 star purchase! This course is so inspiring and motivation. It is set out in such a beautiful and interesting layout… full of gorgeous images, helpful videos, and audio. Melissa is so easy to listen to, and her nature is so warm and inviting. I’ve done my share of correspondence courses, and this has been one of, if not, the best. Highly recommended!

This course comprises of three levels. Level I is said to teach you the origins of Reiki, the benefits of Reiki treatment and the correct positions required for a Reiki treatment. Level II is a much more in-depth course that introduces Reiki power symbols. The goal of the Level III is to teach you about attunements. The lessons were designed by Rosemary Owen, Usui Reiki Master and a senior Clinical Hypnotherapist. This course might be a solid choice for individuals with an interest in holistic therapy.

It would not really be good enough to just give a student some training materials and tell them to get on with it. We think that it is very important to make sure that our home study students have carried out all the practical exercises that they need to carry out in order to feel confident in what they are doing, and it is important that we are on hand to answer and questions or queries that our students have, and to advise them and support them as they progress through their course. What we do is to break the course down into a series of stages, or ‘projects’, where for each stage the student does some reading, listens to the audio commentary, carries out practical energy exercises and then sends us feedback by e-mail to let us know what they have done and what they have experienced. We can then gear our support to what the student has done and what they need. Training is one-to-one.
Reiki Solas is an advanced spiritual practice that involves awakening of the 10 major chakras and includes full and proper activation of the kundalini energy, otherwise known as Shaktipat, and is available over 10 levels. The Reiki Courses for levels 1 to 4 are currently available and Level 5 is now in production. Reiki Courses levels 6 to 10 will be launched in due course. From Reiki Solas Level 5 onward the training focuses more on kundalini energy channelling, guided meditation, prayer/intention, and activation and use of the higher Divine chakras above the crown chakra. Get The Full Course Now for a taste of what's on offer and to view the full course curriculum. If you would like more information on Reiki, check out my article on The Reiki Facts. I very much look forward to training and guiding you with your new Reiki courses! Love & Blessings, Ricky.
We are opening the minds and hearts of our students to the ever increasing scientific knowledge that ‘energy is non-local’, and as such can reach anybody, for attunements or healing, from anywhere in the world through thought and intention, just like prayer (which is scientifically proven). Indeed with evolving technology, other modalities including medicine are moving toward the use of new technology to reach a broader population than was thought previously possible, for example, through the new 'Telemedicine' and also Online Integrative Medicine studies as provided to medical doctors through the University of Arizona. The Canadian Government has also been engaged in creating a digital health infrastructure as seen through www.betterhealthtogether.ca.

You can! Well, you need to have taken First and Second Degree already, and we recommend that you leave at least six months between your Second Degree and Master Teacher courses. This gives you a chance to get grips with, and practise, what you learned. It’s not a race! And if you’re coming from a different lineage, that’s no problem: we’ll send you downloads of our First and Second Degree course materials for free!
Within easy reach of Amersham, Aylesbury, Ascot, Beaconsfield, Bourne End, Bracknell, Bray, Chesham, Cookham, Chalfont St Peter, Flackwell Heath, Gerrards Cross, Great Missenden, Hazlemere, Henley-On-Thames, Holmer Green, Maidenhead, Marlow, Princes Risborough, Prestwood, Reading, Stokenchurch, Taplow, Twyford, Thame, Tring, Wendover, Watlington, Windsor & Wooburn Green.
Next we looked at the Crystal Reiki Master/Teacher Certification course which is designed to show you the differences between Crystal Reiki and Traditional Reiki. This type of therapy involves crystals and is designed to help you become a certified master of this technique. Students say this course is a wonderful addition to traditional Reiki and that the information is thorough and well put together (Source).
“What we have tried to do is to provide our students with a ‘learning smorgasbord’, where they can use the material or medium that best suits their particular learning style: we have text, we have images, we have summaries and flow-charts and diagrams and even puzzles, we have audio commentary and instructions and we have video sequences. By using these different media in combination with each other, and by having students carry out extensive practical exercises over many weeks, learning and understanding is enhanced.”
Each Reiki Evolution course is accompanied by a comprehensive manual which covers everything we deal with on the training days, and more besides. For the Reiki Master Teacher course we produce and extensive manual, running to 200 A4 pages. This is a complete and practical guide to Reiki at Master/Teacher level, containing text, digital images, flow-charts, summary sheets, Mind Map and illustrations.
We also looked at the Reiki Level I, II and Master Certification Energy Healing Course, which is for those who want to learn Reiki to heal family members and friends. Through this course, you can also learn how to send healing over distances. Students should have a basic understanding of energy healing. Student feedback for this course is overwhelmingly positive with most users praising the perfect length of the lectures — not too long — and how the instructor was available via private message to help.

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You will choose a specific date and time that is convenient for you and myself and you will relax at that set time. I will connect energetically with you and perform the ceremony. Reiki energy is non-invasive and your body decides how much Reiki it will use and what it will address. The attunements are with you for life and you can then use Reiki whenever you wish.

The Reiki Master Level is the Teacher's Level - you, a Reiki Practitioner, receive the energetic and practical knowledge which allows you to attune others to Reiki. Many Reiki Master students may decide not to teach, however, by undertaking a Reiki Master Course you are also furthering your commitment to Reiki as a spiritual practice to assist you in your healing, growth and development. For this reason an ample amount of time should pass between Reiki 2 and this course. 

There three levels in reiki namely level 1, level 2 and the final level which gives you the status of a Reiki master which is level 3. Keeping in mind our hectic and busy lifestyle it might not always be possible for everyone to attend Reiki Healing Training personally, but we live in a day and age where technology and internet make a lot of things very easy for us.
The Reiki attunement can start a cleansing process that affects the physical body as well as the mind and emotions. Toxins that have been stored in the body may be released along with feelings and thought patterns that are no longer useful. Therefore, a process of purification prior to the attunement is recommended to improve the benefit one receives. See below for specific instructions on preparing for an attunement.
The entire Reiki Infinite Healer course is normally priced at an incredible $188—which is a fraction of what you would normally pay for formal training... However, I want EVERYONE to have the opportunity to experience the healing power of Reiki, and that's why I've decided - for a limited time - I'm going to lower the price EVEN FURTHER to just $47!
As time went by, Mrs. Takata contemplated the need to train other Reiki Masters. She realized that the Japanese concept of respect might be difficult to instill in the Western mind. Because Reiki Mastership is so easily learned, being simply passed on during the Reiki Master attunement, she felt that Westerners might not value it. So she devised a plan of charging a large sum of money for those wanting to become Reiki Masters. She felt that money was something that Western people understood and respected and this would help create the appreciation and gratitude for Reiki that was needed. She decided that $10,000 would be a large enough sum to instill the respect needed for the Reiki Master attunement. She also set the fees for Reiki I at $175 and Reiki II at $500. These high fees have continued to be charged by some Reiki Masters, but many are now considering a lower fee structure that makes it possible for anyone who feels guided to do so to become a Reiki Master.
You may have heard that Reiki must be taught in person and I am here to let you know that is simply not true. Keep in mind that the founder, Dr. Mikao Usui passed on attunements simply by sitting in meditation with his students. There was no physical contact, only an energetic transmission. Today, we understand that energy transcends time and space. I have been teaching Reiki for almost twenty years and have had the honor of teaching it online for the past five years and I can confidently say that you can be an amazing Reiki practitioner with this online certification.
Reiki training can be quite emotional and intense, that is why all my Reiki training is conducted in small groups or 'one-on-one'. Also, as my student I guarantee your comfort and well-being. I will always be there for you if you need me. I carry out debriefings and follow-up meetings and/or online conferences with all my students as part of the training package.

We are extending the deadline for copy for Resonance until the 15th May; so plenty of time if you would like to write an article. This will be a 20th Birthday special edition which will also include reports and photographs from our very first UKRF AGM and Festival to be held in Scotland. Please forward any articles to Linda at this address :- [email protected] Thank you. 😃🙏 ... See MoreSee Less
