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I am in tears realizing this beautiful course is over. I have been through so much and if it wasn’t for Melissa, her kind words, and teaching me how to connect with the Divine, I truly dont know where I’d be right now. Thank you so much, Melissa. I am beyond grateful. You’re the best teacher I have ever had. I highly recommend you and this course. Best thing I have ever decided to do. Love and Light to you, beautiful.
When teaching Reiki to others, it is important to set a good example by being an authentic representative of Reiki energy. People cannot be so easily fooled by surface spirituality now. They want and need a real teacher who comes from experience and is working on her/his own deep healing. This requires one to meditate on the nature of Reiki energy and surrender to it. It is a continual process of working with all aspects of ones being that are out of step with Reiki energy and allowing those aspects to be healed by Reiki energy. We must seek to develop and express the qualities of love, compassion, wisdom, justice, cooperation, humility, persistence, kindness, courage, strength, and abundance as Reiki energy is all of these and more. It may seem paradoxical, but it is true that a true Reiki Master is one who is always becoming a Reiki Master. Like life itself, it is a process of continual growth.
All energy healing methods work by getting energy from the Universe and channeling for a specific task like healing for example. The difference between the Reiki healing method and an Energy Worker, Physic Healer or Basic Channeller is like comparing a car (Reiki) to a horse (others). Reiki works with much higher precision and efficiency, therefore, delivering positive results faster than the other healing methods.
“Being able to listen to your voice on the CDs was a great advantage and I felt that I had indeed been there at your teaching.” Susan Robinson, County Durham  “With regard to the CDs I was at first a bit dubious. I have listened to other audio media before and found the voices can be a bit distracting but fortunately you have a very pleasant speaking voice and tone, with a relaxed and easy way of putting things across.” Karen Lewis, Staffordshire  “Firstly, what a pleasure it is to listen to your voice – quite different to many others out there. The exercises/meditations on the CDs are perfect, as I can follow their timing rather than getting lost in time and space! We all have busy lives to lead on our journey and following these meditations quite simply means that I actually do do them daily. It is also nice to just relax and listen to the knowledge and I can do that anytime, anywhere to suit my needs. It is a wonderfully layered approach to learning.” Veronica Hayes, Suffolk  “The meditation exercises on Audio CD are definitely one of the best ways of demonstrating original Reiki – we use then a lot in our Reiki share group.” Lucy Wilkinson, West Yorkshire
Master Reiki as it was intended, in its original form, by using a training course derived from the direct translation of Mikao Usui and his "old Japanese" text. These master teachings could give you the power to help people with their most troubling physical, emotional or psychological problems regardless of their severity or length of time the problem has existed.

Once I started the course, I felt Reiki settle inside me, entering every cell of my body. I am so grateful I chose this course, that I chose Melissa from which to earn my Reiki Master. She is a beautiful soul, and her course is simple yet has so many new things I didn’t know. Anyone would be very lucky to have an attunement with her. Her energy is beautiful, crisp, and clear. This was the perfect path for me to take. Thank you so much Melissa.

This is a comprehensive course divided into four levels to train practitioners of Reiki and Registered Integrative Naturotherapists with a Reiki specialization. Each level of Reiki training assists the student in understanding the theoretical and practical applications of Reiki, as well as the ethical and legal necessities within a therapeutic practice. This course fills a crucial need in the community, helping to provide alternative and integrative support to client/patients in an overburdened health care system.
You should already have experienced that sense of peace, contentment and serenity that Reiki brings you, and perhaps experienced a spiritual awakening. Now you will carry out special meditations using kotodama: Shinto mantras taught by Reiki’s founder, Mikao Usui, in the 1920s. Deepen your self-healing by focusing on energies that bring powerful physical and emotional balancing and bring a deep sense of connection.

This is a comprehensive course divided into four levels to train practitioners of Reiki and Registered Integrative Naturotherapists with a Reiki specialization. Each level of Reiki training assists the student in understanding the theoretical and practical applications of Reiki, as well as the ethical and legal necessities within a therapeutic practice. This course fills a crucial need in the community, helping to provide alternative and integrative support to client/patients in an overburdened health care system.
We spend some time talking about how to develop intuition and give some suggestions for moving beyond the basic “Reiji ho” approach. We will practice working intuitively in a number of different ways and introduce a method where we can directly perceive someone’s energy system, and we also explore some “mind’s eye” visual shortcuts. Again, students will practise various intuitive exercises on their group of friends and relatives, gaining facility through repetition.
LOVE this course! I feel the curriculum strives to focus on important information that is key to learning Reiki. Also, it is written in a clear and concise manner so it is easy to follow and understand. I tried other Reiki courses and never felt connected and felt like perhaps it was wrong for me, but this has a totally different dynamic. And it is so affordable and really gives a comprehensive view of Reiki and how to use it!
"Open honest Reiki training. Excellent in focusing on Usui traditional Reiki and explaining the differences between Reiki. Attunement into Reiki Masters was a wonderful experience. The trip up Mount Kurama unforgettable. What made it great was the connection between the people and the course. Diverse backgrounds yet so kind, considerate and welcoming."
You can! Well, you need to have taken First and Second Degree already, and we recommend that you leave at least six months between your Second Degree and Master Teacher courses. This gives you a chance to get grips with, and practise, what you learned. It’s not a race! And if you’re coming from a different lineage, that’s no problem: we’ll send you downloads of our First and Second Degree course materials for free!

Becoming a Reiki Master will tremendously boost your competence and confidence. It is a giant step towards a more fulfilled life. You will learn essential skills that you can use to build an income from what you love doing, helping you to bridge the gap between your work life and a spiritual life. The advanced techniques provide powerful tools to clear physical, mental, emotional and spiritual blocks to abundance, health and harmony.
When there are financial limitations, the advantages of a one-time investment in learning to practice Reiki self-care over paying for repeated sessions are obvious. When there is illness in a family and it is no longer feasible for the patient to self-treat, one or more family members can learn First degree (hands-on) Reiki and treat the patient (and other family members) as well as themselves.
As a Reiki Master-Teacher, my mission is to share the gift of Reiki and to train people who wish to become Reiki Practitioners. Because of my work as an animal communicator, Reiki for animals is a large part of my professional and teaching practice. Reiki has also become an intimate part of my personal spiritual practice, connecting me more deeply to source energy and the divine love and universal life-force energy that is within all beings.
Free distant Reiju empowerments each week anytime on a Monday. Every week you can ‘tune yourself in’ to a Reiju empowerment from Taggart, anytime on a Monday (and more than once if you like!). This will give your Reiki practice a real boost and echoes the way that Reiki was taught by Mikao Usui, with empowerments week-in week-out throughout your training.
A Facebook  Support/Discussion group for all our students who have an e-mail address. You can contact approx. 1,200 (February 2019 figures) other Reiki people who have done the same training as you, Reiki1s, Reiki2s and Masters. If you have any queries, if you have any ideas that you want to share, if you want to simply enthuse about something, then go ahead.

The basic effect of the Reiki Master attunements is to fully open up your energy system to Reiki, causing a significant increase in the flow of healing energy. This increases the effectiveness of your treatments beyond that achieved at Second Degree level. On top of this, you are attuned to further symbols, and learn additional techniques, enabling you to treat others more effectively, pass on the Reiki ability to others, and fully experience the flow of Reiki through your being.

You will choose a specific date and time that is convenient for you and myself and you will relax at that set time. I will connect energetically with you and perform the ceremony. Reiki energy is non-invasive and your body decides how much Reiki it will use and what it will address. The attunements are with you for life and you can then use Reiki whenever you wish.
There are a lot of videos on youtube and on other platforms as well which are totally genuine and highly informative. Although just watching a video or simply surfing through the net might not be enough to learn Reiki but there are a lot of healers that give reiki training through Online Reiki Classes and teach Reiki through skype or other video calling modes.
As we grow up, we find ourselves more and more exposed to temptations, greed, anger, jealousy and other negativities. Unconsciously, our parents teach us not to listen to our bodies, by forcing us to eat/ do things that we do not want to. All these have a damaging effect on the endless flow of energy that we receive from the universe - it blocks the path.
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Melissa is so passionate about her Reiki craft and it shows very clearly in every aspect of this online course. The videos are excellent and so well presented. The most important part for me was that I could follow the course at my own pace and it was relatively inexpensive too. I would highly recommend this (and have done already) to anyone seeking personal and professional development opportunities in Reiki. Thank you Melissa.
Melissa is so passionate about her Reiki craft and it shows very clearly in every aspect of this online course. The videos are excellent and so well presented. The most important part for me was that I could follow the course at my own pace and it was relatively inexpensive too. I would highly recommend this (and have done already) to anyone seeking personal and professional development opportunities in Reiki. Thank you Melissa.
Our tutor was an inspiration. I feel so completely blessed to have met her and been taught by her. Her knowledge is so vast, once you experience a number of her courses you will be truly amazed by the detail of her knowledge in so many areas. What I love about her is that she is able to be extremely concise about the subject she is teaching and you come away from a course really understanding that subject area because it's been taught in such a simple yet complete way.

Your hands are most likely to experience temperature changes when practising. This is the effect of the Reiki energy flowing through your hands. The person receiving Reiki (that can be you giving yourself or the person you give Reiki) will feel relaxed as the energy reduces physical, emotional and mental stress. The person receiving feels often warmth coming out of the hands of the giver.
When you enrol on a course with Reiki Evolution using the payment button above, PayPal will send us your contact details (name, e-mail address, postal address). We need to store and use this data to deal with your enrolment: we need to know where to post your certificate and also need to keep your details for tax purposes and to maintain a list of former students so that we can issue replacement certificates in the future, if a student’s certificate was lost or damaged. You can find our privacy policy here: Privacy Policy.
When you enrol on a course with Reiki Evolution using the payment button above, PayPal will send us your contact details (name, e-mail address, postal address). We need to store and use this data to deal with your enrolment: we need to know where to post your certificate and also need to keep your details for tax purposes and to maintain a list of former students so that we can issue replacement certificates in the future, if a student’s certificate was lost or damaged. You can find our privacy policy here: Privacy Policy.

Learning Reiki is a good starting point for experiencing and working with healing energy and a wonderful method for deepening awareness of universal energy. In general, Reiki complements other healing methods and spiritual practices. There are no hard and fast rules about how to approach starting Reiki and starting healing. Again, listen to your heart and you will be guided in choosing the right experiences and teacher(s) for you.
Melissa’s Reiki course is outstanding! She designed very detailed lessons that are user-friendly, thorough, and practical to learn. Everything flowed with ease throughout the course! Melissa offers her philosophy of the Reiki path, and I deeply resonate with her teachings. She has an extremely caring presence that radiates to you even though this is a distance course. I highly recommend her courses! This is essential for anyone who is on a healing path! It was truly a pleasure:).

This is a comprehensive course divided into four levels to train practitioners of Reiki and Registered Integrative Naturotherapists with a Reiki specialization. Each level of Reiki training assists the student in understanding the theoretical and practical applications of Reiki, as well as the ethical and legal necessities within a therapeutic practice. This course fills a crucial need in the community, helping to provide alternative and integrative support to client/patients in an overburdened health care system.

We are opening the minds and hearts of our students to the ever increasing scientific knowledge that ‘energy is non-local’, and as such can reach anybody, for attunements or healing, from anywhere in the world through thought and intention, just like prayer (which is scientifically proven). Indeed with evolving technology, other modalities including medicine are moving toward the use of new technology to reach a broader population than was thought previously possible, for example, through the new 'Telemedicine' and also Online Integrative Medicine studies as provided to medical doctors through the University of Arizona. The Canadian Government has also been engaged in creating a digital health infrastructure as seen through www.betterhealthtogether.ca.

Before I took Reiki I was spiritually healing at times and did some training in 2000 at my local spirituals church as a trainee healer. However Reiki really appealed to me much more so, and I love it! I found Reiki attunements really helped in the reconnection to the life force energy and it has much more in depth teachings, to aid the student progression through the different levels of Reiki, for a much deeper understanding of how it works and how best to use and apply it.
We spend some time talking about how to develop intuition and give some suggestions for moving beyond the basic “Reiji ho” approach. We will practice working intuitively in a number of different ways and introduce a method where we can directly perceive someone’s energy system, and we also explore some “mind’s eye” visual shortcuts. Again, students will practise various intuitive exercises on their group of friends and relatives, gaining facility through repetition.

There are a lot of videos on youtube and on other platforms as well which are totally genuine and highly informative. Although just watching a video or simply surfing through the net might not be enough to learn Reiki but there are a lot of healers that give reiki training through Online Reiki Classes and teach Reiki through skype or other video calling modes.
Honestly, I didn’t know what to expect. I had been teaching telepathic interspecies communication online and distance for years, and I knew that one of the wonderful benefits of Reiki is that it can be practiced at a distance. I was confident that I could create a distance learning environment that would give people the training and the tools that they needed to become competent Reiki practitioners.
The first three levels of Reiki can be taken for certificates and the status of Reiki Master/Teacher.  Should the student wish to receive their Registered Integrative Therapist designation, they must then complete the more extensive trainings. Should they already be a Reiki practitioner or teacher and wish to receive their R.I.N. designation, some exemptions can be provided to gain advanced standing in our program. 
There is one point I cannot stress enough: you will be a healer for yourself, however you will be a 'tool giver' or a 'facilitator' for others. What I mean by that is that people heal themselves with the energy they receive and you are the person that makes that achievable for them. You show them the way to heal, and by giving the Reiki energy and supplying them with the Life Force Energy they then use it to heal themselves.
Within easy reach of Amersham, Aylesbury, Ascot, Beaconsfield, Bourne End, Bracknell, Bray, Chesham, Cookham, Chalfont St Peter, Flackwell Heath, Gerrards Cross, Great Missenden, Hazlemere, Henley-On-Thames, Holmer Green, Maidenhead, Marlow, Princes Risborough, Prestwood, Reading, Stokenchurch, Taplow, Twyford, Thame, Tring, Wendover, Watlington, Windsor & Wooburn Green.

My journey with Reiki started after I began my professional practice as an animal communicator. I was interested in Reiki because I wanted additional tools that I could offer to my clients and their animals, particularly those who were healing from trauma, or had emotional, behavioral, or physical issues that could benefit from the holistic healing energy of Reiki.
Receiving attunements/reiju: Students are more or less sensitive to energy, especially as a beginner Reiki student, and will often feel and notice physical, mental, and emotional sensations during the attunement more easily with their Reiki teacher right in front of them performing the attunement. (It also helps their linear mind to trust that something is happening!)
“To describe these as comprehensive would be an understatement. Anything and everything you need to know about Reiki is contained within these! I found these immensely useful – I still do, and I still find them interesting to read through and look at again. They are well organized, presented, and written. My interest is primarily in the original system of Mikao Usui, but it was interesting to see what other people had experienced and discovered in reiki. If we let dogma and doctrine into reiki then it would be no longer reiki. The fact that in the manuals you were not frightened to express an opinion, but managed to avoid sitting in judgement was very well done – and is very difficult to do well.”
This course is wonderful! Melissa’s online tutorials are so helpful and I am so glad that my life journey has lead me to Melissa. Melissa shines with brightness, a beautiful soul who wants to help others. The reference material is so helpful and you can go back to it at any time. The fact you can do this course in your own time is great for those with busy lifestyles and Melissa always answers any emails, she really is there for you on this journey. Thank you Melissa for this course and for being there for us. xx
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This was an incredible journey of self discovery. Thank you Melissa for the support and loving guidance you have provided from when I started right until the completion of this course. I gained the confidence and the knowledge I needed to become the person I have always wanted to be. I highly recommend this course to aspiring as well as professional healers who wish to learn Reike to compliment their current mode of healing.
During your home study course you will receive a series of distant ‘Reiju’ empowerments which are there to support your work with sacred Shinto mantras called ‘kotodama’ and to move you on to (or “attune” you) at Master level. These traditional Japanese empowerments help to open up further the channels through which Reiki flows, they emphasise to your system important aspects of the energy that you will be working with, and they introduce you powerfully to a state of oneness. They are equivalent to Western-style Reiki ‘attunements’ but come closer to passing on what was intended by Reiki’s founder, Mikao Usui. During your course you will also receive some Western-style Reiki “attunements” at a distance, so you will have been initiated using both original Japanese and Western-style methods. During the later stages of your course, you will ‘tune in’ to distant Reiju empowerments which we send out every day, on Mondays. Your Reiki potential will not lessen over time, so tuning into these empowerments is not essential, but doing so will make a difference to you and your Reiki practice and echoes the practice of Reiki’s founder, Mikao Usui, who empowered his students on a regular basis.