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It would not really be good enough to just give a student some training materials and tell them to get on with it. We think that it is very important to make sure that our home study students have carried out all the practical exercises that they need to carry out in order to feel confident in what they are doing, and it is important that we are on hand to answer and questions or queries that our students have, and to advise them and support them as they progress through their course. What we do is to break the course down into a series of stages, or ‘projects’, where for each stage the student does some reading, listens to the audio commentary, carries out practical energy exercises and then sends us feedback by e-mail to let us know what they have done and what they have experienced. We can then gear our support to what the student has done and what they need. Training is one-to-one.
As Reiki is considered a spiritual healing art you might be required to have a certification of an ordained minister. Therefore, for starting your fact-finding mission it would be useful if you make some telephone calls to your local chamber of commerce. In addition, make sure to obtain liability insurance in case you need protection against lawsuits.
This is the background and theory that you study from home and then complete an online test paper before attending your practical training. It is easily completed with between 6-10 hours of study time. For some people it may take a little longer. In order to be awarded your Diploma you then have a choice of either providing a dissertation or else a copy of your own Reiki course manuals.
Find the true image of the life you were meant to live thanks to the Original Reiki Master Mikao Usui! Your energy may flow freely...and your consciousness may change as you become one with your new healing power... and my friend I will tell you...this experience is going to help you unfold an incredible part of the beautiful concept of "you" that you never knew existed!
If you have come from other lineages and have not been trained in the important techniques that have come from Japan, I would expect you to learn Japanese Reiki techniques before going on to do Mastership with ReikiEvolution. The new teachings are so important to the future development of Reiki in the West. One way to achieve this would be for you to redo your First and Second Degree training with us, so you are ‘in tune’ with the way we do things, but that can start to get expensive, so we achieve this by way of a self-study ‘conversion course’ based on sending you downloads of our Reiki 1 and Reiki 2 course manuals and Audio CDs – as PDFs and MP3s – together with ‘homework’ instructions for you to carry out. You can order printed versions of these manuals and CDs if you wish.
Find out how long the class is; ask for an outline of what you will be taught and the cost. In a first degree Reiki class you should be taught a sequence of hand positions for treating yourself and other people, and given time to practise these in the class.  You may also be taught about treating animals and plants. You will be usually told the history and principles of Reiki and there will be opportunities for you to ask questions.
(360 hours of study are included to the Reiki Master/Teacher Level.  You can then add 1 more course to gain Membership to the Association of Naturopaths and Naturotherapists of Canada.  You will then qualify to provide insurance receipts.  You can also further your studies with us and receive your Diploma and Designation as a Registered Integrative Naturotherapist, R.I.N.)

The second Symbol (Mental, Emotional and Addiction) gives you access to hidden regions of consciousness, be it your own or of a person you treat. Mental healing can help you to transform misdirected energies so that the receiver can experience optimism, love, and happiness. It is here that healing for addiction and unwanted habits can be applied (e.g. smoking/alcohol/gambling cessation and obsessive thoughts/preoccupation).
I am passionate about health and wellness and helping others find natural ways to support their body, mind and spirit. I have been teaching Reiki and alternative wellness for the past 17 years and have been able to share these gifts with thousands of students. It is important to me that my work makes a positive difference in the world and I strive to provide positive and meaningful experiences for my students as they embrace their full potential and power.

“What we have tried to do is to provide our students with a ‘learning smorgasbord’, where they can use the material or medium that best suits their particular learning style: we have text, we have images, we have summaries and flow-charts and diagrams and even puzzles, we have audio commentary and instructions and we have video sequences. By using these different media in combination with each other, and by having students carry out extensive practical exercises over many weeks, learning and understanding is enhanced.”

What a fantastic course from start to finish. Everything from the building to the tutor made the day better than I could have hoped, the course was excellent. Not only was it enjoyable and informative the information was easy to understand, lots of help and advice were given, nothing was a problem. The tutor went above and beyond the call of duty to support me, a big thank you
What a fantastic course from start to finish. Everything from the building to the tutor made the day better than I could have hoped, the course was excellent. Not only was it enjoyable and informative the information was easy to understand, lots of help and advice were given, nothing was a problem. The tutor went above and beyond the call of duty to support me, a big thank you
The Reiki I, II, III ART & III Teacher Qualification Course: Is designed to help you become a certified Reiki teacher. What stands out about this course is the amount of material you get, which is spread out over 50 parts. This is a complete course that takes one from beginner to master. Students spoke highly of instructor, Rosemary Owen, who teaches in a peaceful manner, although some noted her voice may have been too low a volume. Overall, a good, comprehensive course on this therapy.
“The whole course has been excellent and has allowed me to really work through each part in my own time, to develop each aspect before I moved on. There is no possibility of feeling out of your depth, unsure or isolated with these courses. Support from Taggart throughout has been constant and continues to be so. The CDs and DVDs are excellent and I use the CDs on my own courses. Another strength of the course is that it addresses all modes of learning. You can read, listen or see and hear techniques demonstrated. I took a long time to complete the course because of personal circumstances, and this illustrates another strength: I just carried on with my daily meditations, kept in contact with and received support from Taggart and moved to the next section when I was able.”
Therapy Training School is an approved training provider, and our training courses throughout the UK are recognised and accredited for insurance purposes by UK governing bodies such as: The Guild of Beauty Therapists (GBT), the Guild of Holistic Therapists (GHT) and The International Institute for Complementary Therapists (IICT). Insurance can also be obtained for the UK via Towergate Insurance and Westminster Indemnity. You will be able to practice as a self-employed therapist or mobile therapist. Always check with your potential employer (or local council) to ensure that this Diploma will be accepted by them.
Interestingly I gave a friend who is already 2nd degree a first degree empowerment and the results have been stunning. She is very sensitive to the energies and has always been a guinea pig for me. Not only did she experience a huge jolt as I formulated my intention but in the week since she has been feeling excellent and has dealt, with ease, with some stressful problems which would normally have reduced her to quivering jelly. This is the kind of feedback which makes it all worthwhile for me.
Is an initiation to enable you to access the Reiki energy on all levels (mental, physical, emotional and psychically) and balances many important energy channels within your spiritual body. The Reiki Master will channel through your aura/spiritual body the Reiki Energy. This process will enable you to access Pure Universal Energy, and the dormant Reiki part that already exists inside yourself will be activated. Now you will be able to use this energy for healing purposes and much more.