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Reiki/Seichem is performed by the ‘laying-on of hands’ whilst the client remains fully clothed on a massage couch or seated in a chair. The practitioner channels this life energy through their hands to the recipient for the purposes of healing the body, mind & spirit. It is said to accelerate the body’s ability to heal physical ailments, opens the mind & spirit to the causes of disease and pain, reinforcing the recipient’s ability to take responsibility for their life. The hand positions correspond to the energy centres of the body & their associated organs. The Practitioner may work ‘hands off’ to facilitate deeper healing in the energy field. The number of treatments depends upon the root cause of the problem and the amount of energy needed to restore the well-being.
Second degree is distant healing: students learn to replace the hand-to-body contact with a mental connection when needed so that healing can be offered even when touch is impossible or inappropriate. (For example, psychotherapists may choose to learn Second degree to bring another dimension of healing into therapy sessions.) Second degree techniques can also be used to enhance hands-on treatment.
Stage 6	This stage is all about seeing what is possible: pushing the barriers, moving beyond self-imposed limitations. You will start by receiving another Western Master attunement. Then we will carry out a number of exercises to see what is possible. We will also consider a range of non-Reiki techniques that have been added into Reiki over the years. It will take about 7 hours to carry out these various tasks, over 7 days.

“I am really pleased that I did the course. The course has exceeded my expectations, I feel that I have learnt some really fundamental things about energy work that give me confidence to apply the learning myself. I think some of the elements of the original methods – particularly Reiju empowerments, kotodama, and the concept of Earth energy and Heavenly energy are so beautiful and simple that they take my understanding of Reiki to a higher, more spiritual level – and I am quite an “earthly” person, so I didn’t expect that! Thank you.” Lucy Wilkinson, West Yorkshire
The process of ‘attunement’ or initiation is what sets Reiki apart from other modalities of healing. Other forms of healing can be done intuitively or by someone who is ‘gifted’. This is not the case with Reiki; it can be learned by anyone. The attunement process enables all students who go through learning and initiation into Reiki to practice and give healing if they wish to. However, some students simply wish to take the learning and attunements for themselves and their own spiritual growth. This powerful course is split into parts Reiki 1 & Reiki 2 levels, it will give you all the tools you need to learn how to transfer this healing energy to help others, should you wish to do so and to use it in your own life too.
I really loved this course. The lectures were enjoyable to listen to. It was a great feature to offer them as additional downloads. The extra material like the guided meditations were all high quality. As someone very familiar with Japanese culture I really appreciated the accuracy and authenticity of the material as well as the thoroughness of the training, covering many techniques and methods. Arranging the attunements was very straightforward and I would highly recommend this course to anyone interested in Reiki.
Let me start by saying technology can be a wonderful thing. I am a big fan of the ways it allows us to connect across continents, time zones, and cultures, and it definitely has its place for learning—more on this below. However, I think there are huge benefits to learning Reiki at an in-person training, and I discuss the powerful ways this differs from Reiki training online so you can decide for yourself where to learn Reiki.
Now, individuals throughout the world can learn about Reiki, take all three levels of courses and become skilled and knowledgeable at treating themselves and others. For those students who wish to, they can complete the Reiki Master Course which allows them to teach and learn to connect others to the Reiki Source. Marion is proud to state that she enjoys keeping in contact with her Reiki students even after their courses have been completed.
Reiki/Seichem is performed by the ‘laying-on of hands’ whilst the client remains fully clothed on a massage couch or seated in a chair. The practitioner channels this life energy through their hands to the recipient for the purposes of healing the body, mind & spirit. It is said to accelerate the body’s ability to heal physical ailments, opens the mind & spirit to the causes of disease and pain, reinforcing the recipient’s ability to take responsibility for their life. The hand positions correspond to the energy centres of the body & their associated organs. The Practitioner may work ‘hands off’ to facilitate deeper healing in the energy field. The number of treatments depends upon the root cause of the problem and the amount of energy needed to restore the well-being.

Reiki 3, or the reiki master level, attunement elevates practitioners to a teaching level, and expands your understanding of reiki to the point of being able to teach and attune others. Receiving this attunement and training represents a deep commitment to the practice and ideology of reiki and is recommended for those who wish to practice reiki healing professionally.

I absolutely loved the course! Our instructor trained the group amazingly well. The course manual was extremely well detailed and I feel that it has given me all of the knowledge that I need. The admin staff that I have communicated with have also been brilliant - I can't compliment them enough. I can't wait to book onto my next course after the Christmas period!!!
You will choose a specific date and time that is convenient for you and myself and you will relax at that set time. I will connect energetically with you and perform the ceremony. Reiki energy is non-invasive and your body decides how much Reiki it will use and what it will address. The attunements are with you for life and you can then use Reiki whenever you wish.
As a Reiki Master-Teacher, my mission is to share the gift of Reiki and to train people who wish to become Reiki Practitioners. Because of my work as an animal communicator, Reiki for animals is a large part of my professional and teaching practice. Reiki has also become an intimate part of my personal spiritual practice, connecting me more deeply to source energy and the divine love and universal life-force energy that is within all beings.
Stage 5 This stage is all about learning to develop the Hara, an important part of the original system that Usui Sensei taught. We will use a specific meditation, or energy exercise, to achieve this, and the exercise will continue throughout the rest of the course and beyond. It will take about 10 hours to carry out these various tasks, over 14 days.
This is a truely uplifting course. Self paced and you have the ability to navigate the course so that areas that need additional attention can be easily accessed. When I decided to do the course I suspected that there was something that I needed to do, but I was not exactly sure what it was. During the course I discovered things that seemed familiar and yet I had never been taught them. This course was an “Awakening” for me. I thoroughly enjoyed it and now I want to do more, not as a business, but for personal developement. During the course I became more spiritually aware, and I believe that was because of the level of meditation that I was able to reach with Melissa’s meditation MP3s. They are wonderfully relaxing. I would fully recommend this course to anyone who has thoughts on trying Reiki even if it is only for personal use.
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Learn Reiki self care online with me in an interactive live training that is as close as possible to being here in the room together. The sessions will be recorded and available to everyone who registers and attends the live event to use for review. You’ll be able to ask questions during our live gatherings and also on the private page where you can review the recordings.
"The teaching style was perfect for me, a balance of being serious, lighthearted, and patient. The healing sessions were powerful and useful for learning new techniques, and the advanced healing treatment really inspired me. I really enjoyed the attunement process and the manner in which it was conducted was beautiful. Overall the workshop reignited my passion for Reiki and I feel more strongly connected to the energy and the system. I am looking forward to the next step! Thank you Rich".
The pre-course material was excellent. I know I will be working through much of it for years to come. I loved the way it was presented with student comments about each section. If ever I am led to teach commercially I know I will be so grateful for that tremendous back up and support. The CDs were great and I went to bed playing them every night in the hope it would filter through my consciousness while I slept. The DVD brought the words to life and were really helpful as I could practice with them.
"After completing this course, I feel as if my Reiki journey has been brought full circle. And with that, the discovery that everything in me that I long thought was missing, broken or in need of fixing, has been here all along, fully formed, beautifully and perfectly imperfect, and exactly right. And I cannot imagine a greater gift than that." Ash