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This was an incredible journey of self discovery. Thank you Melissa for the support and loving guidance you have provided from when I started right until the completion of this course. I gained the confidence and the knowledge I needed to become the person I have always wanted to be. I highly recommend this course to aspiring as well as professional healers who wish to learn Reike to compliment their current mode of healing.
“I am a trained trainer so am always professionally interested in the content, presentation and documentation of other people’s courses. I rate this one as superb in every way. Your manuals, CDs and DVD are excellent training materials in my view. Not only did I find them informative but also the way in which they were presented was designed to hold one’s attention. You made learning easy.”Mary-Jean Wood, France
This course allows for and does that, its immediately evident that the intent off Melissa is that this is her goal and a very noble one. We have not finished our course yet but are well on the way to completing it. The teachings and attunements we have recieved have been used to great success on everybody including ourselves. You will not find a more helpful, honest, kind instructor and we are both blessed to have you as our instructor and will work hard on completing the course in the next two to 3 months. I recently lost my dad and my mum her husband to say we were close would be a massive understatement. Through the use of Reiki we were able to heal both his physical and mental pain, he had cancer and a massive abdominal wound and was not eating nor drinking fluids. Regardless of this we did reiki on him sometimes twice a day or more and even distance healing. The surgery team and doctors could not believe there own eyes with the rapid healing of his wounds. They even took photos to show other doctors, I can only hope that western medicine understands and accepts that Reiki is real and it works we are both not masters but using the techniques taught and loving energy and those above and the universe we made a difference and cannot thank Melissa enough for the gift she have us. Namaste Melissa Love and Light to All.
All information about Reiki has come to us through Mrs. Takata who learned the system of Reiki in Japan in 1935. According to Mrs. Takata, the definition of a Reiki Master is anyone who has received the Master attunement and Master symbol, understands how to give all the attunements and has actually taught a Reiki class thus passing Reiki on to others. Those who have taken Reiki Master training and not taught at least one person would not qualify as Reiki Masters and should call themselves Reiki Master practitioners until they do teach. If you have taught a friend or family member, then you qualify as a Reiki Master.
You may have heard that Reiki must be taught in person and I am here to let you know that is simply not true. Keep in mind that the founder, Dr. Mikao Usui passed on attunements simply by sitting in meditation with his students. There was no physical contact, only an energetic transmission. Today, we understand that energy transcends time and space. I have been teaching Reiki for almost twenty years and have had the honor of teaching it online for the past five years and I can confidently say that you can be an amazing Reiki practitioner with this online certification.

I just completed Melissa's Reiki Level I, II and Master Certification. An amazing learning experience with Melissa's guidance. The materials were extremely easy to follow and the flow was well organized/structured. Melissa is calm, encouraging and sincere .. a beautiful soul with a big heart to give and share. This is life changing and I am committed to practice the 5 Reiki principles. Thanks so much Melissa xo

“I am really pleased that I did the course. The course has exceeded my expectations, I feel that I have learnt some really fundamental things about energy work that give me confidence to apply the learning myself. I think some of the elements of the original methods – particularly Reiju empowerments, kotodama, and the concept of Earth energy and Heavenly energy are so beautiful and simple that they take my understanding of Reiki to a higher, more spiritual level – and I am quite an “earthly” person, so I didn’t expect that! Thank you.” Lucy Wilkinson, West Yorkshire
Absolute 5 star purchase! This course is so inspiring and motivation. It is set out in such a beautiful and interesting layout… full of gorgeous images, helpful videos, and audio. Melissa is so easy to listen to, and her nature is so warm and inviting. I’ve done my share of correspondence courses, and this has been one of, if not, the best. Highly recommended!
Hi this has been a great course that I recommend to anyone studying spirituality, conscious subjects, healing subjects and modalities. I am a massage therapist that discovered Reiki in my work the last 3 years so I studied this course to put the icing on the cake so to speak. My experiencial knowing matches up with what is taught in this course, Reiki is very real and very effective when the skills are realised then projected out. Melissa has done well to present how it is, how it was and how it will always be. I feel I was guided to this course and I resonated with the content of it all, I enjoyed reading the materials and doing the suggested exercises. I wish everyone a full chakra activation to the higher consciousness which is waiting on the north side, the higher dimensional self awareness.

The monthly free online newsletter will bring you fresh insight about Reiki, and the articles in the 80 page hard copy Reiki News Magazine are written by the some of the most experienced and well known Reiki practitioners and teachers on the planet! We also have a Reiki store in which you’ll find materials to help you learn, practice and teach Reiki. These include The Reiki Touch Kit, the I&II class manual, Reiki, The Healing Touch and the Reiki Master manual.
Before taking your Teacher training you and I will discuss what you expect / will learn in the class and what your intentions are as a future Teacher. It is a serious step that requires adequate preparation, and you need to feel motivated and ready for it. Extended experience with practice in Reiki Degrees 1, 2, and Master is required and the experienced use of all the Symbols is a must. This usually can be done 1-2 years or later after the Reiki Master Degree is obtained.

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Healing attunements seem to have derived from the work of William Rand, and are designed to be used to help a client open themselves fully to the effects of Reiki. I see them more as a Reiki ‘blessing’. Reiki Psychic surgery is a ritual which focuses your intent in a particular way. The microcosmic orbit meditation takes the energies associated with the Reiki symbols round the functional and governor channels, and crystal healing grids are used to send distant Reiki 24 hours a day by using ‘charged’ crystals in a particular geometric pattern. ‘Antahkaranas’ are Asian symbols that produce a healing effect of their own, without the need to be attuned to them. The basics of pendulum dowsing are presented in the manual, to allow students to look in more detail at their clients’ chakra systems and to contact their spirit guides if they wish to pursue this aspect of Reiki practice.
“The DVD was very well set out, very easy to work to – a bit like Reiju, simple but powerful. I particularly liked the fact that the two women showing us the Reiju routine did it slightly differently which I thought caught your course theme superbly. It is our intuition and intent which is the key to successfully working with Ki.” Jon O’Neill, Nottinghamshire  “Quite the most superb relief to have this tool! It is the icing on the cake to be able to see, as many times as necessary, the steps, the flow of the attunements and empowerments, and is the answer to every new RMT’s prayers!” Veronica Hayes, Suffolk
Think of this like a music radio where you change the frequency until you listen to your favorite music station. Here the Reiki Master will tune you until you are on the Reiki healing frequency. Note that after one attunement you will be on the right frequency but after a few days, you will decade to the wrong frequency again. For this reason, it is recommended to repeat the attunements when you feel like your frequency is on the wrong channel. Initially, you should do 2 or 3 attunements to lock yourself in the correct frequency for a few months. Only on our website, after you are attuned, the Reiki Master will channel an additional Universal Life Force Energy to your aura to strengthen your attunement.
In Kyoto, there will be the opportunity for sightseeing and cultural exchange. The highlight of our visit will be a day trip to Mount Kurama, the very birthplace of Reiki where Sensei Usui meditated for 21 days and received the Reiki energy. Kurama has many different frequencies and patterns of high vibration. We will hike up to the top of the sacred mountain for a meditation, and the Masters attunement. On the way back down we will enjoy an outside bath at the local hot spring ‘onsen’.
This course was given to me as a gift from my son when my husband was gravely ill. The information given is clear and easy to follow and the attunement was amazing. We were able to help my husband pass in a serene and spiritual way and it also gave us the strength and focus we desperately needed at the time. Ongoing messages and support make this course a pleasure and to be able to progress in our own time without any pressure means that everyone who undertakes this course will enjoy the journey as well as achieving the end goal. It is obvious to me that making money out of helping others is not the focus of this course as many other reiki courses cost many hundreds of dollars so the teaching given is truly given for the good of all and not for profit. I am very grateful for the opportunity that I have been given and I send my love and light to all that are connected with this course. I can’t recommend it highly enough and hope that your journey will be as fulfilling as mine. Love and Light Sue xxxx
One of the most important, yet least explained, benefits of Reiki is its ability to guide your life in a way that is exactly right for you. When you focus Reiki on difficult situations in your life, guidance about what to do comes more easily. Or it may inspire a change in attitude or belief about your situation. Suddenly, you see your condition from a fresh perspective, one which reveals a previously unseen course of action leading to a more positive result. - William Lee Rand

Melissa was extremely responsive and truly makes this course something to easily follow. Her books are to the point and it’s easy to be open to all of the information she provides for the learning experience. One of the most wonderful things was how open Melissa is to everyone’s personal interpretation on the journey of their own mastery! She gave me confidence in what path I want to take professionally with Reiki and I am VERY thankful for that! She was a beautiful soul who is extremely supportive of what you choose to do with your new education! Thank you Melissa! I look forward to continue to share my progress and see everyone else’s as well!
When I first became a Reiki Master Teacher, I agreed to use my Reiki in whatever way would best help this planet and all life on it. I started this Reiki website and began to teach in-person Reiki classes throughout Southern California and Big Sur. I loved it, but found myself wanting to reach all the people around the world who emailed me and wanted to learn Reiki but couldn’t physically come to my classes.
The goal of this Reiki course is to show you how to activate Reiki and give treatments to yourself and others, as well as how to upgrade your energy, release blocks and master the power of manifestation. Designed by Shannon Nicole, Master energy practitioner, the course is said to be of much assistance in learning how to perform attunements on others. This online drawing course seems like a good choice for those who have a general understanding of energy healing and metaphysical practices.
Melissa was extremely responsive and truly makes this course something to easily follow. Her books are to the point and it’s easy to be open to all of the information she provides for the learning experience. One of the most wonderful things was how open Melissa is to everyone’s personal interpretation on the journey of their own mastery! She gave me confidence in what path I want to take professionally with Reiki and I am VERY thankful for that! She was a beautiful soul who is extremely supportive of what you choose to do with your new education! Thank you Melissa! I look forward to continue to share my progress and see everyone else’s as well!
After Mrs. Takata passed on in December, 1980, the twenty-two Masters she had initiated continued to teach and eventually began initiating other Masters. At first they taught in the same way Mrs. Takata had done, teaching the complete system in three degrees. Eventually some Masters began making changes to the system, adding knowledge and healing skills they had acquired from experience and inner guidance. Some took the third degree that originally contained the complete Master training and broke it up into two or more parts. Some actually broke the Master degree up into as many as five parts, calling each part a new degree.
One of the most important, yet least explained, benefits of Reiki is its ability to guide your life in a way that is exactly right for you. When you focus Reiki on difficult situations in your life, guidance about what to do comes more easily. Or it may inspire a change in attitude or belief about your situation. Suddenly, you see your condition from a fresh perspective, one which reveals a previously unseen course of action leading to a more positive result. - William Lee Rand

I stumbled upon Melissa when looking for Reiki courses, and although getting a good feeling from her, I originally decided I wanted to learn in person. However, when looking at local Reiki courses I just didn’t feel the connection with any other teachers – I realised then that Melissa was meant to be my Reiki teacher. This course is lovely and I have learnt so much. Melissa is a wonderful teacher. Highly recommend!

I really loved this course. The lectures were enjoyable to listen to. It was a great feature to offer them as additional downloads. The extra material like the guided meditations were all high quality. As someone very familiar with Japanese culture I really appreciated the accuracy and authenticity of the material as well as the thoroughness of the training, covering many techniques and methods. Arranging the attunements was very straightforward and I would highly recommend this course to anyone interested in Reiki.