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In Kyoto, there will be the opportunity for sightseeing and cultural exchange. The highlight of our visit will be a day trip to Mount Kurama, the very birthplace of Reiki where Sensei Usui meditated for 21 days and received the Reiki energy. Kurama has many different frequencies and patterns of high vibration. We will hike up to the top of the sacred mountain for a meditation, and the Masters attunement. On the way back down we will enjoy an outside bath at the local hot spring ‘onsen’.
To learn Reiki is to awaken spiritually and to embark on a journey of holistic healing - of both yourself and of others around you. Reiki promotes holistic healing as it helps to bring positive change across the whole of your life - on the emotional, mental and spiritual levels, as well as the physical level. Choosing to connect to Reiki, or Universal Spiritual energy, is choosing to connect to yourself on a deeper level and ultimately reveals the interconnectedness or Oneness of all things.  
I have complete respect for Reiki teachers in all traditions who feel strongly that teaching Reiki only in-person is what is right for them, and I also completely support people who wish to learn Reiki in an in-person environment. I want as many people as possible to have the tool of Reiki, however they come to it and however they use it. I feel it’s important to work with a qualified, well-trained Reiki Master who understands how to teach about Reiki; however, Reiki itself is our most important teacher.
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Q. I'm attuned to Usui-Reiki II, and use various Rainbow Reiki techniques and Japanese techniques (e.g., hatsurei ho, reiji ho, byosen etc), and really want to expand my Reiki "toolbox" by learning Seichem. I know that Gateway teach both together, but it seems pointless me coming along to one of the courses, and paying again for the Usui-Reiki I and II, when all I want is the Seichem part! Will you consider doing separate courses, so that I don't end up repeating myself?!

I really enjoyed this course, it was set out in a great format that is easy to follow and track your progress. Melissa has an easiness to her teaching style and it all felt natural and simple. Melissa was also very responsive to correspondence and felt genuine. Strongly recommend it, I did this course to refresh on Reiki and acquire my masters however I have recommended it to my Dad to do for interest and self healing – I believe the structure allows for success for both professional and personal benefit.

I work with people all over the world who want to learn animal communication and Reiki to help people and animals in their families and communities. There are many people who live in places where Reiki training isn’t available or accessible to them. For many reasons, I saw that my calling to teach Reiki classes online could be of service in the world. And so, trusting this guidance, I created my first online Reiki class.

This online Reiki course is suitable for those who want to learn how to harness energy healing for themselves, family, friends, pets, and animals. The founder of the course, Melissa Crowhurst, states that the lessons give powerful insights into how to take care of your mind, body, and soul, as well as into methods of attracting loving energy and abundance into your life. This course could be a good choice if you want to learn how to send attunements via distance healing to loved ones and clients.
The Reiki attunement is a powerful spiritual experience. The attunement energies are channeled into the student through the Reiki Master. The process is guided by the Rei or God-consciousness and makes adjustments in the process depending on the needs of each student. The attunement is also attended by Reiki guides and other spiritual beings who help implement the process. Many report having mystical experiences involving personal messages, healings, visions, and past life experiences.
Think of yourself as a hollow pipe left in the river. As long as the water fills up the insides of the pipe, you are healthy and happy. Negativities, like dirt and grime, settle layer upon layer inside the pipe, slowly reducing the flow of water and eventually clogging it up completely. When this happens to your channel of energy, you find it difficult to be what you were always meant to be - healthy.

Secondly, we are a school of universality and are open to anyone anywhere who is truly seeking self-healing or support for those around them, as such our online training can reach individuals who are: homebound with illness or agoraphobia, socially anxious, in beds or wheel chairs with no access to a Reiki teaching class, living far from the larger towns without holistic services, wanting to study in private, or so busy as parents or employees that they can’t find time to study until late at night or early morning.
A. Many teachers started with Usui Reiki which is excellent then are introduced to this system which does not take anything away from the Usui method. This system just adds to what you already have to make the system of healing you offer even stronger. It is excellent for those of you who have done Usui Reiki or just as good for those of you new to healing.
Before taking your Teacher training you and I will discuss what you expect / will learn in the class and what your intentions are as a future Teacher. It is a serious step that requires adequate preparation, and you need to feel motivated and ready for it. Extended experience with practice in Reiki Degrees 1, 2, and Master is required and the experienced use of all the Symbols is a must. This usually can be done 1-2 years or later after the Reiki Master Degree is obtained.

Of course, if you’re becoming a Reiki Master then you will learn how to carry out Western-style Reiki attunements, but you have a real treat in store for you: we will teach you how to carry out Reiju empowerments, which are beautiful, flowing initiations that come from Japanese Reiki and which were used by Mikao Usui’s students. You’ll also learn how to empower yourself through the power of Shinto mantra and visualisation, something that is lacking from standard Western Master training.

“This course was amazing – in depth, explicit and diverse. Extremely well supported by the written word, audio, visuals and e-mail.” Carol Gunn, Hampshire  “To start with I was unsure whether a home study course would be as beneficial as attending a course in person. But this course has more than exceeded my expectations. The manual is so comprehensive and easy to read, it’s more of a pleasure to read rather than a course manual. Along with the CDs it is very easy to work through and follow the detailed instructions for each section. I liked being able to report back after each section and awaiting Taggart’s quick e-mail response. I am sure that by working through the energy practices at your own speed has actually strengthened the use of the energy in everyday practice. By being able to do this at your own speed takes the pressure off, whereas if you attended a course with a set timetable you have to work at the speed of everyone else.” Melanie Perry, West Sussex  “All questions I asked were responded to quickly and with accurate information and it is easy to tell that Taggart is very well informed and passionate about Reiki. I thought the whole of the home study course was amazing, it is very well presented and easy to read and follow. I liked the fact that it gave me the flexibility to study around my accountancy exams and full time work.” Niki Leach, Tyne and Wear  “Excellent. Very personal, very inspiring, and always encouraging. You are a natural! Okay I had to wait a few times for the feedback, but if I hadn’t set out to do a ‘war and peace’ job on my feedback I would have got a quicker response. The feedback was always welcome, and always useful.” Jon O’Neill, Nottinghamshire  “Your support was as if you were by my side, encouraging and reminding.” Susan Robinson, County Durham  “The support was excellent. it was great to be able to email thoughts and questions and know that I would get an honest reply, some positive feedback and some pointers to improve my practice. I don’t know how you manage this, considering the number of students you have and all the other things that you develop! I think that the structured approach to the distant learning course, with feedback at each stage is so beneficial, compared to learning everything in a weekend and then only approaching the Reiki Master if you are struggling with something.” Lucy Wilkinson, West Yorkshire
Stage 2 This stage is all about familiarising yourself with the materials that accompany our Reiki Second Degree course: reading the course manual, listening to the audio CD, using a symbol meditation over a period of 10 days, practising an intuitive treatment technique, and treating someone with the energies of CKR and SHK in a way that echoes Mikao Usui’s original method. This will take you about 15 hours, over 10 days.

Let me start by saying technology can be a wonderful thing. I am a big fan of the ways it allows us to connect across continents, time zones, and cultures, and it definitely has its place for learning—more on this below. However, I think there are huge benefits to learning Reiki at an in-person training, and I discuss the powerful ways this differs from Reiki training online so you can decide for yourself where to learn Reiki.
‘Solas’ is the Scottish Gaelic word for 'Light', which is in reference to the spiritual illumination offered to you with these Reiki Training courses. Reserve your spot on one of my Reiki courses, take advantage of over 13 hours of guided video lectures and reveal the secrets to achieving peace and happiness. It’s time to awaken to your True Self. Begin your online Reiki Training Today!

I stumbled upon Melissa when looking for Reiki courses, and although getting a good feeling from her, I originally decided I wanted to learn in person. However, when looking at local Reiki courses I just didn’t feel the connection with any other teachers – I realised then that Melissa was meant to be my Reiki teacher. This course is lovely and I have learnt so much. Melissa is a wonderful teacher. Highly recommend!

This course allows for and does that, its immediately evident that the intent off Melissa is that this is her goal and a very noble one. We have not finished our course yet but are well on the way to completing it. The teachings and attunements we have recieved have been used to great success on everybody including ourselves. You will not find a more helpful, honest, kind instructor and we are both blessed to have you as our instructor and will work hard on completing the course in the next two to 3 months. I recently lost my dad and my mum her husband to say we were close would be a massive understatement. Through the use of Reiki we were able to heal both his physical and mental pain, he had cancer and a massive abdominal wound and was not eating nor drinking fluids. Regardless of this we did reiki on him sometimes twice a day or more and even distance healing. The surgery team and doctors could not believe there own eyes with the rapid healing of his wounds. They even took photos to show other doctors, I can only hope that western medicine understands and accepts that Reiki is real and it works we are both not masters but using the techniques taught and loving energy and those above and the universe we made a difference and cannot thank Melissa enough for the gift she have us. Namaste Melissa Love and Light to All.
Important Disclaimer: The information contained on Top5Reviewed.com is intended for informational and educational purposes only. Any statements made on this website have not been evaluated by the FDA and any information or products discussed are not intended to diagnose, cure, treat or prevent any disease or illness. Please consult a healthcare practitioner before making changes to your diet or taking supplements that may interfere with medications.
A. Many teachers started with Usui Reiki which is excellent then are introduced to this system which does not take anything away from the Usui method. This system just adds to what you already have to make the system of healing you offer even stronger. It is excellent for those of you who have done Usui Reiki or just as good for those of you new to healing.
After attunement, the Master will adjust your frequency to the healing frequency. After a few months, it might get out of sync, and you might not feel ok again. At this point, you will be able to ask the Reiki Master to lock your frequency in your aura forever, and this process is done using the Secret Symbols, that have been re-discovered by Dr. Mikao Usui in March 1922. These symbols have been secretly passed along to the most devoted Reiki practitioners since then, and some teachers even charged $10,000.