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“Many thanks for guiding me through such a rich and full course. I was very impressed by the quality of the materials in particular the attunements section. You managed to break down a complex procedure into understandable and memorable steps and repeating across different media and formats really helped the learning process.” Clare Ewins, West Sussex

All energy healing methods work by getting energy from the Universe and channeling for a specific task like healing for example. The difference between the Reiki healing method and an Energy Worker, Physic Healer or Basic Channeller is like comparing a car (Reiki) to a horse (others). Reiki works with much higher precision and efficiency, therefore, delivering positive results faster than the other healing methods.
Each Reiki Evolution RMT home study course is accompanied by this 370 page book, written by Taggart. You’ll find a wealth of advice about how to set up and run your Reiki courses: read articles about planning and structuring your courses; find out how to explain things to students in a way that honours their learning preferences and personality types; discover how to create top quality course materials and how to support your students long-term.
I am passionate about health and wellness and helping others find natural ways to support their body, mind and spirit. I have been teaching Reiki and alternative wellness for the past 17 years and have been able to share these gifts with thousands of students. It is important to me that my work makes a positive difference in the world and I strive to provide positive and meaningful experiences for my students as they embrace their full potential and power.
I am in tears realizing this beautiful course is over. I have been through so much and if it wasn’t for Melissa, her kind words, and teaching me how to connect with the Divine, I truly dont know where I’d be right now. Thank you so much, Melissa. I am beyond grateful. You’re the best teacher I have ever had. I highly recommend you and this course. Best thing I have ever decided to do. Love and Light to you, beautiful.
You may have heard that Reiki must be taught in person and I am here to let you know that is simply not true. Keep in mind that the founder, Dr. Mikao Usui passed on attunements simply by sitting in meditation with his students. There was no physical contact, only an energetic transmission. Today, we understand that energy transcends time and space. I have been teaching Reiki for almost twenty years and have had the honor of teaching it online for the past five years and I can confidently say that you can be an amazing Reiki practitioner with this online certification.
As time went by, Mrs. Takata contemplated the need to train other Reiki Masters. She realized that the Japanese concept of respect might be difficult to instill in the Western mind. Because Reiki Mastership is so easily learned, being simply passed on during the Reiki Master attunement, she felt that Westerners might not value it. So she devised a plan of charging a large sum of money for those wanting to become Reiki Masters. She felt that money was something that Western people understood and respected and this would help create the appreciation and gratitude for Reiki that was needed. She decided that $10,000 would be a large enough sum to instill the respect needed for the Reiki Master attunement. She also set the fees for Reiki I at $175 and Reiki II at $500. These high fees have continued to be charged by some Reiki Masters, but many are now considering a lower fee structure that makes it possible for anyone who feels guided to do so to become a Reiki Master.

In Kyoto, there will be the opportunity for sightseeing and cultural exchange. The highlight of our visit will be a day trip to Mount Kurama, the very birthplace of Reiki where Sensei Usui meditated for 21 days and received the Reiki energy. Kurama has many different frequencies and patterns of high vibration. We will hike up to the top of the sacred mountain for a meditation, and the Masters attunement. On the way back down we will enjoy an outside bath at the local hot spring ‘onsen’.
“The course exceeded my expectations. I had a wonderful teacher who put us all at ease and taught it as though we had not already learned it so the bits I was not too sure about were fine and I know I will continue to study the materials and practice all those important exercises and meditations way into the future. I was also relieved there were only 2 other students there as it was very easy to discuss stuff and share experiences. When I first did my 1 & 2 there were a dozen so it was hard to do that and I was so much more nervous and shy then. By keeping classes small I felt there was more to gain.
Reiki/Seichem is performed by the ‘laying-on of hands’ whilst the client remains fully clothed on a massage couch or seated in a chair. The practitioner channels this life energy through their hands to the recipient for the purposes of healing the body, mind & spirit. It is said to accelerate the body’s ability to heal physical ailments, opens the mind & spirit to the causes of disease and pain, reinforcing the recipient’s ability to take responsibility for their life. The hand positions correspond to the energy centres of the body & their associated organs. The Practitioner may work ‘hands off’ to facilitate deeper healing in the energy field. The number of treatments depends upon the root cause of the problem and the amount of energy needed to restore the well-being.
Mastership allows you to pass the Reiki ability to others, and you will be using the course manual (with step-by-step instructions, digital images, drawings and summaries), the Audio CDs and the DVD to make the process of learning attunements as straightforward as possible. You will practice the attunement process extensively during your home training with Reiki Evolution. We use the example of a Second Degree attunement as a focus for teaching, then going on to talk about the differences between that attunement and those at First Degree and Master levels.
This is a comprehensive course divided into four levels to train practitioners of Reiki and Registered Integrative Naturotherapists with a Reiki specialization. Each level of Reiki training assists the student in understanding the theoretical and practical applications of Reiki, as well as the ethical and legal necessities within a therapeutic practice. This course fills a crucial need in the community, helping to provide alternative and integrative support to client/patients in an overburdened health care system.
The Western-style attunement process is not the only way to convey the Reiki ability to students. The Reiki Evolution Master Teacher course also includes training in the ‘Reiju’ empowerment process that has been passed to us by Usui Sensei’s surviving students. Reiju empowerments represent a wonderful, simple, elegant, powerful and inspiring method that can be used as alternatives to the Western-style attunements at all levels.
All courses are accompanied by an attractive certificate written in Japanese kanji and Western text, displaying the seal of the Reiki Evolution school and signed by your teacher. In this case your certificate confirms that you have received instruction and Reiju empowerments, have satisfied the requirements of the “Shinpiden” level of Reiki, and are certified as a Master and a Teacher of Reiki.
Many Reiki masters have websites or brochures that describe their training, experience and classes. If you do not find such information, it is reasonable to have a brief conversation to ask some questions. Many of these questions are the same ones you would ask a Reiki practitioner, as outlined in the section How Can I Find a Qualified Practitioner.
Becoming a Reiki Master is a serious step that must be preceded by necessary preparation. One must first take Reiki I&II and Advanced Reiki training. It is also necessary to meditate on your life purpose and decide if Reiki Mastership is in harmony with it. Then, it is important to find a Reiki Master to study with who is competent and who you feel attuned to and will support you after you become a Reiki Master.
Reiki 3, or the reiki master level, attunement elevates practitioners to a teaching level, and expands your understanding of reiki to the point of being able to teach and attune others. Receiving this attunement and training represents a deep commitment to the practice and ideology of reiki and is recommended for those who wish to practice reiki healing professionally.
I absolutely LOVED this Reiki course, in particular Melissa’s passion and clear love of what she does. I found all of the information clear and easy to understand and really enjoyed the self exploration and the encouragement to go within as part of the journey. It has reignited a long ago held passion and I now have the confidence to move forward and spread a little more Reiki love in the world! 🙂
Where do I begin? Right from the start my tutor made me feel so welcome and at ease. She is such a warm lovely person and so encouraging and enthusiastic. There were only 4 of us in the group and we all commented on how lovely she was and how her teaching manner really enthused us and gave us confidence. This was a brilliant course taught by a brilliant teacher and I would love to do further training with her in the future. Thank you!
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A. Many teachers started with Usui Reiki which is excellent then are introduced to this system which does not take anything away from the Usui method. This system just adds to what you already have to make the system of healing you offer even stronger. It is excellent for those of you who have done Usui Reiki or just as good for those of you new to healing.
Hi this has been a great course that I recommend to anyone studying spirituality, conscious subjects, healing subjects and modalities. I am a massage therapist that discovered Reiki in my work the last 3 years so I studied this course to put the icing on the cake so to speak. My experiencial knowing matches up with what is taught in this course, Reiki is very real and very effective when the skills are realised then projected out. Melissa has done well to present how it is, how it was and how it will always be. I feel I was guided to this course and I resonated with the content of it all, I enjoyed reading the materials and doing the suggested exercises. I wish everyone a full chakra activation to the higher consciousness which is waiting on the north side, the higher dimensional self awareness.
I would highly recommend this course and Melissa to anyone wanting to get certified in Reiki. She is always quick to respond to any messages and truly goes out of her way to show she cares. I could feel an intense activating energy during my attunement with her. It is rare to find a healer that will actually schedule a time to perform the attunement from a distance and let you know when it is. You will not be disappointed with Melissa or this course! Namaste and love to you!
We are extending the deadline for copy for Resonance until the 15th May; so plenty of time if you would like to write an article. This will be a 20th Birthday special edition which will also include reports and photographs from our very first UKRF AGM and Festival to be held in Scotland. Please forward any articles to Linda at this address :- [email protected] Thank you. 😃🙏 ... See MoreSee Less