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There is a perfect plan for your life that has always been present and has been waiting for you. This plan is exactly what is good and right and healthy for you. This plan is not based on what your parents want for you, or what the culture says you need to be accepted, but on what will really make you happy. This plan is inside you and comes from your core essence. Reiki can guide you to this plan and help you follow it. This plan is your true spiritual path.
You will choose a specific date and time that is convenient for you and myself and you will relax at that set time. I will connect energetically with you and perform the ceremony. Reiki energy is non-invasive and your body decides how much Reiki it will use and what it will address. The attunements are with you for life and you can then use Reiki whenever you wish.
The British Academy of Reiki offers courses in First Degree, Second Degree and Master/Teacher Level Reiki, along with a very popular Crystal Healing course, based at our venue in Ashby De La Zouch, Leicestershire, UK. If you are unable to attend this venue we also offer the opportunity for distant learning Reiki courses. Contact me today and take the next step in your Reiki journey.

If, after the training, urgent matters or questions arise, I can always be contacted or you can ask your questions on the Live-Reiki Forum. This limited access internet forum gives my students a very safe environment to share experiences and discuss Reiki and general spiritual questions. I also suggest a Reiki buddy for personal sharing and exchange of energy. The Forum can be helpful in that too.
I am so blessed to have done this course it has been an amazing journey. Melissa is such a wonderful teacher it is like she is with you the whole step of the way and I love that Melissa is so passionate and respectful. Melissa’s videos are fantastic and I feel that have grown so much the first time that I felt reiki energy was phenomenal and I was astounded then I had friends and family come over and each attunement was beautiful and I felt the reiki energy stronger every time to the point my friends could feel it strongly. I would highly recommend this course thank you so much Melissa you have changed my life I am so happy and content.
Melissa is amazing!! I looked at many Reiki courses before finally deciding on this one by Melissa The Natural Healer I felt a strong connection to her and I just seemed to be drawn back to her Reiki master certification course over and over before I made my final decision. I’m so glad I decided to unlock what I believe is a gift of healing and her teaching style was so in sync with my learning style it made me excited and enthusiastic to learn more and more every chance I had. Her course is very informative and simple to understand and her enthusiasm and passion for Reiki comes through in her tutorials. This course has been a great experience and becoming a Reiki master is life changing. Big love, many thanks to you Melissa. Namaste ??
Reiki/Seichem is performed by the ‘laying-on of hands’ whilst the client remains fully clothed on a massage couch or seated in a chair. The practitioner channels this life energy through their hands to the recipient for the purposes of healing the body, mind & spirit. It is said to accelerate the body’s ability to heal physical ailments, opens the mind & spirit to the causes of disease and pain, reinforcing the recipient’s ability to take responsibility for their life.
Melissa you are a wonderful teacher with an awesome gift to spread the word of natural healing. The course online was easy to follow and very understanding, much love given out to so many people. I enjoyed listening to your videos and watching how things work. The power of Reiki coming through the hands was truly powerful. Melissa you are a credit to everyone that has enjoyed your course. Thank you for a wonderful adventure.
Reiki/Seichem Healing is a gentle 'hands on' technique working with energy to release any blockages in the body. RASA (Reiki and Seichem Association) is a Sanskrit word for "essence" and is a powerful system using all four healing elements. Promotes & accelerates the healing process, helping with stress. Reiki/Seichem Healing is very powerful working on many levels; physical, mental, emotional & spiritual. It also promotes deep relaxation.
“I really enjoyed the class and it meant a lot that you were always there to answer any questions that I had. I am also grateful for the continued support after the classes are over. It is one thing to have a teacher and another thing to have a mentor and you are definitely a mentor! Your responses were always enthusiastic and it made me feel like no questions is too small to ask. Thank you for being a wonderful and supportive teacher! :)” Durga, Singapore
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The goal of this online Reiki course is to learn how to use Reiki as a healing and personal growth system. It was designed by Lisa Powers, Udemy award-winning instructor, and Amy Grant, Reiki teaching assistant, who state that the lessons show you how to perform Reiki from a distance. This Reiki course might be a good choice for both beginners and individuals who want to take their practice to the next level.
The only prerequisite for this course is that you are open to learning. If you are finding skepticism and doubt are weighing you down, take some time and come back when you are ready. If you are ready to create change in your body, mind and life and are open to letting go of some of the beliefs that brought you to that place, Reiki can help you do that.
The heights of experience you gain by moving on to the next level which is Reiki level 2 includes a more in-depth experience with the ki which furthers your spiritual development and your self-healing practice, as the Reiki symbols will be taught to you. In this level, the knowledge that will help you to give others(whether in person or distant) the Reiki treatment will be explained to you. It is generally advised that you wait a couple of months from your first level attunement before you move into the second.
Your hands are most likely to experience temperature changes when practising. This is the effect of the Reiki energy flowing through your hands. The person receiving Reiki (that can be you giving yourself or the person you give Reiki) will feel relaxed as the energy reduces physical, emotional and mental stress. The person receiving feels often warmth coming out of the hands of the giver.
Melissa is so passionate about her Reiki craft and it shows very clearly in every aspect of this online course. The videos are excellent and so well presented. The most important part for me was that I could follow the course at my own pace and it was relatively inexpensive too. I would highly recommend this (and have done already) to anyone seeking personal and professional development opportunities in Reiki. Thank you Melissa.

“Just a note to thank you for your e-mail and to say how much I appreciate all the back-up support you give and how well you keep your students up-to-date. You are so incredibly good about answering questions (even my fussy ones!) and responding to e-mails immediately. You have certainly helped in building my confidence & freeing me from ‘structured’ Reiki & for that I thank you.
I have complete respect for Reiki teachers in all traditions who feel strongly that teaching Reiki only in-person is what is right for them, and I also completely support people who wish to learn Reiki in an in-person environment. I want as many people as possible to have the tool of Reiki, however they come to it and however they use it. I feel it’s important to work with a qualified, well-trained Reiki Master who understands how to teach about Reiki; however, Reiki itself is our most important teacher.
Melissa was extremely responsive and truly makes this course something to easily follow. Her books are to the point and it’s easy to be open to all of the information she provides for the learning experience. One of the most wonderful things was how open Melissa is to everyone’s personal interpretation on the journey of their own mastery! She gave me confidence in what path I want to take professionally with Reiki and I am VERY thankful for that! She was a beautiful soul who is extremely supportive of what you choose to do with your new education! Thank you Melissa! I look forward to continue to share my progress and see everyone else’s as well!

Our comprehensive range of Reiki Courses with step-by-step video tutorials have been written and created by industry experts and practising Reiki Masters giving you the most up to date knowledge in this fascinating field. Our wide range of Reiki courses, including Crystal Reiki, Animal Reiki and Angel Reiki offers the full spectrum of Reiki Healing will help you to build upon your skills and to grow your complimentary health toolbox.
Interestingly I gave a friend who is already 2nd degree a first degree empowerment and the results have been stunning. She is very sensitive to the energies and has always been a guinea pig for me. Not only did she experience a huge jolt as I formulated my intention but in the week since she has been feeling excellent and has dealt, with ease, with some stressful problems which would normally have reduced her to quivering jelly. This is the kind of feedback which makes it all worthwhile for me.
I was able to meditate for a half hour before receiving my attunement, and I felt ready to receive the Reiki Melissa sent, but I had no idea it would be so powerful. It was late at night and everyone was sleeping but me, and right away my hands became hotter than they ever have. My entire body began buzzing. I closed my eyes to tune into the energy and attunement, and I could see the different symbols swirling around my head. Each had its own color, and as they entered my crown, I felt another jolt of peace and energy. Once all five were in my crown, my hands started to vibrate. Each symbol came yet again, this time entering each palm. My hands became hotter and hotter, and my entire body started to sing. Of all the attunements I’ve received, this was by far the most powerful and clear. As she cleared my chakras, I felt my body unravel and the stress lift. Everything was at peace.
This course was given to me as a gift from my son when my husband was gravely ill. The information given is clear and easy to follow and the attunement was amazing. We were able to help my husband pass in a serene and spiritual way and it also gave us the strength and focus we desperately needed at the time. Ongoing messages and support make this course a pleasure and to be able to progress in our own time without any pressure means that everyone who undertakes this course will enjoy the journey as well as achieving the end goal. It is obvious to me that making money out of helping others is not the focus of this course as many other reiki courses cost many hundreds of dollars so the teaching given is truly given for the good of all and not for profit. I am very grateful for the opportunity that I have been given and I send my love and light to all that are connected with this course. I can’t recommend it highly enough and hope that your journey will be as fulfilling as mine. Love and Light Sue xxxx
The second Symbol (Mental, Emotional and Addiction) gives you access to hidden regions of consciousness, be it your own or of a person you treat. Mental healing can help you to transform misdirected energies so that the receiver can experience optimism, love, and happiness. It is here that healing for addiction and unwanted habits can be applied (e.g. smoking/alcohol/gambling cessation and obsessive thoughts/preoccupation).
The joys of becoming a Reiki Master are many and you don't necessarily have to teach in order for the Master training to be useful. The additional healing energy, symbols, techniques and knowledge will add value to your healing abilities. Treating yourself, giving yourself and others healing attunements and treating others in person and at a distance will all be noticeably improved. The fact that you can pass Reiki on to friends and family is also a definite plus. Many take the Master training with just this in mind. However, if you ever decide to formally teach, you will be able to do so. As each person takes the Reiki Master training, and increases their personal vibration, this adds to the vibration of the whole planet!

This course comprises of three levels. Level I is said to teach you the origins of Reiki, the benefits of Reiki treatment and the correct positions required for a Reiki treatment. Level II is a much more in-depth course that introduces Reiki power symbols. The goal of the Level III is to teach you about attunements. The lessons were designed by Rosemary Owen, Usui Reiki Master and a senior Clinical Hypnotherapist. This course might be a solid choice for individuals with an interest in holistic therapy.
Each Reiki Evolution course is accompanied by a comprehensive manual which covers everything we deal with on the training days, and more besides, so there is no need to take notes. Note taking is so unsatisfactory: you frantically scribble, desperate not to miss what is being said and when you get home you can’t read your writing! On our courses you can relax, safe in the knowledge that everything we do is there in the manual for you to take home with you.
The Second level enables a healer to send Reiki across time and space. By time, we mean that Reiki can be sent to past or future events, for eg. a hurtful event in the past, or an interview in the future. By space, we mean that the patient could be half-way across the world from the healer, and still receive Reiki healing. Time and space do not limit Reiki.

Once you have received a Reiki attunement, you will have Reiki for the remainder of your life. It does not wear off and you can never lose it. While one attunement is all you need for each level to be attuned to that level, additional attunements bring benefit. Experimentation has found that additional attunements of the same level add to the value of that level. These benefits include refinement of the Reiki energy one is channeling, increased strength of the energy, healing of personal problems, clarity of mind, increased psychic sensitivity, and a raised level of consciousness. At the Reiki support groups sponsored by the Center, additional attunements are usually given by someone who has taken Third degree Reiki, with no extra fee required.
This is a comprehensive course divided into four levels to train practitioners of Reiki and Registered Integrative Naturotherapists with a Reiki specialization. Each level of Reiki training assists the student in understanding the theoretical and practical applications of Reiki, as well as the ethical and legal necessities within a therapeutic practice. This course fills a crucial need in the community, helping to provide alternative and integrative support to client/patients in an overburdened health care system.
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The Western-style attunement process is not the only way to convey the Reiki ability to students. The Reiki Evolution Master Teacher course also includes training in the ‘Reiju’ empowerment process that has been passed to us by Usui Sensei’s surviving students. Reiju empowerments represent a wonderful, simple, elegant, powerful and inspiring method that can be used as alternatives to the Western-style attunements at all levels.
Reiki Courses & Online Reiki Training - Ricky is a Yogi, Kundalini Yoga Master, Reiki Master, and creator of the Reiki Solas system of healing. An internationally renowned Reiki Teacher who has trained under the guidance of the worlds most gifted spiritual Masters, Ricky has dedicated himself to serving humanity and works selflessly to help spiritual seekers awaken to their full potential.
I work with people all over the world who want to learn animal communication and Reiki to help people and animals in their families and communities. There are many people who live in places where Reiki training isn’t available or accessible to them. For many reasons, I saw that my calling to teach Reiki classes online could be of service in the world. And so, trusting this guidance, I created my first online Reiki class.
I was able to meditate for a half hour before receiving my attunement, and I felt ready to receive the Reiki Melissa sent, but I had no idea it would be so powerful. It was late at night and everyone was sleeping but me, and right away my hands became hotter than they ever have. My entire body began buzzing. I closed my eyes to tune into the energy and attunement, and I could see the different symbols swirling around my head. Each had its own color, and as they entered my crown, I felt another jolt of peace and energy. Once all five were in my crown, my hands started to vibrate. Each symbol came yet again, this time entering each palm. My hands became hotter and hotter, and my entire body started to sing. Of all the attunements I’ve received, this was by far the most powerful and clear. As she cleared my chakras, I felt my body unravel and the stress lift. Everything was at peace.
The basic effect of the Reiki Master attunements is to fully open up your energy system to Reiki, causing a significant increase in the flow of healing energy. This increases the effectiveness of your treatments beyond that achieved at Second Degree level. On top of this, you are attuned to further symbols, and learn additional techniques, enabling you to treat others more effectively, pass on the Reiki ability to others, and fully experience the flow of Reiki through your being.
Activation of Reiki within a persons hands is made possible by a simple process called an "attunement". The attunement or empowerment is performed by a Reiki Master during a workshop. It is the attunement which allows the person to tap into and channel the Reiki energy. It cannot be learned from books or just being talked about.  Without the attunement you may direct healing energy, but it will not be Reiki energy.
You can! Well, you need to have taken First and Second Degree already, and we recommend that you leave at least six months between your Second Degree and Master Teacher courses. This gives you a chance to get grips with, and practise, what you learned. It’s not a race! And if you’re coming from a different lineage, that’s no problem: we’ll send you downloads of our First and Second Degree course materials for free!

I have had the opportunity to look into some free Reiki courses,please check this style of Reiki out as she offers a free course in Reiki and then if your into it you can join her in the full learning of this energy modality THE GREAT thing about this style is that she has not separated it into levels and it is taught as it was intended before it was changed for the western world.
There three levels in reiki namely level 1, level 2 and the final level which gives you the status of a Reiki master which is level 3. Keeping in mind our hectic and busy lifestyle it might not always be possible for everyone to attend Reiki Healing Training personally, but we live in a day and age where technology and internet make a lot of things very easy for us.
Reiki Master training at either Certificate or Diploma level is an enormous personal commitment, both in terms of the actual deepening of your knowledge of Reiki, but also as a pathway to personal growth.  Most people find Master’s training immensely rewarding but few complete the training without facing some challenges.  You need to be prepared to be open minded, committed, and willing to spend the time required for your growth.

Reiki training can be quite emotional and intense, that is why all my Reiki training is conducted in small groups or 'one-on-one'. Also, as my student I guarantee your comfort and well-being. I will always be there for you if you need me. I carry out debriefings and follow-up meetings and/or online conferences with all my students as part of the training package.
If, after the training, urgent matters or questions arise, I can always be contacted or you can ask your questions on the Live-Reiki Forum. This limited access internet forum gives my students a very safe environment to share experiences and discuss Reiki and general spiritual questions. I also suggest a Reiki buddy for personal sharing and exchange of energy. The Forum can be helpful in that too.
Hello! My name is Cheryl Jiala Driskell.  I am an author, intuitive counselor and energy therapist, R.I.N., and the Master Reiki Teacher who has written the CSNSD's Reiki Programming.  I have taken my role very seriously in my development of the Reiki courses I, II & III (teacher level).  I have also been in large part the creator of the Registered Integrative Naturotherapist level whereby the Reiki teacher can extend their training to include this additional designation. With this they will have more skills that are invaluable when working with clients/patients in holistic care centres, nursing homes, hospices, spas, hospitals, senior residences etc. We are taking our Reiki Teachers to a new level of excellence!  It is our belief that one day Reiki will be used in all of those venues and that our training should begin now to prepare our excellent and well-trained Teachers for this inevitability.  We are training Reiki Pioneers!  
“I have jsut completed my journey with Cath, my Reiki Master & Teacher, having finsihed the course which started in March 2014. There is much to learn and take in and study once you got home. I found Cath to be a wonderful Teacher who knows her subject extensively and shows her emowerment from her most excellent lessons. I was lucky enough to complete the course in four hourly sessions taylor made for an old brain like mine (67 years). My journey with Reiki has been rewarding and exciting, to be given the gift of healing which has made such a difference to my life and that of my family.  Cath shows a great understanding of human nature with all its failings and amde me feel that it was a worthwhile journey to take. The lessons were made easy to understand whilst undergoing several meditations and it was great to leave feeling as if you were taking something very special away with you.”       C. H.

Becoming a Reiki Master is the next step after having reached the Second Degree. With receiving the Reiki Master attunement you will be fully opened up to the Reiki Energy. The training takes online 2 times 4/5 hours of intensive training and is available to those who are practising Reiki at the Second Degree level for four months or longer. Experienced use of all the Reiki symbols learned with the second Degree is a must.
The only prerequisite for this course is that you are open to learning. If you are finding skepticism and doubt are weighing you down, take some time and come back when you are ready. If you are ready to create change in your body, mind and life and are open to letting go of some of the beliefs that brought you to that place, Reiki can help you do that.
When teaching Reiki to others, it is important to set a good example by being an authentic representative of Reiki energy. People cannot be so easily fooled by surface spirituality now. They want and need a real teacher who comes from experience and is working on her/his own deep healing. This requires one to meditate on the nature of Reiki energy and surrender to it. It is a continual process of working with all aspects of ones being that are out of step with Reiki energy and allowing those aspects to be healed by Reiki energy. We must seek to develop and express the qualities of love, compassion, wisdom, justice, cooperation, humility, persistence, kindness, courage, strength, and abundance as Reiki energy is all of these and more. It may seem paradoxical, but it is true that a true Reiki Master is one who is always becoming a Reiki Master. Like life itself, it is a process of continual growth.
Each Reiki Evolution course is accompanied by a comprehensive manual which covers everything we deal with on the training days, and more besides, so there is no need to take notes. Note taking is so unsatisfactory: you frantically scribble, desperate not to miss what is being said and when you get home you can’t read your writing! On our courses you can relax, safe in the knowledge that everything we do is there in the manual for you to take home with you.

Our approach is to view Reiki as primarily a self-development, spiritual development and self-healing method and this is particularly so at Master Teacher level. While we do deal with the treatment of others comprehensively on this course, we do not lose sight of the fact that Reiki is about self-development first, and the treatment of others second. So we echo the original system that Reiki’s founder taught by rooting your practice in personal energy work. You will learn to enhance and deepen your self-healing by getting to grips with and fully assimilating the energies of the kotodama, by working to develop your Tanden and by learning to empower yourself regularly. By the end of your course you will know how to – in effect – give yourself a Master attunement every day. This is a powerful activity that will really move you on spiritually and in terms of self-healing.