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Home study, or distance learning as it applies to Reiki has long been misunderstood due to the confusion around the Reiki ‘attunements’.  Reiki attunements are what activate Reiki to flow in your system and this does require a real live Reiki Master to carry out the attunement.  However, it does not have to be done face to face.  Much like when we learn to send Reiki at Reiki Level 2, Reiki is not bound by geography, and attunements are equally successful done face to face or via distance.
This online Reiki course is suitable for those who want to learn how to harness energy healing for themselves, family, friends, pets, and animals. The founder of the course, Melissa Crowhurst, states that the lessons give powerful insights into how to take care of your mind, body, and soul, as well as into methods of attracting loving energy and abundance into your life. This course could be a good choice if you want to learn how to send attunements via distance healing to loved ones and clients.

(Please note: that the majority of Australian Reiki membership organisations do not currently accept Reiki students in their Practitioner and Master categories who have not received Reiki initiation and training in the physical presence of their initiating master. Your decision to learn via online training may affect your future ability to secure membership of a Reiki organisation or obtain insurance in Australia. This is because online training has not yet received universal acceptance, because of some people who have given the online training a bad name.)  
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In the end, we must consider that a Reiki Master is not one who has mastered Reiki, but one who has been mastered by Reiki. This requires that we surrender completely to the spirit of Reiki, allowing it to guide every area of our lives and become our only focus and source of nurturing and sustenance. As we proceed toward the end of the millinium, the Way of Reiki offers itself as a solution to our problems and a path of unlimited potiential. May all who would benefit from this path be guided to it.

‘Solas’ is the Scottish Gaelic word for 'Light', which is in reference to the spiritual illumination offered to you with these Reiki Training courses. Reserve your spot on one of my Reiki courses, take advantage of over 13 hours of guided video lectures and reveal the secrets to achieving peace and happiness. It’s time to awaken to your True Self. Begin your online Reiki Training Today!
As time went by, Mrs. Takata contemplated the need to train other Reiki Masters. She realized that the Japanese concept of respect might be difficult to instill in the Western mind. Because Reiki Mastership is so easily learned, being simply passed on during the Reiki Master attunement, she felt that Westerners might not value it. So she devised a plan of charging a large sum of money for those wanting to become Reiki Masters. She felt that money was something that Western people understood and respected and this would help create the appreciation and gratitude for Reiki that was needed. She decided that $10,000 would be a large enough sum to instill the respect needed for the Reiki Master attunement. She also set the fees for Reiki I at $175 and Reiki II at $500. These high fees have continued to be charged by some Reiki Masters, but many are now considering a lower fee structure that makes it possible for anyone who feels guided to do so to become a Reiki Master.
“Just a note to thank you for your e-mail and to say how much I appreciate all the back-up support you give and how well you keep your students up-to-date. You are so incredibly good about answering questions (even my fussy ones!) and responding to e-mails immediately. You have certainly helped in building my confidence & freeing me from ‘structured’ Reiki & for that I thank you.
The Kotodama, or ‘jumon’, are sacred Shinto mantras used by Usui before the introduction of symbols into Reiki. We show how these mantras can be used when carrying out treatments, we become familiar with their characteristic energies, we discover how they can be used for self-healing and spiritual development, and we learn how they can be used in conjunction with Reiju empowerments. During the course, the student will be chanting the kotodama over an extended period to further their self-healing and spiritual development, to deepen their connection to and experience of these energies, and they will also be using these energies when treating others.

After attunement, the Master will adjust your frequency to the healing frequency. After a few months, it might get out of sync, and you might not feel ok again. At this point, you will be able to ask the Reiki Master to lock your frequency in your aura forever, and this process is done using the Secret Symbols, that have been re-discovered by Dr. Mikao Usui in March 1922. These symbols have been secretly passed along to the most devoted Reiki practitioners since then, and some teachers even charged $10,000.
When seeking a Reiki Master to take the Master training from, it is important to ask her/him exactly what you will be able to do after you take the Master training from them. Will you receive the complete training and be able to initiate others into all the degrees including full Reiki Master or will something be left out, requiring you to take additional sub-levels or degrees and pay additional fees? Because of the changes some have made to the system of Reiki, this is a very important question.
12. By receiving an attunement you will become part of a group of people who are using Reiki to heal themselves, and each other, and who are working together to heal the Earth. You will also be receiving help from Reiki guides and other spiritual beings who are also working towards these goals. While Reiki is not a religion, you may prepare your mind with intention work and pray in a religious mode comfortable to you to prepare to open to higher spiritual energies and experiences.

Melissa your Reiki Master is amazing. Her course is for anyone from the beginner to people who work with energy on a regular basis. The course is set to work at your own pace and Melissa is always there if you need her. She is very understanding, honest, and no question is too trivial. I have been studying the Reiki Healer course now for a month and am ready to hand in my work. I loved it so much I practised every day. I have healed myself and that was my main aim of doing this course. Thank you Melissa.
“Just a note to thank you for your e-mail and to say how much I appreciate all the back-up support you give and how well you keep your students up-to-date. You are so incredibly good about answering questions (even my fussy ones!) and responding to e-mails immediately. You have certainly helped in building my confidence & freeing me from ‘structured’ Reiki & for that I thank you.
I have sincerely enjoyed this course and learnt a lifetime of new energies and how to use them in accordance to my daily living and way of helping people. The course was easy to read and understand with the time frame being self paced. The online tutorials made learning simple but enjoyable. I am using the knowledge i have learnt to help my family and friends and I am excited to start expanding further into the public at some stage in the future. Melissa has been a delight to have as my reiki master teacher.
“The initial material sent out for pre-study (audio CDs, DVD, course work etc.) for me was a God send. It gave me the opportunity to get to grips and prepare for the live tuition. I was prepared for the day having learnt all attunements, empowerments, kotodama etc. Also gave me plenty of time to meditate on the necessary symbols and be able to differentiate the frequencies of energy.”
The Reiki Teachers I have trained have the option to come to our regular meetings. These meetings alternate between at my place or via the internet in live online sessions. These meetings are important for all of us to share experiences and to give support as a peer group. You will be never alone, even if you are on the Teacher level. It is great to work together and to learn from each other. There are always new things to share.
I am passionate about health and wellness and helping others find natural ways to support their body, mind and spirit. I have been teaching Reiki and alternative wellness for the past 17 years and have been able to share these gifts with thousands of students. It is important to me that my work makes a positive difference in the world and I strive to provide positive and meaningful experiences for my students as they embrace their full potential and power.

I am passionate about health and wellness and helping others find natural ways to support their body, mind and spirit. I have been teaching Reiki and alternative wellness for the past 17 years and have been able to share these gifts with thousands of students. It is important to me that my work makes a positive difference in the world and I strive to provide positive and meaningful experiences for my students as they embrace their full potential and power.

Reiki/Seichem is performed by the ‘laying-on of hands’ whilst the client remains fully clothed on a massage couch or seated in a chair. The practitioner channels this life energy through their hands to the recipient for the purposes of healing the body, mind & spirit. It is said to accelerate the body’s ability to heal physical ailments, opens the mind & spirit to the causes of disease and pain, reinforcing the recipient’s ability to take responsibility for their life. The hand positions correspond to the energy centres of the body & their associated organs. The Practitioner may work ‘hands off’ to facilitate deeper healing in the energy field. The number of treatments depends upon the root cause of the problem and the amount of energy needed to restore the well-being.
Once I started the course, I felt Reiki settle inside me, entering every cell of my body. I am so grateful I chose this course, that I chose Melissa from which to earn my Reiki Master. She is a beautiful soul, and her course is simple yet has so many new things I didn’t know. Anyone would be very lucky to have an attunement with her. Her energy is beautiful, crisp, and clear. This was the perfect path for me to take. Thank you so much Melissa.
Each Reiki Evolution course is accompanied by a comprehensive manual which covers everything we deal with on the training days, and more besides. For the Reiki Master Teacher course we produce and extensive manual, running to 200 A4 pages. This is a complete and practical guide to Reiki at Master/Teacher level, containing text, digital images, flow-charts, summary sheets, Mind Map and illustrations.

Receiving attunements/reiju: Students are more or less sensitive to energy, especially as a beginner Reiki student, and will often feel and notice physical, mental, and emotional sensations during the attunement more easily with their Reiki teacher right in front of them performing the attunement. (It also helps their linear mind to trust that something is happening!)

The first three levels of Reiki can be taken for certificates and the status of Reiki Master/Teacher.  Should the student wish to receive their Registered Integrative Therapist designation, they must then complete the more extensive trainings. Should they already be a Reiki practitioner or teacher and wish to receive their R.I.N. designation, some exemptions can be provided to gain advanced standing in our program. 
Learning Reiki is a good starting point for experiencing and working with healing energy and a wonderful method for depending awareness of universal energy. In general, Reiki complements other healing methods and spiritual practices. There are no hard and fast rules about how to approach starting Reiki and starting healing. You will only know it once you experience the universal power within yourself.

The pre-course material was excellent. I know I will be working through much of it for years to come. I loved the way it was presented with student comments about each section. If ever I am led to teach commercially I know I will be so grateful for that tremendous back up and support. The CDs were great and I went to bed playing them every night in the hope it would filter through my consciousness while I slept. The DVD brought the words to life and were really helpful as I could practice with them.
In Kyoto, there will be the opportunity for sightseeing and cultural exchange. The highlight of our visit will be a day trip to Mount Kurama, the very birthplace of Reiki where Sensei Usui meditated for 21 days and received the Reiki energy. Kurama has many different frequencies and patterns of high vibration. We will hike up to the top of the sacred mountain for a meditation, and the Masters attunement. On the way back down we will enjoy an outside bath at the local hot spring ‘onsen’.
There is a perfect plan for your life that has always been present and has been waiting for you. This plan is exactly what is good and right and healthy for you. This plan is not based on what your parents want for you, or what the culture says you need to be accepted, but on what will really make you happy. This plan is inside you and comes from your core essence. Reiki can guide you to this plan and help you follow it. This plan is your true spiritual path.
Also ask them how much support they are willing to give you to begin teaching your own classes. This is important. Some Reiki Masters will have little interest in helping you get started as they are afraid you will take student away from them. If you are serious about becoming a successful teaching Reiki Master, find a teacher who will openly support you in achieving your goal.
Our tutor was an inspiration. I feel so completely blessed to have met her and been taught by her. Her knowledge is so vast, once you experience a number of her courses you will be truly amazed by the detail of her knowledge in so many areas. What I love about her is that she is able to be extremely concise about the subject she is teaching and you come away from a course really understanding that subject area because it's been taught in such a simple yet complete way.
The goal of this online Reiki course is to learn how to use Reiki as a healing and personal growth system. It was designed by Lisa Powers, Udemy award-winning instructor, and Amy Grant, Reiki teaching assistant, who state that the lessons show you how to perform Reiki from a distance. This Reiki course might be a good choice for both beginners and individuals who want to take their practice to the next level.

I also am a Reiki Master. I've always known I have this incredible connection and am blessed. Not practicing or working enough these days, but when I do, I cry for the happiness, joy, and peace within. I paid good money for a hands on healing class, but the amount of verbal learning was way too overwhelming for me, and missed some info, my binder and notes, were not enough.
The third symbol is an essential part of the Second Degree. It lets you send healing energy and mental messages over a distance. This is similar to commonly experienced telepathic phenomena as we all know them, e.g. you think of a friend and at that very moment this person calls you. Reiki energy can be transmitted that same way but more effectively and stronger. The 'receiver' and the 'sender' experience the treatment as if it were a treatment given one-on-one in the same room. With the distance healing symbol you can also work in the past, present and future.
I would highly recommend this course and Melissa to anyone wanting to get certified in Reiki. She is always quick to respond to any messages and truly goes out of her way to show she cares. I could feel an intense activating energy during my attunement with her. It is rare to find a healer that will actually schedule a time to perform the attunement from a distance and let you know when it is. You will not be disappointed with Melissa or this course! Namaste and love to you!
The attunement process used by the Center in all Reiki classes is a combination of the Usui system and a special Tibetan technique. It is thought that Reiki originated in Tibet, therefore, the use of the Tibetan technique and symbols creates a stronger connection with the origins of Reiki. The addition of the Tibetan attunement technique to the Usui system of attunements has greatly improved their quality. This unique attunement process was developed over time to be more powerful and to bring in a wider range of attunement energies than the original Usui system. In Reiki III the Usui/Tibetan method of giving attunements is taught along with the original Usui system of attunements.
Reiki is a pure form of healing not dependent on individual talent or acquired ability. One can practice Reiki anytime, anywhere and any place.The Reiki attunement is a powerful spiritual experience. The attunement energies are channeled into the learner through the Reiki Master. The process is guided by the Rei or Spirit-consciousness and makes adjustments in the process depending on the needs of each learner. The attunement is also attended by Reiki guides and other spiritual beings who help implement the process.
I also am a Reiki Master. I've always known I have this incredible connection and am blessed. Not practicing or working enough these days, but when I do, I cry for the happiness, joy, and peace within. I paid good money for a hands on healing class, but the amount of verbal learning was way too overwhelming for me, and missed some info, my binder and notes, were not enough.

First degree is usually taught over 8-12 hours. Students practice Reiki self-care and share Reiki with one another. This class prepares students to give themselves daily Reiki for life. Students learn hand placements to use when sharing Reiki with family or friends, either through a full session or an abbreviated chair session, as well as how to offer Reiki in acute situations and through informal "spot therapy." Reiki classes offered to nurses and other health care professionals often include content on Reiki application in clinical settings. Although the class is primarily experiential, the Reiki master gives an overview of the history and precepts of Reiki. Most importantly, the Reiki master initiates students so they become empowered conduits for Reiki energy. Traditional First degree training includes four initiations. For most people who want to practice on themselves and family, First-degree training is all they need.
Reiki/Seichem Healing is a gentle 'hands on' technique working with energy to release any blockages in the body. RASA (Reiki and Seichem Association) is a Sanskrit word for "essence" and is a powerful system using all four healing elements. Promotes & accelerates the healing process, helping with stress. Reiki/Seichem Healing is very powerful working on many levels; physical, mental, emotional & spiritual. It also promotes deep relaxation.
If you want to learn crystal reiki healing, check out this course. If you're completely new and want a solid introduction course, check out this one. If you're looking to become a Reiki teacher, check out this one. If you want to learn self-healing, check out this course. If you're looking to practice Reiki on family members and friends, check out this option. 
This was such a blessing. I came across this course when looking for a teacher so I feel it was meant to be. I highly recommend this course as Melissa makes things so easy to comprehend and is always available to answer any questions you have. I’m still developing the skills I’ve learnt but I am so grateful knowing that Melissa is there to guide and mentor along the journey. Thank you so much.

Activation of Reiki within a persons hands is made possible by a simple process called an "attunement". The attunement or empowerment is performed by a Reiki Master during a workshop. It is the attunement which allows the person to tap into and channel the Reiki energy. It cannot be learned from books or just being talked about.  Without the attunement you may direct healing energy, but it will not be Reiki energy.

I am in LOVE with this course. Not only is it packed with lots of information to guide you toward understanding and appreciating Reiki, but it’s also highly inspiring and transformative! All of the lectures are really special. I love how focused they are. Every piece of information being delivered is very powerful and eye-opening! I feel more energized and clear-minded since taking the course. I’m very in tune with my body in a way that I’ve never been before. And I feel more connected to the people and the world around me. I’m excited to go deeper in using all that I’ve learned! This course has been a major blessing in my life!