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Master Reiki as it was intended, in its original form, by using a training course derived from the direct translation of Mikao Usui and his "old Japanese" text. These master teachings could give you the power to help people with their most troubling physical, emotional or psychological problems regardless of their severity or length of time the problem has existed.
Being in a state of oneness with someone is something explored through the Distance Reiki technique (otherwise known as the Absentee Healing technique) in Reiki II. Once a student has had the direct experience of working with energy on themselves, their classmates, and friends and family, as well as learning and practicing this technique, they will be better able to understand and experience online attunements.
“I learned a great deal from your course Taggart, I had and still have the profound and expanding experience that I had been looking for. I won’t say it was easy, you must get out of it what you put in, but from the first there was committment from you, and obviously you had put in an outstanding amount of work yourself to present this course as you do. There was nothing left out, and you continually strive for more and more knowledge in Reiki as shown by your research papers and original stance. Totally brilliant, thanks for everything, Taggart.” Susan Robinson, County Durham  “The progress I made on your course far outweighed the progress I made with Reiki in the previous five years. I thoroughly enjoyed the course, I had fun, and it was everything I had hoped for. At the end of the course I have found it very easy to keep Reiki as part of my daily life. Usually you find that by doing a course by distance, that feel you lose out a little compared to doing the course live. Actually in this case I think the reverse could be true. I can understand how ‘western style reiki could be taught live, but I feel that the original teachings of reiki do lend themselves better to distance learning. I know I fully committed to doing the course, and I did surprise myself at the time I spent on a daily basis on the course – but it never felt like hard work. I spent far more hours than you said, but that was down to me and not your estimate being out! I took one day off during the course to allow the energies and lessons to sink in, but other than that I just got on with it.” Jon O’Neill, Nottinghamshire
“This course was amazing – in depth, explicit and diverse. Extremely well supported by the written word, audio, visuals and e-mail.” Carol Gunn, Hampshire  “To start with I was unsure whether a home study course would be as beneficial as attending a course in person. But this course has more than exceeded my expectations. The manual is so comprehensive and easy to read, it’s more of a pleasure to read rather than a course manual. Along with the CDs it is very easy to work through and follow the detailed instructions for each section. I liked being able to report back after each section and awaiting Taggart’s quick e-mail response. I am sure that by working through the energy practices at your own speed has actually strengthened the use of the energy in everyday practice. By being able to do this at your own speed takes the pressure off, whereas if you attended a course with a set timetable you have to work at the speed of everyone else.” Melanie Perry, West Sussex  “All questions I asked were responded to quickly and with accurate information and it is easy to tell that Taggart is very well informed and passionate about Reiki. I thought the whole of the home study course was amazing, it is very well presented and easy to read and follow. I liked the fact that it gave me the flexibility to study around my accountancy exams and full time work.” Niki Leach, Tyne and Wear  “Excellent. Very personal, very inspiring, and always encouraging. You are a natural! Okay I had to wait a few times for the feedback, but if I hadn’t set out to do a ‘war and peace’ job on my feedback I would have got a quicker response. The feedback was always welcome, and always useful.” Jon O’Neill, Nottinghamshire  “Your support was as if you were by my side, encouraging and reminding.” Susan Robinson, County Durham  “The support was excellent. it was great to be able to email thoughts and questions and know that I would get an honest reply, some positive feedback and some pointers to improve my practice. I don’t know how you manage this, considering the number of students you have and all the other things that you develop! I think that the structured approach to the distant learning course, with feedback at each stage is so beneficial, compared to learning everything in a weekend and then only approaching the Reiki Master if you are struggling with something.” Lucy Wilkinson, West Yorkshire
I stumbled upon Melissa when looking for Reiki courses, and although getting a good feeling from her, I originally decided I wanted to learn in person. However, when looking at local Reiki courses I just didn’t feel the connection with any other teachers – I realised then that Melissa was meant to be my Reiki teacher. This course is lovely and I have learnt so much. Melissa is a wonderful teacher. Highly recommend!
‘Solas’ is the Scottish Gaelic word for 'Light', which is in reference to the spiritual illumination offered to you with these Reiki Training courses. Reserve your spot on one of my Reiki courses, take advantage of over 13 hours of guided video lectures and reveal the secrets to achieving peace and happiness. It’s time to awaken to your True Self. Begin your online Reiki Training Today!
The entire Reiki Infinite Healer course is normally priced at an incredible $188—which is a fraction of what you would normally pay for formal training... However, I want EVERYONE to have the opportunity to experience the healing power of Reiki, and that's why I've decided - for a limited time - I'm going to lower the price EVEN FURTHER to just $47!
Learning Reiki is a good starting point for experiencing and working with healing energy and a wonderful method for depending awareness of universal energy. In general, Reiki complements other healing methods and spiritual practices. There are no hard and fast rules about how to approach starting Reiki and starting healing. You will only know it once you experience the universal power within yourself.
“I am really pleased that I did the course. The course has exceeded my expectations, I feel that I have learnt some really fundamental things about energy work that give me confidence to apply the learning myself. I think some of the elements of the original methods – particularly Reiju empowerments, kotodama, and the concept of Earth energy and Heavenly energy are so beautiful and simple that they take my understanding of Reiki to a higher, more spiritual level – and I am quite an “earthly” person, so I didn’t expect that! Thank you.” Lucy Wilkinson, West Yorkshire

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I loved this course and I would like to thank Melissa for her loving approach. I guess everyone just seems to stumble on your course, myself included. It’s because we are looking for the best possible outcome for ourselves and we get that from Melissa. You can take your time and there is no pressure for you to finish quickly. Melissa emanates love and receives it straight back! Namaste
I have taught many people in person since then, but I am aware of how hard it can be for many people to access what they truly want to study or participate in.  For many it may seem impossible to study Reiki with their children keeping them so busy or their work hours not allowing them to find time for classes. Maybe you have a chronic illness that keeps you from enjoying a class. Hence, our ONLINE training! We are very proud of our high-quality online training and we hope you will be too!  Join us and you will see how amazing the Reiki can be... especially when you are the one who can instantly turn it on to be used during those necessary moments of healing or relaxation.  

Hello! My name is Cheryl Jiala Driskell.  I am an author, intuitive counselor and energy therapist, R.I.N., and the Master Reiki Teacher who has written the CSNSD's Reiki Programming.  I have taken my role very seriously in my development of the Reiki courses I, II & III (teacher level).  I have also been in large part the creator of the Registered Integrative Naturotherapist level whereby the Reiki teacher can extend their training to include this additional designation. With this they will have more skills that are invaluable when working with clients/patients in holistic care centres, nursing homes, hospices, spas, hospitals, senior residences etc. We are taking our Reiki Teachers to a new level of excellence!  It is our belief that one day Reiki will be used in all of those venues and that our training should begin now to prepare our excellent and well-trained Teachers for this inevitability.  We are training Reiki Pioneers!  

All information about Reiki has come to us through Mrs. Takata who learned the system of Reiki in Japan in 1935. According to Mrs. Takata, the definition of a Reiki Master is anyone who has received the Master attunement and Master symbol, understands how to give all the attunements and has actually taught a Reiki class thus passing Reiki on to others. Those who have taken Reiki Master training and not taught at least one person would not qualify as Reiki Masters and should call themselves Reiki Master practitioners until they do teach. If you have taught a friend or family member, then you qualify as a Reiki Master.
“This course was amazing – in depth, explicit and diverse. Extremely well supported by the written word, audio, visuals and e-mail.” Carol Gunn, Hampshire  “To start with I was unsure whether a home study course would be as beneficial as attending a course in person. But this course has more than exceeded my expectations. The manual is so comprehensive and easy to read, it’s more of a pleasure to read rather than a course manual. Along with the CDs it is very easy to work through and follow the detailed instructions for each section. I liked being able to report back after each section and awaiting Taggart’s quick e-mail response. I am sure that by working through the energy practices at your own speed has actually strengthened the use of the energy in everyday practice. By being able to do this at your own speed takes the pressure off, whereas if you attended a course with a set timetable you have to work at the speed of everyone else.” Melanie Perry, West Sussex  “All questions I asked were responded to quickly and with accurate information and it is easy to tell that Taggart is very well informed and passionate about Reiki. I thought the whole of the home study course was amazing, it is very well presented and easy to read and follow. I liked the fact that it gave me the flexibility to study around my accountancy exams and full time work.” Niki Leach, Tyne and Wear  “Excellent. Very personal, very inspiring, and always encouraging. You are a natural! Okay I had to wait a few times for the feedback, but if I hadn’t set out to do a ‘war and peace’ job on my feedback I would have got a quicker response. The feedback was always welcome, and always useful.” Jon O’Neill, Nottinghamshire  “Your support was as if you were by my side, encouraging and reminding.” Susan Robinson, County Durham  “The support was excellent. it was great to be able to email thoughts and questions and know that I would get an honest reply, some positive feedback and some pointers to improve my practice. I don’t know how you manage this, considering the number of students you have and all the other things that you develop! I think that the structured approach to the distant learning course, with feedback at each stage is so beneficial, compared to learning everything in a weekend and then only approaching the Reiki Master if you are struggling with something.” Lucy Wilkinson, West Yorkshire
If, after the training, urgent matters or questions arise, I can always be contacted or you can ask your questions on the Live-Reiki Forum. This limited access internet forum gives my students a very safe environment to share experiences and discuss Reiki and general spiritual questions. I also suggest a Reiki buddy for personal sharing and exchange of energy. The Forum can be helpful in that too.

Learning Reiki from Brooke was one of the best experiences of my life and it changed me in many profound ways. Her Reiki book feels very soothing and peaceful, and knowing Brooke, that is because it is infused with her essence…she truly “walks her talk” and is one of the kindest and most loving people I know. If you want to learn the basics of Reiki, I strongly recommend her book. And if you decide to take a Reiki class, there is no better teacher out there to learn from than Brooke!
Our views have opened some doors for us and closed others.  We accept the ways of tradition for those who would seek that path, and we welcome those who we can service when their need is indicative of our own process.  We offer the highest quality of audio/visual and illustrative education, with ongoing access to well-educated tutors. We are in fact taking Reiki training to a new level of excellence and scientific awareness, to ensure greater community acceptance of this evolving Naturotherapy.
The goal of this Reiki course is to show you how to activate Reiki and give treatments to yourself and others, as well as how to upgrade your energy, release blocks and master the power of manifestation. Designed by Shannon Nicole, Master energy practitioner, the course is said to be of much assistance in learning how to perform attunements on others. This online drawing course seems like a good choice for those who have a general understanding of energy healing and metaphysical practices.
Each Reiki Evolution course is accompanied by a comprehensive manual which covers everything we deal with on the training days, and more besides. For the Reiki Master Teacher course we produce and extensive manual, running to 200 A4 pages. This is a complete and practical guide to Reiki at Master/Teacher level, containing text, digital images, flow-charts, summary sheets, Mind Map and illustrations.
Reiki/Seichem is performed by the ‘laying-on of hands’ whilst the client remains fully clothed on a massage couch or seated in a chair. The practitioner channels this life energy through their hands to the recipient for the purposes of healing the body, mind & spirit. It is said to accelerate the body’s ability to heal physical ailments, opens the mind & spirit to the causes of disease and pain, reinforcing the recipient’s ability to take responsibility for their life.

There is a perfect plan for your life that has always been present and has been waiting for you. This plan is exactly what is good and right and healthy for you. This plan is not based on what your parents want for you, or what the culture says you need to be accepted, but on what will really make you happy. This plan is inside you and comes from your core essence. Reiki can guide you to this plan and help you follow it. This plan is your true spiritual path.
Our tutor was an inspiration. I feel so completely blessed to have met her and been taught by her. Her knowledge is so vast, once you experience a number of her courses you will be truly amazed by the detail of her knowledge in so many areas. What I love about her is that she is able to be extremely concise about the subject she is teaching and you come away from a course really understanding that subject area because it's been taught in such a simple yet complete way.
You can! Well, you need to have taken First and Second Degree already, and we recommend that you leave at least six months between your Second Degree and Master Teacher courses. This gives you a chance to get grips with, and practise, what you learned. It’s not a race! And if you’re coming from a different lineage, that’s no problem: we’ll send you downloads of our First and Second Degree course materials for free!
Think of yourself as a hollow pipe left in the river. As long as the water fills up the insides of the pipe, you are healthy and happy. Negativities, like dirt and grime, settle layer upon layer inside the pipe, slowly reducing the flow of water and eventually clogging it up completely. When this happens to your channel of energy, you find it difficult to be what you were always meant to be - healthy.
(360 hours of study are included to the Reiki Master/Teacher Level.  You can then add 1 more course to gain Membership to the Association of Naturopaths and Naturotherapists of Canada.  You will then qualify to provide insurance receipts.  You can also further your studies with us and receive your Diploma and Designation as a Registered Integrative Naturotherapist, R.I.N.)
We have developed a course of more than 1200 hours of training such that our Reiki graduates can be considered for positions in the professional health and spa communities and eventually gain access to insurance receipts for this work. This is an ongoing challenge that we will be a part of trying to achieve on behalf of Reiki Practitioners and Teachers in the future.
We also looked at the Reiki Level I, II and Master Certification Energy Healing Course, which is for those who want to learn Reiki to heal family members and friends. Through this course, you can also learn how to send healing over distances. Students should have a basic understanding of energy healing. Student feedback for this course is overwhelmingly positive with most users praising the perfect length of the lectures — not too long — and how the instructor was available via private message to help.

Stage 7 This stage is all about Western attunements. You will be learning how to carry out a Second Degree attunement, and you will practise carrying it out. Then you will learn how to carry out a Western Master attunement. Finally you will learn how to carry out the First Degree attunements. It will take about 8 hours to carry out these various tasks, over 7 days.
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Being in a state of oneness with someone is something explored through the Distance Reiki technique (otherwise known as the Absentee Healing technique) in Reiki II. Once a student has had the direct experience of working with energy on themselves, their classmates, and friends and family, as well as learning and practicing this technique, they will be better able to understand and experience online attunements.
“What we have tried to do is to provide our students with a ‘learning smorgasbord’, where they can use the material or medium that best suits their particular learning style: we have text, we have images, we have summaries and flow-charts and diagrams and even puzzles, we have audio commentary and instructions and we have video sequences. By using these different media in combination with each other, and by having students carry out extensive practical exercises over many weeks, learning and understanding is enhanced.”