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I absolutely LOVED this Reiki course, in particular Melissa’s passion and clear love of what she does. I found all of the information clear and easy to understand and really enjoyed the self exploration and the encouragement to go within as part of the journey. It has reignited a long ago held passion and I now have the confidence to move forward and spread a little more Reiki love in the world! 🙂
I absolutely loved the course! Our instructor trained the group amazingly well. The course manual was extremely well detailed and I feel that it has given me all of the knowledge that I need. The admin staff that I have communicated with have also been brilliant - I can't compliment them enough. I can't wait to book onto my next course after the Christmas period!!!
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One of the greatest joys of Reiki Mastership is teaching Reiki to others. Imagine the thrill of witnessing the members of your Reiki class receiving Reiki energy during the attunement. Then, as you guide them in its use, sharing in their joy and amazement as they experience it's gentle power flowing though them for the first time. As your students use Reiki to help family, friends and clients, a wonderful sense of spiritual connection will develop between all of you. Feelings of compassion and love for everyone will be strengthened as you merge with the Reiki Consciousness and know more deeply that we come from God and that we are all one in God.
Receiving attunements/reiju: Students are more or less sensitive to energy, especially as a beginner Reiki student, and will often feel and notice physical, mental, and emotional sensations during the attunement more easily with their Reiki teacher right in front of them performing the attunement. (It also helps their linear mind to trust that something is happening!)
The Reiki I, II, III ART & III Teacher Qualification Course: Is designed to help you become a certified Reiki teacher. What stands out about this course is the amount of material you get, which is spread out over 50 parts. This is a complete course that takes one from beginner to master. Students spoke highly of instructor, Rosemary Owen, who teaches in a peaceful manner, although some noted her voice may have been too low a volume. Overall, a good, comprehensive course on this therapy.

Please Note: Deposits are non-refundable, but can be transferred to another class within 1 year. Where there is non-attendance at a class without prior notice 48 hours before hand the deposit is forfeit. If a deposit is not received before the course then an extra charge is due for producing the certificate after attendance. The charge is currently £8.00. Please note where extra one to one is needed on top of class time the cost is £30 per hour, per person.

During your Reiki home study training course you will read text, look at images and read summaries, you will listen to Taggart talking, be guided through energy exercises and watch demonstrations, and of course you will be in contact with us regularly and asking questions when you need to. In fact, I think that this home study course has some definite advantages for you when compared with a ‘live’ course: instead of having the time available to you limited by the length of a two day course, you can now work by yourself for a much longer period, and you will have the opportunity to spend a lot longer working with the various exercises. This is why Reiki home study is so effective: you have the opportunity to work with the energy for far, far longer than is possible on any live courses, and you receive the undivided attention of your teacher.
“Lisa is a wonderful instructor. The Reiki course she has created is nothing short of life-changing. Her energy is soothing and friendly, and the way she teaches each lesson is very easy to digest, and unintimidating. My life is greatly improved since taking this course, and I can't recommend enough, that you give it a try too. I am so excited about my new life with Reiki. Thanks Lisa!”
Within easy reach of Amersham, Aylesbury, Ascot, Beaconsfield, Bourne End, Bracknell, Berkshire, Buckinghamshire, Chesham, Cookham, Gerrards Cross, Great Missenden, Hazlemere, Henley, Hemel Hempstead, Holmer Green, Hertfordshire, Maidenhead, Marlow, Princes Risborough, Prestwood, Oxfordshire, Reading, Thame, Taplow, Surrey, Wendover, Watford, Watlington & Windsor.

“I really enjoyed the class and it meant a lot that you were always there to answer any questions that I had. I am also grateful for the continued support after the classes are over. It is one thing to have a teacher and another thing to have a mentor and you are definitely a mentor! Your responses were always enthusiastic and it made me feel like no questions is too small to ask. Thank you for being a wonderful and supportive teacher! :)” Durga, Singapore

You can! Well, you need to have taken First and Second Degree already, and we recommend that you leave at least six months between your Second Degree and Master Teacher courses. This gives you a chance to get grips with, and practise, what you learned. It’s not a race! And if you’re coming from a different lineage, that’s no problem: we’ll send you downloads of our First and Second Degree course materials for free!
Mastership allows you to pass the Reiki ability to others, and you will be using the course manual (with step-by-step instructions, digital images, drawings and summaries), the Audio CDs and the DVD to make the process of learning attunements as straightforward as possible. You will practice the attunement process extensively during your home training with Reiki Evolution. We use the example of a Second Degree attunement as a focus for teaching, then going on to talk about the differences between that attunement and those at First Degree and Master levels.
By having on CDs the main things that are said to you on the day course, you are focused on the important themes of the course before you arrive for your two days of live training, and you can ‘take your course home with you’ to review once you have returned home, and during the following weeks and months after the course. You won’t forget what you were told on the course because it is all there for you in black and white in the manual, you can hear it on the audio CDs and watch it on the DVD at home!

Practicing in person with your fellow students also provides immediate feedback. In my Reiki workshops, I always have students practice with each other more than once and with different students, so you get a sense of working with different people’s energy. Our individual energy is an imprint unique and distinct to each of us (and it’s one of the things I love about my work, noticing the beautiful differences from client to client, student to student.)

“Many thanks for guiding me through such a rich and full course. I was very impressed by the quality of the materials in particular the attunements section. You managed to break down a complex procedure into understandable and memorable steps and repeating across different media and formats really helped the learning process.” Clare Ewins, West Sussex
This course was given to me as a gift from my son when my husband was gravely ill. The information given is clear and easy to follow and the attunement was amazing. We were able to help my husband pass in a serene and spiritual way and it also gave us the strength and focus we desperately needed at the time. Ongoing messages and support make this course a pleasure and to be able to progress in our own time without any pressure means that everyone who undertakes this course will enjoy the journey as well as achieving the end goal. It is obvious to me that making money out of helping others is not the focus of this course as many other reiki courses cost many hundreds of dollars so the teaching given is truly given for the good of all and not for profit. I am very grateful for the opportunity that I have been given and I send my love and light to all that are connected with this course. I can’t recommend it highly enough and hope that your journey will be as fulfilling as mine. Love and Light Sue xxxx
The Reiki attunement can start a cleansing process that affects the physical body as well as the mind and emotions. Toxins that have been stored in the body may be released along with feelings and thought patterns that are no longer useful. Therefore, a process of purification prior to the attunement is recommended to improve the benefit one receives. The instructions on preparing for an attunement is as:-
“What we have tried to do is to provide our students with a ‘learning smorgasbord’, where they can use the material or medium that best suits their particular learning style: we have text, we have images, we have summaries and flow-charts and diagrams and even puzzles, we have audio commentary and instructions and we have video sequences. By using these different media in combination with each other, and by having students carry out extensive practical exercises over many weeks, learning and understanding is enhanced.”
Absolutely! Rather than a couple of weekend courses you will likely pay thousands of dollars for, you can take all the time you need to go through the material and practice while having the support of your Teacher and classmates to connect with. I have had countless students who have taken previous in-person Reiki courses comment on how much more information they received in this course as well as how powerful the attunements were in comparison to the ones they received in person.