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Becoming a Reiki Master will tremendously boost your competence and confidence. It is a giant step towards a more fulfilled life. You will learn essential skills that you can use to build an income from what you love doing, helping you to bridge the gap between your work life and a spiritual life. The advanced techniques provide powerful tools to clear physical, mental, emotional and spiritual blocks to abundance, health and harmony.
Of course, if you’re becoming a Reiki Master then you will learn how to carry out Western-style Reiki attunements, but you have a real treat in store for you: we will teach you how to carry out Reiju empowerments, which are beautiful, flowing initiations that come from Japanese Reiki and which were used by Mikao Usui’s students. You’ll also learn how to empower yourself through the power of Shinto mantra and visualisation, something that is lacking from standard Western Master training.

‘Solas’ is the Scottish Gaelic word for 'Light', which is in reference to the spiritual illumination offered to you with these Reiki Training courses. Reserve your spot on one of my Reiki courses, take advantage of over 13 hours of guided video lectures and reveal the secrets to achieving peace and happiness. It’s time to awaken to your True Self. Begin your online Reiki Training Today!
I have taught many people in person since then, but I am aware of how hard it can be for many people to access what they truly want to study or participate in.  For many it may seem impossible to study Reiki with their children keeping them so busy or their work hours not allowing them to find time for classes. Maybe you have a chronic illness that keeps you from enjoying a class. Hence, our ONLINE training! We are very proud of our high-quality online training and we hope you will be too!  Join us and you will see how amazing the Reiki can be... especially when you are the one who can instantly turn it on to be used during those necessary moments of healing or relaxation.  

Second degree is distant healing: students learn to replace the hand-to-body contact with a mental connection when needed so that healing can be offered even when touch is impossible or inappropriate. (For example, psychotherapists may choose to learn Second degree to bring another dimension of healing into therapy sessions.) Second degree techniques can also be used to enhance hands-on treatment.
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If you’re someone who already is very comfortable working with energy, then having less guidance and practice opportunities through an online experience might be just fine. Especially if you already have other types of energy or bodywork experience under your belt, or are interested in using Reiki with friends/family and yourself versus starting a professional Reiki practice.
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"After completing this course, I feel as if my Reiki journey has been brought full circle. And with that, the discovery that everything in me that I long thought was missing, broken or in need of fixing, has been here all along, fully formed, beautifully and perfectly imperfect, and exactly right. And I cannot imagine a greater gift than that." Ash