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“Just a note to thank you for your e-mail and to say how much I appreciate all the back-up support you give and how well you keep your students up-to-date. You are so incredibly good about answering questions (even my fussy ones!) and responding to e-mails immediately. You have certainly helped in building my confidence & freeing me from ‘structured’ Reiki & for that I thank you.
There three levels in reiki namely level 1, level 2 and the final level which gives you the status of a Reiki master which is level 3. Keeping in mind our hectic and busy lifestyle it might not always be possible for everyone to attend Reiki Healing Training personally, but we live in a day and age where technology and internet make a lot of things very easy for us.
Reiki is easily learned and practiced as self-care by anyone who is interested, regardless of the person's age or state of health. Children can learn to practice, as can the elderly and the infirm. No special background or credentials are needed to receive training. One of the hallmarks of Reiki practice is its simplicity: it can be learned in about ten hours of in-person training, generally offered in group class formats, and doesn't require knowledge of either subtle bioenergy or healthcare.

Find out how long the class is; ask for an outline of what you will be taught and the cost. In a first degree Reiki class you should be taught a sequence of hand positions for treating yourself and other people, and given time to practise these in the class.  You may also be taught about treating animals and plants. You will be usually told the history and principles of Reiki and there will be opportunities for you to ask questions.

You can certainly learn about reiki online but you can’t be taught how to practice Reiki online. Some of the material found in online course can be a nice supplement, providing it’s correct and not full of myth and fallacies, which tends to be the case. If you want to learn Reiki you don’t need to travel to Japan but it’s crucial that you understand Japanese culture and the origins of Reiki, its methods, teachings and evolution.
Reiki training can be quite emotional and intense, that is why all my Reiki training is conducted in small groups or 'one-on-one'. Also, as my student I guarantee your comfort and well-being. I will always be there for you if you need me. I carry out debriefings and follow-up meetings and/or online conferences with all my students as part of the training package.
Over time, you will learn from experience that the guidance of Reiki is worthy of your trust. Once you have surrendered completely, you will have entered the Way of Reiki. When you do this, you will be at peace with the past and have complete faith in the future and know that there never was anything to worry about. Your life will work with ever greater harmony and you will feel that you have reached your goal of wholeness even as you continue to move toward it!

Upon first meeting our tutor she made me feel completely relaxed and she had a calm and peaceful air about her which rubbed off on you straight away….she has a wonderful teaching manner that was most captivating and she held your undivided attention throughout. She made me feel completely safe during my attunement and her care and nurture was a perfect balance. I was lucky that there was only me and one other student, so we had more time with the tutor on a personal level.
"After completing this course, I feel as if my Reiki journey has been brought full circle. And with that, the discovery that everything in me that I long thought was missing, broken or in need of fixing, has been here all along, fully formed, beautifully and perfectly imperfect, and exactly right. And I cannot imagine a greater gift than that." Ash