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Reiki level 3a Master Practitioner, deepens our understanding of the second level symbology and further enhances our Reiki practice by offering us new tools and methods. I enjoy layering my teaching so that at each level a new insight into why we do things a certain way opens up for us. In level 3a, we start to bring the whole system together and gain understanding as to why certain mudras, mantras and symbols are part of the Reiki system. Further to this we are shown the Reiki master symbol and given it’s uses in the practice of Reiki. The master 3a level completes your Reiki training and will give you all the tools and confidence you need to facilitate a Reiki healing practice.

I was able to meditate for a half hour before receiving my attunement, and I felt ready to receive the Reiki Melissa sent, but I had no idea it would be so powerful. It was late at night and everyone was sleeping but me, and right away my hands became hotter than they ever have. My entire body began buzzing. I closed my eyes to tune into the energy and attunement, and I could see the different symbols swirling around my head. Each had its own color, and as they entered my crown, I felt another jolt of peace and energy. Once all five were in my crown, my hands started to vibrate. Each symbol came yet again, this time entering each palm. My hands became hotter and hotter, and my entire body started to sing. Of all the attunements I’ve received, this was by far the most powerful and clear. As she cleared my chakras, I felt my body unravel and the stress lift. Everything was at peace.
Learning Reiki is a good starting point for experiencing and working with healing energy and a wonderful method for depending awareness of universal energy. In general, Reiki complements other healing methods and spiritual practices. There are no hard and fast rules about how to approach starting Reiki and starting healing. You will only know it once you experience the universal power within yourself.
Melissa’s Reiki course is outstanding! She designed very detailed lessons that are user-friendly, thorough, and practical to learn. Everything flowed with ease throughout the course! Melissa offers her philosophy of the Reiki path, and I deeply resonate with her teachings. She has an extremely caring presence that radiates to you even though this is a distance course. I highly recommend her courses! This is essential for anyone who is on a healing path! It was truly a pleasure:).
2. Elaine will be in contact and confirm your attunement time, either at 9am or 5pm UK time over 2-4 days. During your designated time it is recommended you take time to sit and receive the attunement in a quiet place, you will only need to sit for 5 minutes for each attunement. There are four attunements in total spread over 2-4 days.  Being awake or mindful is not necessary, it is just more fun!
The duration of a Reiki treatment depends on the magnitude of the problem. For small problems like common colds, fever, sinusitis, etc, between 4 to 7 days is recommended. For long standing or chronic problems like skin diseases, allergies, arthritis, diabetes, cancer, etc, a minimum of 21 days healing is suggested, and if needed, another 21 days of healing after 3 months.
Elizabeth's Reiki and Metamorphic Technique courses have been accredited by IPTI (Independent Professional Therapists International) which means that on completion of the training you can be insured through IPTI as a practitioner, Master Practitioner or Master teacher. She is also a teacher member of The UK Reiki Federation and registered with the International Centre for Reiki Training (ICRT) and  Master Teacher for the Diana Cooper Foundation.
Q. I'm attuned to Usui-Reiki II, and use various Rainbow Reiki techniques and Japanese techniques (e.g., hatsurei ho, reiji ho, byosen etc), and really want to expand my Reiki "toolbox" by learning Seichem. I know that Gateway teach both together, but it seems pointless me coming along to one of the courses, and paying again for the Usui-Reiki I and II, when all I want is the Seichem part! Will you consider doing separate courses, so that I don't end up repeating myself?!
“The course exceeded my expectations. I had a wonderful teacher who put us all at ease and taught it as though we had not already learned it so the bits I was not too sure about were fine and I know I will continue to study the materials and practice all those important exercises and meditations way into the future. I was also relieved there were only 2 other students there as it was very easy to discuss stuff and share experiences. When I first did my 1 & 2 there were a dozen so it was hard to do that and I was so much more nervous and shy then. By keeping classes small I felt there was more to gain.
What do we look for in someone when considering them as Reiki Teachers? An enthusiasm for the subject, humility, experience, a desire to help and serve, an open heart? Ironically most people who I have taught to be Reiki Teachers were usually the last to believe they could be. If you feel a pull to do this, that is sufficient for me and together we will develop your skills and practice to another level giving you the knowledge and confidence to take someone through Reiki training yourself.
I have taught many people in person since then, but I am aware of how hard it can be for many people to access what they truly want to study or participate in.  For many it may seem impossible to study Reiki with their children keeping them so busy or their work hours not allowing them to find time for classes. Maybe you have a chronic illness that keeps you from enjoying a class. Hence, our ONLINE training! We are very proud of our high-quality online training and we hope you will be too!  Join us and you will see how amazing the Reiki can be... especially when you are the one who can instantly turn it on to be used during those necessary moments of healing or relaxation.  

Receiving attunements/reiju: Students are more or less sensitive to energy, especially as a beginner Reiki student, and will often feel and notice physical, mental, and emotional sensations during the attunement more easily with their Reiki teacher right in front of them performing the attunement. (It also helps their linear mind to trust that something is happening!)
When I first became a Reiki Master Teacher, I agreed to use my Reiki in whatever way would best help this planet and all life on it. I started this Reiki website and began to teach in-person Reiki classes throughout Southern California and Big Sur. I loved it, but found myself wanting to reach all the people around the world who emailed me and wanted to learn Reiki but couldn’t physically come to my classes.
12. By receiving an attunement you will become part of a group of people who are using Reiki to heal themselves, and each other, and who are working together to heal the Earth. You will also be receiving help from Reiki guides and other spiritual beings who are also working towards these goals. While Reiki is not a religion, you may prepare your mind with intention work and pray in a religious mode comfortable to you to prepare to open to higher spiritual energies and experiences.
Once you have completed this course you can join the Reiki and Seichem Association. You can also add this therapy to you existing insurance policy. Alternatively if you do not have insurance your tutor will be able to give you details on how to obtain the appropriate cover. You will then be able to use your newly acquired technique, be able to charge and practice on the general public.
You can only learn Reiki from a qualified Reiki master. One way to find a Reiki master is to ask friends that practice Reiki with whom they studied. You can also ask local practitioners of other complementary therapies, such as massage or shiatsu, because these practitioners often know other complementary therapy providers. Or you can check bulletin boards in yoga studios and health food stores or inquire if your local hospital has a complementary or integrative medicine service. Since Reiki is used by many people to cope with chronic illness, any local organization that offers services to people with illnesses such as cancer, HIV, fibromyalgia, or diabetes may have a list of community resources.

Honestly, I didn’t know what to expect. I had been teaching telepathic interspecies communication online and distance for years, and I knew that one of the wonderful benefits of Reiki is that it can be practiced at a distance. I was confident that I could create a distance learning environment that would give people the training and the tools that they needed to become competent Reiki practitioners.
Reiki is a healing art. You will be able to affect change in your own energy field as well as that of others. It is important to have a teacher present with the student during learning to identify such things as proper hand placement and make corrections as needed. It is also helpful for students to practice with each other in the presence of a teacher so that they can ask questions about what they are experiencing and feeling.
“The initial material sent out for pre-study (audio CDs, DVD, course work etc.) for me was a God send. It gave me the opportunity to get to grips and prepare for the live tuition. I was prepared for the day having learnt all attunements, empowerments, kotodama etc. Also gave me plenty of time to meditate on the necessary symbols and be able to differentiate the frequencies of energy.”
I teach from two main Reiki lineages - the Western and Japanese teachings which both originate from Mikao Usui. Learning from two lineages - Usui Shiki Ryoho & Usui Reiki Ryoho will give you a broad, balanced and authentic view of the system of Reiki. The key to understanding Reiki is to experience and practically apply the energy. For this reason our Reiki 1 & Reiki 2 courses are taught over 2 days each (14 contact hours). Unlike shorter, 1 day Reiki courses or Reiki 1 & 2 weekends - this allows ample time for practice, questions and understanding Reiki theory, history & philosophy. This enables you to feel confident and empowered in using Reiki at every level.
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After attunement, the Master will adjust your frequency to the healing frequency. After a few months, it might get out of sync, and you might not feel ok again. At this point, you will be able to ask the Reiki Master to lock your frequency in your aura forever, and this process is done using the Secret Symbols, that have been re-discovered by Dr. Mikao Usui in March 1922. These symbols have been secretly passed along to the most devoted Reiki practitioners since then, and some teachers even charged $10,000.