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"The teaching style was perfect for me, a balance of being serious, lighthearted, and patient. The healing sessions were powerful and useful for learning new techniques, and the advanced healing treatment really inspired me. I really enjoyed the attunement process and the manner in which it was conducted was beautiful. Overall the workshop reignited my passion for Reiki and I feel more strongly connected to the energy and the system. I am looking forward to the next step! Thank you Rich".

The course is flexible, easy to follow, heaps of resources at hand and support is always at hand and it is self passed. You would spend more on a material item any day of the week such as tablets for pain or medicines and vitamins, yet this is a gift that keeps on giving and allows you to help people in physical and emotional pain and suffering and you can even help your animals and pets!

Melissa has a lot of passion for her work and students. Recently completed Reiki course online which was well set out and easy to follow. The amount of help and information is above and beyond any study I have completed. Melissa is a natural born spiritual lady who choose to use her gift to help and educate people and I would like to say a “Big thank you” for this wonderful journey that Reiki has taught me. Further more thanks Melissa for mentioning my beloved spiritual cat Mojo!
Stage 3 This stage is all about becoming familiar with the new symbols that we cover on the Master course. Firstly you will receive a distant Master attunement. Then you will learn to become familiar with the characteristic energies of the two ‘Master’ symbols, and some other symbols, and you will learn how to use the symbols in practice. Finally you will learn how you can, with time, move beyond the symbols to access their energies direct. It will take about 10 hours to carry out these various tasks, over 10 days.
Activation of Reiki within a persons hands is made possible by a simple process called an "attunement". The attunement or empowerment is performed by a Reiki Master during a workshop. It is the attunement which allows the person to tap into and channel the Reiki energy. It cannot be learned from books or just being talked about.  Without the attunement you may direct healing energy, but it will not be Reiki energy.
This course comprises of three levels. Level I is said to teach you the origins of Reiki, the benefits of Reiki treatment and the correct positions required for a Reiki treatment. Level II is a much more in-depth course that introduces Reiki power symbols. The goal of the Level III is to teach you about attunements. The lessons were designed by Rosemary Owen, Usui Reiki Master and a senior Clinical Hypnotherapist. This course might be a solid choice for individuals with an interest in holistic therapy.
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Stage 7 This stage is all about Western attunements. You will be learning how to carry out a Second Degree attunement, and you will practise carrying it out. Then you will learn how to carry out a Western Master attunement. Finally you will learn how to carry out the First Degree attunements. It will take about 8 hours to carry out these various tasks, over 7 days.
Preparing for professional practice: If you’re considering offering Reiki as a professional practitioner, it’s important to have lots of practice giving Reiki sessions (one of my former teachers said you should give at minimum 100 sessions before you even think about charging and working professionally!). (Want more info on professional practice? I wrote a book, Building a Powerful Practice: Successful Strategies for Your Wellness Business, that can help you.)
If after the training urgent matters or questions arise, I can always be contacted or you can ask your questions on the Live-Reiki Forum. This limited access internet forum gives my students a very safe environment to share experiences and discuss Reiki and general spiritual questions. I also suggest a Reiki buddy for personal sharing and exchange of energy. The Forum can be helpful in that too.
If you want to learn crystal reiki healing, check out this course. If you're completely new and want a solid introduction course, check out this one. If you're looking to become a Reiki teacher, check out this one. If you want to learn self-healing, check out this course. If you're looking to practice Reiki on family members and friends, check out this option. 

Heaps of people offer Reiki courses at hundreds if not thousands of dollars and the ability to heal another soul is a gift every soul on the planet should have and use for the benefit of our planet. This course is the real deal run by a fellow light worker, as a profession I work as Career Fire Fighter and I am a Station Officer and also a volunteer Fire Fighter, My Mum worked in the hospital for 25+ Years and my and her whole life interests have been in helping others.

LOVE this course! I feel the curriculum strives to focus on important information that is key to learning Reiki. Also, it is written in a clear and concise manner so it is easy to follow and understand. I tried other Reiki courses and never felt connected and felt like perhaps it was wrong for me, but this has a totally different dynamic. And it is so affordable and really gives a comprehensive view of Reiki and how to use it!
“Many thanks for guiding me through such a rich and full course. I was very impressed by the quality of the materials in particular the attunements section. You managed to break down a complex procedure into understandable and memorable steps and repeating across different media and formats really helped the learning process.” Clare Ewins, West Sussex
“This course was amazing – in depth, explicit and diverse. Extremely well supported by the written word, audio, visuals and e-mail.” Carol Gunn, Hampshire  “To start with I was unsure whether a home study course would be as beneficial as attending a course in person. But this course has more than exceeded my expectations. The manual is so comprehensive and easy to read, it’s more of a pleasure to read rather than a course manual. Along with the CDs it is very easy to work through and follow the detailed instructions for each section. I liked being able to report back after each section and awaiting Taggart’s quick e-mail response. I am sure that by working through the energy practices at your own speed has actually strengthened the use of the energy in everyday practice. By being able to do this at your own speed takes the pressure off, whereas if you attended a course with a set timetable you have to work at the speed of everyone else.” Melanie Perry, West Sussex  “All questions I asked were responded to quickly and with accurate information and it is easy to tell that Taggart is very well informed and passionate about Reiki. I thought the whole of the home study course was amazing, it is very well presented and easy to read and follow. I liked the fact that it gave me the flexibility to study around my accountancy exams and full time work.” Niki Leach, Tyne and Wear  “Excellent. Very personal, very inspiring, and always encouraging. You are a natural! Okay I had to wait a few times for the feedback, but if I hadn’t set out to do a ‘war and peace’ job on my feedback I would have got a quicker response. The feedback was always welcome, and always useful.” Jon O’Neill, Nottinghamshire  “Your support was as if you were by my side, encouraging and reminding.” Susan Robinson, County Durham  “The support was excellent. it was great to be able to email thoughts and questions and know that I would get an honest reply, some positive feedback and some pointers to improve my practice. I don’t know how you manage this, considering the number of students you have and all the other things that you develop! I think that the structured approach to the distant learning course, with feedback at each stage is so beneficial, compared to learning everything in a weekend and then only approaching the Reiki Master if you are struggling with something.” Lucy Wilkinson, West Yorkshire
Please Note: Deposits are non-refundable, but can be transferred to another class within 1 year. Where there is non-attendance at a class without prior notice 48 hours before hand the deposit is forfeit. If a deposit is not received before the course then an extra charge is due for producing the certificate after attendance. The charge is currently £8.00. Please note where extra one to one is needed on top of class time the cost is £30 per hour, per person.
As we grow up, we find ourselves more and more exposed to temptations, greed, anger, jealousy and other negativities. Unconsciously, our parents teach us not to listen to our bodies, by forcing us to eat/ do things that we do not want to. All these have a damaging effect on the endless flow of energy that we receive from the universe - it blocks the path.
First degree is usually taught over 8-12 hours. Students practice Reiki self-care and share Reiki with one another. This class prepares students to give themselves daily Reiki for life. Students learn hand placements to use when sharing Reiki with family or friends, either through a full session or an abbreviated chair session, as well as how to offer Reiki in acute situations and through informal "spot therapy." Reiki classes offered to nurses and other health care professionals often include content on Reiki application in clinical settings. Although the class is primarily experiential, the Reiki master gives an overview of the history and precepts of Reiki. Most importantly, the Reiki master initiates students so they become empowered conduits for Reiki energy. Traditional First degree training includes four initiations. For most people who want to practice on themselves and family, First-degree training is all they need.
I thoroughly enjoyed this course. Melissa has a way of passing on her knowledge that makes it feel like you are talking with an old friend. Melissa’s love and passion for what she does shines through and inspires you to know more and more. I am grateful for the attunment that Mel performed as part of this course. If you are looking for an affordable, easy to follow, information packed course on Reiki, this is the course for you. A big thank you to Melissa for honouring us with this course xoxo
A. Many teachers started with Usui Reiki which is excellent then are introduced to this system which does not take anything away from the Usui method. This system just adds to what you already have to make the system of healing you offer even stronger. It is excellent for those of you who have done Usui Reiki or just as good for those of you new to healing.
Interestingly I gave a friend who is already 2nd degree a first degree empowerment and the results have been stunning. She is very sensitive to the energies and has always been a guinea pig for me. Not only did she experience a huge jolt as I formulated my intention but in the week since she has been feeling excellent and has dealt, with ease, with some stressful problems which would normally have reduced her to quivering jelly. This is the kind of feedback which makes it all worthwhile for me.
P.S. - With many different Reiki Courses & training available it can be challenging to find the one that fits with your goals. Believe me, I know the feeling. Reiki Solas is not just another form of Reiki Training. It's a deep spiritual practice used to achieve REAL spiritual growth and development. If you're serious about evolving spiritually and discovering Truth, then these Reiki Courses are for you. I don't sell hope and false promises, just change. My promise, is to change you for the better!
Original Japanese Reiki is a very free and fluid system, free from the dogma and rules that infest Western-style Reiki training. An important part of the Master Teacher level is to full open to your intuitive powers and to explore the power of intent. You”ll learn how to allow the energy to guide you and provide you with all the insights you need to help people in the most powerful way.
Many Reiki masters have websites or brochures that describe their training, experience and classes. If you do not find such information, it is reasonable to have a brief conversation to ask some questions. Many of these questions are the same ones you would ask a Reiki practitioner, as outlined in the section How Can I Find a Qualified Practitioner.

“I really enjoyed the class and it meant a lot that you were always there to answer any questions that I had. I am also grateful for the continued support after the classes are over. It is one thing to have a teacher and another thing to have a mentor and you are definitely a mentor! Your responses were always enthusiastic and it made me feel like no questions is too small to ask. Thank you for being a wonderful and supportive teacher! :)” Durga, Singapore

There are schools that teach parts 1 & 2 over 2 days or more but usually they have far more students and hence, larger classes. Gateway Workshops specialize in smaller classes, giving the benefit of individual and personal attention to students. You will also receive a detailed manual within the price of the course. Our Reiki and Seichem Course have been running very successfully for over 13 years with fantastic feedback.

Learning Reiki from Brooke was one of the best experiences of my life and it changed me in many profound ways. Her Reiki book feels very soothing and peaceful, and knowing Brooke, that is because it is infused with her essence…she truly “walks her talk” and is one of the kindest and most loving people I know. If you want to learn the basics of Reiki, I strongly recommend her book. And if you decide to take a Reiki class, there is no better teacher out there to learn from than Brooke!

Before I took Reiki I was spiritually healing at times and did some training in 2000 at my local spirituals church as a trainee healer. However Reiki really appealed to me much more so, and I love it! I found Reiki attunements really helped in the reconnection to the life force energy and it has much more in depth teachings, to aid the student progression through the different levels of Reiki, for a much deeper understanding of how it works and how best to use and apply it.
Melissa your Reiki Master is amazing. Her course is for anyone from the beginner to people who work with energy on a regular basis. The course is set to work at your own pace and Melissa is always there if you need her. She is very understanding, honest, and no question is too trivial. I have been studying the Reiki Healer course now for a month and am ready to hand in my work. I loved it so much I practised every day. I have healed myself and that was my main aim of doing this course. Thank you Melissa.

We celebrate all Reiki paths, as long as they are provided with the positive and loving intention needed to ensure quality education, encouragement and enduring support for the student.  We accept that the unique character of one program over another does not imply dishonour or lack of credibility, but fosters in us the greatest of understanding and awakens our heart of compassion. We will, in-terms of connecting to other agencies, be gaining membership with those whose views are similar to or accepting of our own.  Great success to everyone!
The goal of this online Reiki course is to learn how to use Reiki as a healing and personal growth system. It was designed by Lisa Powers, Udemy award-winning instructor, and Amy Grant, Reiki teaching assistant, who state that the lessons show you how to perform Reiki from a distance. This Reiki course might be a good choice for both beginners and individuals who want to take their practice to the next level.

Think of this like a music radio where you change the frequency until you listen to your favorite music station. Here the Reiki Master will tune you until you are on the Reiki healing frequency. Note that after one attunement you will be on the right frequency but after a few days, you will decade to the wrong frequency again. For this reason, it is recommended to repeat the attunements when you feel like your frequency is on the wrong channel. Initially, you should do 2 or 3 attunements to lock yourself in the correct frequency for a few months. Only on our website, after you are attuned, the Reiki Master will channel an additional Universal Life Force Energy to your aura to strengthen your attunement.