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Reiki is a sacred practice that requires reverence and our greatest respect if we are to experience its most wonderful value. The benefits of Reiki can be all encompassing, not only giving us the ability to heal ourselves and others, which by itself is deeply meaningful, but also bringing guidance for our lives. Its unlimited nature can create opportunities for continual growth, unfoldment and the awakening of our own boundless potential. The ever increasing joy, peace and abundance that await those who sincerely pursue the path of Reiki are not only a blessing to be enjoyed, but also contain the healing that the planet so dearly needs. Those who have been initiated into Reiki often feel this greater potential and aspire to continue on to the Advanced and Master levels.
Therapy Training School is an approved training provider, and our training courses throughout the UK are recognised and accredited for insurance purposes by UK governing bodies such as: The Guild of Beauty Therapists (GBT), the Guild of Holistic Therapists (GHT) and The International Institute for Complementary Therapists (IICT). Insurance can also be obtained for the UK via Towergate Insurance and Westminster Indemnity. You will be able to practice as a self-employed therapist or mobile therapist. Always check with your potential employer (or local council) to ensure that this Diploma will be accepted by them.
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After attunement, the Master will adjust your frequency to the healing frequency. After a few months, it might get out of sync, and you might not feel ok again. At this point, you will be able to ask the Reiki Master to lock your frequency in your aura forever, and this process is done using the Secret Symbols, that have been re-discovered by Dr. Mikao Usui in March 1922. These symbols have been secretly passed along to the most devoted Reiki practitioners since then, and some teachers even charged $10,000.
You can certainly learn about reiki online but you can’t be taught how to practice Reiki online. Some of the material found in online course can be a nice supplement, providing it’s correct and not full of myth and fallacies, which tends to be the case. If you want to learn Reiki you don’t need to travel to Japan but it’s crucial that you understand Japanese culture and the origins of Reiki, its methods, teachings and evolution.
The Reiki attunement is a powerful spiritual experience. The attunement energies are channeled into the student through the Reiki Master. The process is guided by the Rei or God-consciousness and makes adjustments in the process depending on the needs of each student. The attunement is also attended by Reiki guides and other spiritual beings who help implement the process. Many report having mystical experiences involving personal messages, healings, visions, and past life experiences.
Healing attunements seem to have derived from the work of William Rand, and are designed to be used to help a client open themselves fully to the effects of Reiki. I see them more as a Reiki ‘blessing’. Reiki Psychic surgery is a ritual which focuses your intent in a particular way. The microcosmic orbit meditation takes the energies associated with the Reiki symbols round the functional and governor channels, and crystal healing grids are used to send distant Reiki 24 hours a day by using ‘charged’ crystals in a particular geometric pattern. ‘Antahkaranas’ are Asian symbols that produce a healing effect of their own, without the need to be attuned to them. The basics of pendulum dowsing are presented in the manual, to allow students to look in more detail at their clients’ chakra systems and to contact their spirit guides if they wish to pursue this aspect of Reiki practice.
Some people say that they feel very detached from the world whilst undertaking a Reiki course, and that returning to ‘normal life’ can become very daunting and loud. Therefore we always recommend that you are kind to yourself for the first few days. Drink plenty of water and ensure that you are able (if possible) to rest and enjoy plenty of quiet time.
Our comprehensive range of Reiki Courses with step-by-step video tutorials have been written and created by industry experts and practising Reiki Masters giving you the most up to date knowledge in this fascinating field. Our wide range of Reiki courses, including Crystal Reiki, Animal Reiki and Angel Reiki offers the full spectrum of Reiki Healing will help you to build upon your skills and to grow your complimentary health toolbox.
Heaps of people offer Reiki courses at hundreds if not thousands of dollars and the ability to heal another soul is a gift every soul on the planet should have and use for the benefit of our planet. This course is the real deal run by a fellow light worker, as a profession I work as Career Fire Fighter and I am a Station Officer and also a volunteer Fire Fighter, My Mum worked in the hospital for 25+ Years and my and her whole life interests have been in helping others.
Fully accredited by the CMA (Complimentary Medical Association) our courses enable you to gain insurance to practice and to set up a new business in this field if you so wish. Your course assessments are also marked by experienced Reiki tutors answering your questions and offering help and support. Let us support you every step of the way – join our online student group, meet study buddies in your local area, and let our experienced tutors cheer you on as they mark your assessments throughout your new exciting journey!
“The course exceeded my expectations. I had a wonderful teacher who put us all at ease and taught it as though we had not already learned it so the bits I was not too sure about were fine and I know I will continue to study the materials and practice all those important exercises and meditations way into the future. I was also relieved there were only 2 other students there as it was very easy to discuss stuff and share experiences. When I first did my 1 & 2 there were a dozen so it was hard to do that and I was so much more nervous and shy then. By keeping classes small I felt there was more to gain.
Before taking your Teacher training you and I will discuss what you expect / will learn in the class and what your intentions are as a future Teacher. It is a serious step that requires adequate preparation, and you need to feel motivated and ready for it. Extended experience with practice in Reiki Degrees 1, 2, and Master is required and the experienced use of all the Symbols is a must. This usually can be done 1-2 years or later after the Reiki Master Degree is obtained.
One of the greatest joys of Reiki Mastership is teaching Reiki to others. Imagine the thrill of witnessing the members of your Reiki class receiving Reiki energy during the attunement. Then, as you guide them in its use, sharing in their joy and amazement as they experience it's gentle power flowing though them for the first time. As your students use Reiki to help family, friends and clients, a wonderful sense of spiritual connection will develop between all of you. Feelings of compassion and love for everyone will be strengthened as you merge with the Reiki Consciousness and know more deeply that we come from God and that we are all one in God.
“I am a trained trainer so am always professionally interested in the content, presentation and documentation of other people’s courses. I rate this one as superb in every way. Your manuals, CDs and DVD are excellent training materials in my view. Not only did I find them informative but also the way in which they were presented was designed to hold one’s attention. You made learning easy.”Mary-Jean Wood, France

Some people say that they feel very detached from the world whilst undertaking a Reiki course, and that returning to ‘normal life’ can become very daunting and loud. Therefore we always recommend that you are kind to yourself for the first few days. Drink plenty of water and ensure that you are able (if possible) to rest and enjoy plenty of quiet time.
(Please note: that the majority of Australian Reiki membership organisations do not currently accept Reiki students in their Practitioner and Master categories who have not received Reiki initiation and training in the physical presence of their initiating master. Your decision to learn via online training may affect your future ability to secure membership of a Reiki organisation or obtain insurance in Australia. This is because online training has not yet received universal acceptance, because of some people who have given the online training a bad name.)  

“I am a trained trainer so am always professionally interested in the content, presentation and documentation of other people’s courses. I rate this one as superb in every way. Your manuals, CDs and DVD are excellent training materials in my view. Not only did I find them informative but also the way in which they were presented was designed to hold one’s attention. You made learning easy.”Mary-Jean Wood, France

In Kyoto, there will be the opportunity for sightseeing and cultural exchange. The highlight of our visit will be a day trip to Mount Kurama, the very birthplace of Reiki where Sensei Usui meditated for 21 days and received the Reiki energy. Kurama has many different frequencies and patterns of high vibration. We will hike up to the top of the sacred mountain for a meditation, and the Masters attunement. On the way back down we will enjoy an outside bath at the local hot spring ‘onsen’.
This course was given to me as a gift from my son when my husband was gravely ill. The information given is clear and easy to follow and the attunement was amazing. We were able to help my husband pass in a serene and spiritual way and it also gave us the strength and focus we desperately needed at the time. Ongoing messages and support make this course a pleasure and to be able to progress in our own time without any pressure means that everyone who undertakes this course will enjoy the journey as well as achieving the end goal. It is obvious to me that making money out of helping others is not the focus of this course as many other reiki courses cost many hundreds of dollars so the teaching given is truly given for the good of all and not for profit. I am very grateful for the opportunity that I have been given and I send my love and light to all that are connected with this course. I can’t recommend it highly enough and hope that your journey will be as fulfilling as mine. Love and Light Sue xxxx
Learn Reiki self care online with me in an interactive live training that is as close as possible to being here in the room together. The sessions will be recorded and available to everyone who registers and attends the live event to use for review. You’ll be able to ask questions during our live gatherings and also on the private page where you can review the recordings.
During your home study course you will receive a series of distant ‘Reiju’ empowerments which are there to support your work with sacred Shinto mantras called ‘kotodama’ and to move you on to (or “attune” you) at Master level. These traditional Japanese empowerments help to open up further the channels through which Reiki flows, they emphasise to your system important aspects of the energy that you will be working with, and they introduce you powerfully to a state of oneness. They are equivalent to Western-style Reiki ‘attunements’ but come closer to passing on what was intended by Reiki’s founder, Mikao Usui. During your course you will also receive some Western-style Reiki “attunements” at a distance, so you will have been initiated using both original Japanese and Western-style methods. During the later stages of your course, you will ‘tune in’ to distant Reiju empowerments which we send out every day, on Mondays. Your Reiki potential will not lessen over time, so tuning into these empowerments is not essential, but doing so will make a difference to you and your Reiki practice and echoes the practice of Reiki’s founder, Mikao Usui, who empowered his students on a regular basis.
"I just wanted you to know, if you ever wonder if your courses are changing people, they are; and not only me but everyone I touch (literally). I have already had some incredible healing experiences with my friends and family. Thank you Lisa for your course, your guidance and your light. Never did I dream a simple Udemy course would change my life so profoundly." Greg M.